30 Traits of the Jezebel Spirit

The Jezebel spirit is described in the Bible in a story about a woman, Queen Jezebel, a daughter of a pagan king who married an king of Israel, King Ahab. (1Ki 16 – 2Ki 9)

“Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the Lord above all that were before him.” (1Ki 16:30)

Women who are unfaithful, uncaring or rebellious wives, are often called Jezebels but that was not the character of Queen Jezebel, who was a faithful wife but very evil in other ways.  So evil that when she cursed Elijah he felt as if he wanted to die. Jezebel did her utmost to turn the hearts of the people of Israel to Baal, an evil god of nature.

In the Bible story, when her husband King Ahab coveted a vineyard that was not for sale, Jezebel wrote letters falsely accusing the owner of the vineyard, and arranged for him to be killed so her husband could have his vineyard.

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387 Responses to 30 Traits of the Jezebel Spirit

  1. Zorah says:

    Sorry, but you are incorrect here; Jezebel is a specific demon and TEACHING; not a nasty person you might encounter on Sunday. Just as there is one HaSatan; there is one Jezebel. “I have a few things against you, because you suffer that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to TEACH and to SEDUCE my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed to idols.” Revelation 2:20. Notice Christ says “THAT WOMAN” not women, spirits, traits. Jesus is specifically talking about a feminie demon; Jezebel the princess of Tyre, i.e. Ishtar Queen of Heaven wife of Baal. Jezebel doctrine is likely Marian worship; Marian Apparitions” are likely this “woman” Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, and seeks worship and also sets up Baal-worship in the church. This Demon Jezebel posing as false Mary is mostly tolerated in Catholocism, and by Islam but is closely linked to doctrine of Balaam; a system of idolatry for love of money.

    • Keith S says:

      Zorah, scripturally, there are spiritual influences in our lives. A person can have a spirit speaking thru them and influencing them. Jesus said to Peter, “Get behind me Satan.” John the baptist came with the spirit of Elijah. People get possessed. Think of it this way. The openings in our lives, open the door for the enemy to use us. I’m not saying possession. But if you are not saved, I will say possession is a possibility. The spirit of Jezebel is REAL!!! If we are not submitted to Christ in every area of our life, then we are open to have demonic influence in our life. What would you be thinking if Jesus said to you, “Get behind Me Satan.”?

      • sparkle says:

        Keith, I was raised Catholic and I can tell you that most
        catholics DO worship Mary, and will even talk more about
        her than they do about Jesus. Don’t tell me they
        don’t do this because I grew up catholic and didn’t
        know better until I got saved in my early 20;s. The Pope
        talks more about “Mother Mary” than he does about
        Jesus, and most catholics think of her as “co-redemptress”,
        which is ridiculous because JESUS alone is the savior
        and He alone is able to hear and answer prayers. We
        are NOT to worship Mary in any way, shape or form. Yes,
        we should honor her as the mother of Jesus, but in no
        way should we place her above Him or even on the
        same level. She had to get saved just like anyone else.
        She was simply a vessel to carry the Lord into this earth.
        She herself is not to be worshiped the same way we
        worship Jesus. In fact, if you really want to honor Mary,
        get your eyes off of her and onto the one and only
        savior Jesus Christ. If Mary were here still on the earth
        she would tell Catholics to stop praying to her and
        focus only on her Son, JESUS, the one and only Savior!
        And please open your ears…..if you think Catholics
        don’t worship Mary, you need to pay more attention.
        Remember, this is coming from a former Catholic…who
        is now a born-again Christian.

        • Gem says:

          I am Catholic and we do not worship Mary. It’s actually stressed quite severely not to do so. You may only pray for her intercession.

          I really wanted to join you guys but with all the votes about Catholics worshipping Mary I guess you guys know more about my catechism than I do, so probably Catholics not so welcome?

      • Dan says:

        They also enjoy other people’s suffering and find it amusing. They tell lies and then hold the person whom they have lied to as accountable for the resulting negative effects, because you made the error of believing that the Jez was sincere. They imagine that you are going along with their lies, or they feel superior for pulling one over on you, but in the end they will blame and fault you for having being deceived when it blows up in their face. They will not take personal responsibility.

    • zmike says:

      Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ. Old Jewish tradition is that the queen is the mother of the king and not his wife or wives. You go to the queen and ask her to talk to her son for you. No catholic worships Mary so again the Leviathan spirit is in control here. She is an intercessor and we honor her. Jesus even told his disciples who is all who follow him that this is your mother. the angel of the lord stated that blessed are thou among women. pay attention to what God wants. it is not difficult. He wants you to love him and for him to love you. focusing on others is the works of satan.

