Sacred Names of God

This video is only ten minutes long and well worth watching through.

According to the KJV Bible, the name of God’s Son is Jesus Christ. So why do some now want to change it in some way?

Please note: Inclusion on this site does not imply agreement with or endorsement of anything said by that individual or organisation elsewhere, or any links therein. Some information could be doctrinally unsound.  Jesus repeatedly warned about deception in the Last Days. Pray for guidance and discernment and test everything against the word of God. “Beloved, believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God, as many false prophets are gone out into the world.” (1Jn 4:1) “They searched the scriptures daily whether those things were so.” (Ac 17:11)

Is “Jesus” a pagan name? Isn’t the name “Yeshua”, “Yehoshua”, “Yahshua”, or “Yahusha” more accurate?

The New Testament was written in Greek so clearly it was God’s choice to have the name of His Son given to us in Greek, which is ‘Iesous’. The English form is ‘Jesus’.

All the Hebrew and Aramaic names for Jesus contain an ‘h’ which Greek cannot represent due to the rules of its language and alphabet. “Iesous” (pronounced yay-soos) is the Greek spelling. This corresponds precisely to “Yeshua” which has no ‘h’ in the middle – only an ‘sh’ which was one letter [‘shin’] in Hebrew/Aramaic. Greek has no “sh” letter in its alphabet, so its spelling MUST use ‘s’ [sigma].

There are dangers in this for a number of reasons, not the least of which this can be used as a ruse to draw people into a cult that does not teach sound doctrine. It is well known that numerous variations in the name of Jesus have caused divisions and arguments between believers about which variation of the name of Jesus is correct. This is why scripture itself repeatedly tells us to keep to the Gospel given once to the saints and that means in every respect with no exceptions such as sacred names.

There doesn’t seem to be any harm in using the Hebrew version of the name of Jesus but we should be extremely careful not to be drawn into believing that this gives us some type of special power or authority, or provides a doorway to some type of special treatment or knowledge from God, or somehow feeds our sinful carnal pride.

“But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:23-24)

Also, there are several ‘sacred name’ Bibles available that are very expensive and some have other accompanying literature. Some of these contain alterations other than names so this can be used as a ruse to get people away not only from sound doctrine, but also from the KJV and other sound versions of the Bible. (That would not include the NIV and NKJV and other New Age versions – please see other articles on this site.)

Some of those names contain “Yah”, an abbreviation of the divine tetragrammation, YHWH or Yahweh.  If this was important or there was some magic in this, God would have told us so. Or else the New Testament would all have been written in Hebrew or Aramaic.

At the time of the New Testament church in the first century A.D., Hellenism had greatly influenced and changed the people and culture of Judea. Greek, not Hebrew, was the commonly used language of Palestine during the rule of the Roman Empire.

Greek was the leading written and spoken language of the eastern Mediterranean world when Rome ruled the world during the New Testament period, and it remained the dominant language until long after the time the Western Roman Empire fell in 476 A.D.

As the apostles and evangelists in the early Christian church aimed to reach as wide an audience as possible, they wrote their inspired words in Greek rather than Aramaic, Hebrew or some other language.

Iesous is a perfectly acceptable and understandable Greek rendering of the Hebrew Yeshua/Yehoshua. The name Jesus isn’t wrong or ‘pagan’ —  it’s just a different language.

Brief Description of The Sacred Name Movement
Wright Way: Divine Name Authorised King James Bible
Divine Name Kings James Version Bible

One Hundred Names of Jesus
Discerning False Teachers by Milton Green
Hebrew Roots Movement
Hebrew Roots: SA in Crisis – the dangers of Messianism, Hebrew Roots and Torah
Law and Grace Comparison Table
Hexagram Star of David or Not

Articles by Rick Becker Famine in the Land

7 effects of false teachings
10 ways to identify false teachings
10 ways false teachers ensnare people
10 invalid arguments in defense of false teachers
Invalid reasons for staying in a church teaching false doctrine
Like Jackals Among the Ruins


About Truth in Reality
This entry was posted in Another Gospel Another Jesus, Hebrew Roots Movement, The Bible, The Great Falling Away Today. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Sacred Names of God

  1. sarah hodgins says:

    It’s weird about these people who insist on calling Him “Yeshua” or whatever. His name in English is Jesus. I don’t speak Hebrew, I speak English. God knows Who we are talking about! So does everyone else. Nonbelievers will have no clue who this “Yeshua” is. It’s just like a new strange heresy to put down people who put the NT before the OT or who use “old fashioned” wording…very odd…

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