      • Ally says:

        “She is an intercessor and we honor her.”

        Repeat the word INTERCESSOR.

        Now, recall back that Mary is currently DEAD.

        Now add these 2 together. INTERCESSOR + DEAD.
        (In case you may be thinking, well Jesus was dead too. You’re right. BUT,He RESURRECTED. Tell me when did Mary resurrected? )

        Does NECROMANCY rings a bell for you?

      • The Bible doesn’t say anything about Mary being the intercessor.

        Jesus is the intercessor between God and man, and the Bible clearly says He is the only one:

        “No man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)

        That doesn’t say “…except by me and my mother”.

      • Soldier4Christ says:

        Where in the bible does it say that Jesus told the disciples that Mary was their mother?
        I do want to point out that based on scripture Jesus never once called her mother and never once did He do any miracle by following her orders. Read what happened in the wedding at Cana how He called her woman and also He didn’t proceed to do what she said but instead He told her that His hour had not yet come. He and The Father worked as one. When He did the miracle at the wedding, He did it without Mary having to do anything with it, remember His reply to her woman, what have I to do with thee?
        Jesus did this so it would be clear to everyone that Mary did not have anything to do with Him while He lived doing His Father’s will and also so no one go worship or give credit to someone who had nothing to do with the main ones that give testimony in heaven who are The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost.
        There is no queen, you’ve been deceived.
        There is more explanation to this but not much is needed if you know the scriptures

      • Jay says:

        MARY IS DEAD……..She CANNOT intercede for anyone……ONLY JESUS CHRIST is alive,

      • Olo says:

        The one true and holy Catholic Church has what all the other incomplete and faulty denominations don’t have and that is the God-given authority as Jesus said to Peter-on this rock I shall build my church-to actually be the church of Jesus. With this continuation of authentic faith from Jesus the Goodman himself unto Peter and now to the current Catholic Church (the one true religion that guarantees your salvation).
        Catholic faith has the holy bible as well as tradition. It even states in the Bible that all the amazing works and sayings of Jesus as well as the apostles and his mother Mary his most perfect apostle could not fit because there would be too much to write. So it is known through tradition that Mary was assumed into heaven after her death. why? Because she was more than just a vessel, she was the beloved and holy mother of God. How could Jesus just come from some vessel? He was the most perfect and loving son with no sins that loved his mother and would never allow for her holy body to become corrupt in the ground.
        Read about Fatima apparitions. There were many nonbelievers, that woke up to the truth.

        • Gem Junior says:

          LOL at all the downvotes of the Catholic haters, they can’t handle the truth which is this is the one true holy apostolic church founded by Jesus Christ 2022 years ago. And the funniest part is how crazy these people get even though they are preaching out the store front window I don’t know I just don’t get it how you can think you’re so much better. Smh

      • NICOLLE says:

        I’m sorry- I am a former catholic but you sadly are wrong. You must read the BIBLE to learn the truth and the truth will set you free. I was catholic for over 30 years and finally found a church which is a bible preaching church – You are to have NO OTHER GOD EXCEPT ME- Therefore, don’t pray to Mary, PRAY TO JESUS- hE IS the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through the son, Jesus Christ. If the bible said – You can come to me through my son Jesus and his mother Mary then I would agree with you but that’s not what is written in the word. It’s unfortunate so many catholics are falling for the lies of the catholic church- I pray for my parents and my family because they are still catholic.
        If you are not BORN AGAIN you will not enter the gates of heaven. so please read John 3:16 and accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior and be saved- stop praying to Mary- yes she gave birth but our Lord and God never TOLD US TO PRAY TO HER- please do it before it’s too late. This pope is the anti Christ- wise up- listen to what he says. The word says don’t transform to the world but be transformed by renewing your mind (reading the bible) this pope is liberal, accepts lesbian/gay community and yes they cover up and move Priests that molest children. After the pope comes the devil himself who will perform mircales and will call himself Jesus the messiah- Do not be fooled- Jesus rose to heaven and will return from the sky- I pray you receive this in love – read your bible because God is showing us the birth pains- He’s preparing for the 2nd coming- the tribulation. chances are you haven’t talked about that in a long time or never have perhaps. They don’t want to educate the people and actually the service is very ritualistic= similar to Satanism. Be weary and watchful. I’ll pray for your salvation and again I say this all in love. I want to see you and meet you in heaven one day.

    • Soldier4Christ says:

      Zorah, I don’t understand your point when you say that jezebel is a demon and teaching not a nasty person. ..the title alone clearly described it is a demon, just by saying jezebel spirit, that is describing a type of demon.
      Spirits are not human, and when we read jezebel it is clear it is referring to a demon not an angel of God That is at Gods service

    • Diania says:

      Well Zorah, Keith S. is at point. When Jesus confronted that Jezebel spirit, yes it was in a woman. however, the bible did not specify that the Jezebel spirit, (demon however you want to identify it as) is only influenced through women, but it can be seen through any gender, age etc. The bible is not written in the literal, but in parables. Which is “a short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious principle, or moral lesson. a statement or comment that conveys a meaning indirectly by the use of comparison, analogy, or the like.” You can bet the Jezebel can come through anyone. Actually, looking at psychological disorder definitions, I would say that narcissistic personality disorder is the same as a jezebel spirit (demon).

      • It has been said that the Jezebel spirit is similar to or the same as narcissism, whether narcissistic traits or full-blown narcissistic personality disorder. Although it’s not presently clear to us whether that also applies to narcissism that is not in a religious context. HG Tudor talks about narcissists on his Youtube channel and often says things like: “Her narcissism won’t let her….” or “Her narcissism blinds her to….” Hmm, that does sound like demons.

        The Jezebel spirit most certainly does work through men. The Jezebel spirit is a controlling witchcraft spirit and men can be just as guilty of that as women. The Bible tells us that Jezebel had 850 male followers who ate at her table and did her bidding (like a type of cult) making them male witches.

        The Jezebel spirit is adept at hiding itself and has many faces, disguises and different identities, and is very deceptive and dangerous. People are more familiar with the more obvious feminine seductive prostitute-type aspect of the Jezebel spirit, but it has many other far more subtle manifestations. Furthermore, to help it carry out complex long-ranges strategies without detection, it often works with other demons in a coordinated network, for example alongside a witty and entertaining demon to hide its evil presence.

        • Judith says:

          Interestingly, detectives are aware that narcissistic males are more often murderers than narcissistic females. The desire for control becomes all-consuming.

      • Zorah says:

        The point is you are missing the entire context of how “Jezebel” was brought up by Christ in the book of Revelation. He identified Jezebel has a specific doctrine in Thyratira church. One can glean from Old Testament history of Elijah and Jezebel to gain in understanding how this doctrine operates in the church. I am not saying demons don’t possess or influence people. What the poster is describing are mainly behaviors attributed to works of the flesh.

        • Arendale says:

          Yes, the things the poster said do point to works of the flesh; but they also point to works of evil spirits. Let me give what to me is a brief lesson and remind you of the importance of exercising your discernment:

          The Bible includes witchcraft when talking about works of the flesh. (Gal. 5:19-21.) Works of the flesh and works of evil spirits basically always go together. This is why the NT makes no small ado about the believer’s need to EXERCISE his/her discernment. Even when we are asleep, our discernment is operating on the three levels of who we are: body, soul, spirit. That means that when we are awake, our bodily, soul, and spirit discernment continue to function which means that we are 24/7 discerning (distinguishing between) things even without our own awareness: our bodies discern what is a good or bad or comfortable weather or atmosphere or clothing or whatever we’re sitting on, etc.; our souls discern the same about places we are and people we’re around; and our spirits, which we are very often unaware of, do the same on the spirit plane in regard to the presence of God and angels, of evil spirits, and of spiritual atmospheres around us. (If this wasn’t true, why do you think that animals– like cats, dogs, and horses– can discern spiritual (spirit) and emotional (soul) atmospheres around people and places? If animals can do this, then humans can all the more.) In summary, we are tri-partite beings, therefore, though we live on the physical plane, we are connected with the spirit plane. That means that if I was proud in my soul (of my own flesh or choosing), then an evil spirit OF pride (that majors or functions in pride) has the RIGHT or legal doorway to attach to my pride which IS its home.

          The Bible says a lot but explains a very little. There are several reasons for this, but here are three:

          1. It is necessary for God to hide mysteries from people, because after the Fall, we became inclined towards evil and therefore would use mysteries/secrets/hidden things for our benefit and against others and God.

          2. “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter but the glory of the kings to search it out (find it)” (Pro. 25:2). God hides things on purpose so that the only ones who find it are the ones who actually want to know Him and His ways: “The secret (mysteries) of the Lord is with those who fear (honor, reverence, walk with) Him, and He will reveal (unfold, discover) His covenant (His ways) to THEM” (Ps. 25:14).

          3. It is necessary for us to learn to judge (discern) things by the Holy Spirit rather than with our own logic and intelligence and experiences, etc. Without the Holy Spirit, the Bible is completely DEAD. This is also God’s wisdom at work to hide His mysteries from untrustworthy people which Paul understood: “Men ought to regard us as servants of Christ and STEWARDS of the mysteries of God. Moreover, it is required in a steward that a man be found [who is] faithful” (1Cor. 4:1-2). The Bible says a lot, but God’s ways within them are hidden and uncovered only by the Spirit; so, the doorway (the Bible) is there but the Key (the Spirit as a Teacher) is given only to those God trusts.

          Jesus said it plainer than anyone could have when we wonder about issues that the Bible doesn’t specifically mention but that are factual, true, and RELEVANT: “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into ALL the truth” (Jn. 16:12-13). When we don’t have the Holy Spirit functioning in us to teach us, then we find truths hard to receive, even when they are in fact written plainly for us in the Bible (eg. how hard those without the Spirit find it to receive Eph. 4:11-16 and who say that apostles and prophets are no longer needed in the churches today though the Bible plainly says their ministries endure until Jesus closes out this earth age). Now, though our discernment is always functions, that doesn’t mean we are actually EXERCISING it. Exercising implies purposely practice. No one can work out at the gym without purpose or intent. We are to exercise our discernment purposely and with intent; our discernment is already always functioning 24/7 so we may as well do it purposely and benefit spiritually from it. So, yes, Jezebel and witchcraft are works of the flesh as well as evil spirits. They work together just as the Bible says constantly and often if you will ask the Spirit to open your eyes to what is clearly written on the Pages. I’ll close this out by posting a passage to show how effortlessly evil spirits and human flesh work together (please read this slowly and carefully and several times and see the distinction AND cooperation between evil spirits and the human flesh/soul or sin. Enlighten your heart and mind on how the Jezebel spirit (or evil spirits) works in tandem with people’s sins (or flesh) when the particular evil spirit has a home in (or finds agreement with) the person who is in sin):

          “And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, THE SPIRIT WHO NOW WORKS IN THE SONS OF DISOBEDIENCE, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others.” (Eph.2:1-3.)

      • EP says:

        “I would say that NPD is the same as a Jezebel spirit”. That is EXACTLY what I was thinking.

        • Judith says:

          You can search but will never find a Narcissistic abuser who is not possessed by the spirit of Jezebel. It’s a powerful and dangerous spirit which has been identified in scripture because it matters to God that we learn how to discern it. Normal persons do not behave this way because they have no desire to destroy, deceive, manipulate and control. That is the domain and desire of Jezebel. BE VERY CAREFUL if you plan to – or must – deal with one of them. Stay very close to the Lord and pray without ceasing.

          • Snoopy It Is says:

            Yep. I call it the ‘lucifer gene’. People who have it feel just like lucifer does towards 1.) God and towards 2.) people except, of course, not on the exact same level. When Jesus told the parable in Luke 18 about the judge who did not fear God or regard man (people), He was talking about a judge who was a narcissist and cared nothing for God’s laws or morality nor about his fellow human beings or their needs. The Bible talks about narcissists a great deal: Proverbs mentions them often, calling them names like “scoffer”. We see them among Jesus’s greatest fans’, the religious leaders of whom He rightly said, “You are of your father the devil.” Such strong words unless you start to see the ‘lucifer gene’ these people have– an anomalous gene that no one else has.

            The more you learn about narcissism and the Jezebel spirit, the more you see them throughout the Bible in people like King Nebuchadnezzar (before he was reformed), King Ahab, the Pharisees, Laban (Jacob’s uncle) and Nabal (Abigail’s late husband), Simon the sorcerer, Ananias and Sapphira, and many others. This is a great site for Christians and shows how the Bible defines narcissists and stories about narcissists in the Bible: https://biblicalperspectivesonnarcissism.com/

    • Donna Young says:

      Yes, the Baal spirit is deception for money in profits. While it may be an individual’s evil spirit, the love of money or profits can be set in policies approved by organizations, socities and associations. The members in those groups are attempting to serve two masters, if they belong to a Christian church. Their first loyalty will be to the policy of group they pay into, to be a member, and this membership is their security, the group, and not God. Their belief in God and do no evil is their lie because their security in a career and income must come first. The harm they do to others is the enforcement of their group’s policy, which is imposed as an authority. The group often seek a government professional Act, approving their polices and are what taxpayers, members of the public, must bow to. You may identify such groups with the Jezebal spirit, such as: Evolutionist authors, the colleges of medicine for midwives, nurses, doctors, and surgeons, and human organ and tissue banks, especially the placental and umbilical cord blood banks.

    • Mrs. JACKSON, CLEVELAND says:

      Jesus, are their biblical cleansing from this pastoral teachings as being established as a godly head in the body of Christ, as the eye of the beholder. How to get out the Hands of an Ahab Spirits, Strong holds in your city/state etc…

    • Jenny says:

      Excuse me but sorry. Sorry but excuse me: A Jezebel is totally, and utterly a nasty person you might encounter on Sunday, or in your own house, you know, your brother, sister, mom, or dad. Is a spirit, and would make use of any vessel (body). That’s their aim, isn´t it! And they sooo much enjoy this. Allowe me to tell you how I run into this word…. just by looking up at simple features of a narcissist. And why? ‘Cause I was straggling with one, this is it. There’s just no difference at all.

      • Arendale says:

        Jenny, there is indeed a difference between the Jezebel spirit and the narcissistic mind. While spirit and mind are almost basically the same thing (and therefore demons speak to you in your mind), it is still important to make distinctions.

        One important distinction between the spirit (Jezebel) and the mindset/stronghold (narcissism) is that every Jezebel (or everyone with a Jezebel spirit) IS a narcissist (and has narcissistic thinking); but not every narcissist is a Jezebel (or has a Jezebel spirit).

        The same from above can be said for psychopaths and sociopaths: every psychopath is also a sociopath, but not every sociopath is a psychopath. It’s true that narcissists ‘aren’t far from the kingdom of Jezebel’; but there is still a real distinction between a Jezebel [spirit] and a narcissist [mindset]. When dealing in the realm of christianity, a person who started out simply as a narcissist has a greater chance of turning into a Jezebel due to the ‘spiritual nature’ of church. The more the church practices ‘spirituality’ (IE. usually too spiritually-minded to be of any real earthly good), such as charismatic and pentecostal churches, the more likely that a narcissist will turn into a Jezebel.

      • ILoveHim says:

        Jenny, I agree. The secular interpretation of a Jezebel is a narcissist/NPD. They are one and the same. In other words, if it smells like an apple, looks like an apple, and tastes just like an apple…well, then it’s an apple.
        Too many people try to differentiate and use semantics to make distinctions between them when there really are none. A controlling spirit is a controlling spirit. Some people, however, allow themselves to be more fully taken over by it, while other people exhibit controlling tendencies in specific areas of their lives only. Any form of iiligitimate control manifesting in a person’s life will always be influenced by a Jezebel spirit, along with other cluster demons, behind the scenes. The root of rejection and bitterness are almost always an open door for the Jezebel spirit to take up residence and wreak havoc in a person’s life.
        Praise God for Jesus, His Blood, His Name, and The Word, and for giving us the ability to acquire wisdom and understanding about these things.

    • One may or may not respect what Derek Prince says but there is no doubt he knows what the Bible says and he is not alone among respected Bible scholars in saying that Christian can indeed ‘have’ a demon.

      Although that would be true Christians – as opposed to a false one who surely could be (and it is not always possible to know who that is) – cannot be totally possessed by demons as the Holy Spirit sets a seal on true believers.

      Christians of every description – whether male, female or otherwise – can certainly have demons or be harassed by them, etc. and hence the need for deliverance.

      There is a great deal of information available on the internet these days, whether in articles or on Youtube and lists of scripture, but always always consider the source.

      Christians can have demons that need to be dealt with

      • Valley Ant says:

        It’s not necessary to try to qualify what version of christian can or can’t have demons. It has to do with our ‘body parts’. Anyone who has a heart, which everyone does, can have a heart attack. Anyone who has a soul, which everyone has, can be inhabited by demons no matter their level of purification or sanctification.

        • Yes, that is correct. It is the conditions, not the gender. Evil spirits do not discriminate between male and female (or LGBTQ) and will operate whenever and wherever they can to do their evil work.

          Even animals, also called souls in the Bible, can be inhabitated by demons – who are not going to discriminate as to whether the animals are male or female, or LGBTQ etc.

          • Snoopy It Is says:

            Correct. It all has to do with legal ground. No one can say that the laws of physics no longer apply to believers and that a believer can jump off a 3-story building and not plummet to the ground below. The same, there are spiritual laws on the same logical level as 1 + 1 = 2. God made all laws witch means automatically that all laws are good. However when Adam and Eve sinned, then these laws that were once good for us became ‘hostile to us’ (Paul talks about this but only in light of the Mosaic Law which God also gave but which, due to sin, became ‘contrary to us’). If you cut your finger while preparing food, the law that causes pain and makes your finger bleed, God made it. God is fair meaning that the laws that apply to unbelievers also apply to believers. This applies to both material and immaterial laws.

            Proverbs 26:2 says, “Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow, so a curse without cause shall not alight.” Many Christians somehow twist this to mean that a curse can’t harm or affect a believer. But Proverbs is a book of logic common sense. We’re used to being preached at, and we approach the Bible as if it’s preaching at us. Therefore we often miss the common sense in it. Solomon is regurgitating common sense in most or all of Proverbs: if a bird has nowhere to land, then it can’t land and must keep flying till it wears itself out and just falls. (You don’t say.) When a curse has no ground to land on, it can’t land. But if an unbeliever is practicing a certain sin and a believer is practicing the same sin, is it really reasonable to believe that a curse or demons can enter or “alight” on the unbeliever but not the believer? No one who believes that believers can’t have demons or curses in their lives can answer that because they depend on religious talk and preaching and forsake common sense. An unbeliever has a long string of bad luck in his life caused by a curse and a believer has the same string of bad luck in his life. If the cause for the unbeliever is a curse… then what is the cause for a believer?

            Christianity will never experience victory or revival until it puts away religion and practices common sense. “He has already told you, oh man, what is required of you” (Micah 6:8). Jesus used a Samaritan to help a Jew while two Jews who knew better walked by because He was reminding everyone of common sense: “Don’t worry about words like ‘love’ and ‘goodness’ and ‘faith’. You know the right thing to do. Just do it and you’ll be fulfilling everything God expects of you.” A return to logic and practicality is the only hope for a revived church and for a dying world.

    • Women Preachers in the Bible

      The comments on that post are interesting.

      • cctechm777 says:

        Thank you for the “info”. However, Dr. Paul Ellis must have read “God’s Word to Women” authored by Kathrine Bushnell, for he makes many comments which are garnered from her book. I did read this book back in the late 70’s, when a man “Brother Ray” found an old copy and then had it republished, and released it to the masses. Unfortunately, he did not realize he was serving his flesh, due to false teaching and was ensuring a great service in promoting the present Apostasy within the Fake church, which has caused women to emasculate men in the so-called Christian society. This woman was a “Jezebel”, and this man Paul Ellis if a false teacher.

        I had an experience with a woman “pastor/teacher/prophetess back in 1978, at a “Home fellowship” I was only 2 months old in my Born-again Experience through the Power of the Holy Spirit. I did read this book, it was slanderous piece of trash, which blasphemed the Word of God, and even questioned Paul’s ministry, stating he must have a “problem” with women. I through it out in the trash.
        And the Holy Spirit let me know once He taught me through the scriptures why women were not to be in such a position within the Church and over men, I have not moved from His Truth. Anyone who supports this evil and vile falsehood that women can be in a place of “authority”, well that is the Jezebel spirit which leads to spiritual fornication and idolatry…..Rebellion against the Lords Word is as Witchcraft…..so therefore Paul Ellis is NOT to be trusted to teach the truth regarding the Lord’s and His Apostles teachings……..
        You dwell in darkness, you serve not the Lord Jesus Christ.
        Eph 5:3 But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints;
        Eph 5:4 Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.
        Eph 5:5 For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
        Eph 5:6 Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.
        Eph 5:7 Be not ye therefore partakers with them.
        Eph 5:8 For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:
        Eph 5:9 (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)
        Eph 5:10 Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.
        Eph 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

        • “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28)

          • cctechm777 says:

            That scripture is supported by these scriptures and many more:

            Rom 10:12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.
            Rom 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
            Rom 10:14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

            That scripture you gave is informing that ALL true Born-again believers are equal in receiving ALL the promises of the Lord in their growth and sanctification. To not depend upon the Law, but by the working Power of the Holy Spirit.

            While they are in the “flesh” they must adhere to the written word of the Lord and His Apostles.
            So using this scripture out of context truly proves you are NOT discerning the Lord’s Word in the Spirit and in Truth.
            You use it to justify your ungodly stance, that women are able to have any Biblical authority over the Lord’s Bride, and over men.
            So keep on believing in the lie…..the spirit of delusion is upon you.

            Rom_1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
            Eph_4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
            Th 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
            2Th 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
            2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
            2Th 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

            So you are warned, you are NOT walking in the Narrow path…….but the Broad Path which leadeth unto death and eternal destruction!

          • Your claim that this scripture is taken out of context does not make sense because either it is true that men and women are equal in the sight of Christ, or not and scripture tells us that it is true. It does not make sense to say sometimes it is true and sometimes it isn’t, they are either equal or not. Being equal in the sight of Christ does not contradict what is said about women usurping a man’s spiritual authority which is another matter.

            [The following is from Wikipedia:] “Jesus’ interactions with women are an important element in the theological debate about Christianity and women. Women are prominent in the story of Christ Jesus. He was born of a woman, had numerous interactions with women, and was seen first by women after his resurrection. He commissioned the women to go and tell his disciples that he has risen, which is the essential message of Christianity.   Neither the Staggs nor Bilezikian find any recorded instance where Jesus disgraces, belittles, reproaches, or stereotypes a woman.

            “The gospels of the New Testament, written toward the last quarter of the first century AD, often mention Jesus speaking to women publicly and openly against the social norms of the time. From the beginning, Jewish women disciples, including Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Susanna, had accompanied Jesus during his ministry and supported him out of their private means. (Luke 8:1-3)

            “Kenneth E. Bailey spent 40 years as a Presbyterian professor of New Testament in Egypt, Lebanon, Jerusalem and Cyprus. He writes about Christianity from a Middle Eastern cultural view. He finds evidence in several New Testament passages that Jesus had women disciples. He first cites the reported occasion when Jesus’ family appeared and asked to speak with him. Jesus replied: “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” And stretching out his hand towards his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother, and sister, and mother.” (Matthew 12:46-50) Bailey argues that according to Middle Eastern customs, Jesus could not properly have gestured to a crowd of men and said, “Here are my brother, and sister, and mother.” He could only have said that to a crowd of both men and women. Therefore, the disciples standing before him were composed of men and women.”

            Jesus ‘hung out’ with harlots and loose women. Jesus told the Samarian woman at the well that he was the Messiah. And the list goes on.

            “And one of the Pharisees desired him that he would eat with him. And he went into the Pharisee’s house, and sat down to meat. And, behold, a woman in the city, which was a sinner, when she knew that Jesus sat at meat in the Pharisee’s house, brought an alabaster box of ointment, And stood at his feet behind him weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment. Now when the Pharisee which had bidden him saw it, he spake within himself, saying, This man, if he were a prophet, would have known who and what manner of woman this is that toucheth him: for she is a sinner. And Jesus answering said unto him, Simon, I have somewhat to say unto thee. And he saith, Master, say on. There was a certain creditor which had two debtors: the one owed five hundred pence, and the other fifty. And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both. Tell me therefore, which of them will love him most? Simon answered and said, I suppose that he, to whom he forgave most. And he said unto him, Thou hast rightly judged. And he turned to the woman, and said unto Simon, Seest thou this woman? I entered into thine house, thou gavest me no water for my feet: but she hath washed my feet with tears, and wiped them with the hairs of her head. Thou gavest me no kiss: but this woman since the time I came in hath not ceased to kiss my feet. My head with oil thou didst not anoint: but this woman hath anointed my feet with ointment. Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little. And he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven. And they that sat at meat with him began to say within themselves, Who is this that forgiveth sins also? And he said to the woman, Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace.” (Luke 7:36-50)

          • cctechm777 says:

            Well you truly are deceived…….I can not help you. Judgement is coming……..

          • Snoopy It Is says:

            Truth in Reality and cctechm777, you’re both taking the eternally-long route to the conclusion of the matter (which means there probably will never be a conclusion) as to whether or not women can preach, teach, or lead in the Body of Christ. Does God allow or want women to be leaders in the Body of Christ? The answer is both yes and no. And that’s why people are still arguing about it because there’s no hard yes or hard no in the Bible.

            The fastest route from point A to point B is a straight line. The fastest way to understand God, the Bible, satan and his kingdom and his modus operandi, people in your life, people in general, and everything else is to go straight to the root or foundation of a thing. John tells us, “God is love” in order to give a foundation to understand everything else about God as that would cause confusion and God isn’t the author of confusion. Therfore, He wants us to approach all things from the bottom up (the roots or foundation) and not the top down.

            In Numbers 12:1-16, both Aaron and Miriam spoke against Moses. God rebuked both of them, but He only punished Miriam. This is one of the stories in the Bible meant to force believers to THINK and to rely on the Holy Spirit to reveal things. Why did God only curse Miriam and not Aaron though both were guilty of the exact same sin? I’ll get to the point: either a.) God was/is misogynistic or b.) Miriam was guilty of another sin, a greater sin, that Aaron wasn’t guilty of and that the Bible doesn’t openly mention. The answer is both. Anyone who is unable to look at that passage and find the reason God cursed Miriam but not Aaron is unfit to discuss or debate whether or not God wants or allows women to be in ministry or to lead in the churches.

            Finally, I once overheard two guys debating something philosophical. I listened as they both waxed eloquent (at least they thought they did), trying to show off their intelligence. But by listening, I was aware they weren’t in fact intelligent, so I interrupted their conversation with just one question to remind them that they were not nearly as smart and intelligent as they thought they were. I asked them, “What makes an apple tree an apple tree?” Their minds did all kinds of acrobatics trying to figure out the answer as well as if it was a trick question. I even gave them a few hints because I perceived that they weren’t people who look at things from the roots up. When, after many guesses, they finally gave up, I told them, “An apple seed. An apple seed makes an apple tree an apple tree.” I explained to them that the identity of the apple tree isn’t in the type of bark, leaves, flowers, or even fruit (apples) it has. The identity is in the seed. The person who plants the apple seed or sees it planted knows well ahead of time that an apple tree will grow from it. Everyone else has to wait and guess as the sapling slowly grows into a tree, as the leaves grow out, as the pink flowers bloom, and as the apples start to grow or are fully grown. God looks at everything from the foundation up. He actually expects believers to do the exact same which would dispel confusion and debates and give light and revelation on any number of topics (eg. biblical truths, scientific and medical discoveries, innovations and new inventions, technological breakthroughs, etc.):

            “The Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For THE LORD DOES NOT SEE AS MAN SEES; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1Samuel 16:7).

            If you keep seeing as man sees, you won’t be able to understand most of the Bible even if you think you do. Don’t look at Bible verses but at God’s heart on the matter of women in any position of leadership (inside and outside church); then Bible verses on the issue will open to you and the contradictions (eg. Paul saying “I do not permit a woman to teach” but also saying there is “no male or female” in Christ) will no longer be frustrating or confusing but will begin to make perfect sense.

  2. Larry says:

    Interesting. But you refer to the Jezebel as he; when, it is a she.

    • Sorry Larry but Jezebel spirit knows no gender bounds. It is a demonic spirit and spirits seek any “BODY” to operate in.

      • Dawn Montano-Allen says:

        Demons are niether male or female.Pefect example check out the movie DREN.

        • Arendale says:

          Nothing that’s unclear or not fully revealed should be used to make a doctrine. The Bible never says that there are no female spirits nor does it say that demons are the only kind of evil spirits. The Bible mentions different types of fallen angels and other spirits with names such as ‘gods, kings, princes, principalities, rulers, powers, authorities, etc.’ From my own experiences, which aren’t enough to make doctrines, there certainly are female evil spirits, but they wouldn’t be considered ‘demons’ as we understand that term. Some of these spirits include known names like the Queen of Heaven and mermaid spirits which certainly exist. Mermaid spirits are definitely not male.

          When it comes to the Jezebel spirit, it seems that it is a mixture of different gods like Baal and Asherah and not one actual entity alone. However, whatever gender is assigned to the Jezebel spirit, it does make a home in females more often than in males, due to its MO, though it uses both.

      • cctechm777 says:

        Linda L. Evan…..You are in error. It is a SHE. This type of response is so typical of those within the Pentecostal/ Charismatic movement.
        And since they are ALL a false representation of the One True Church, and the One True Gospel…..
        They have no authority to say anything…..for the Devil appears in many disguises to seduce the ignorant and the weak and those who are willful in being ‘tickled” in their ears with a false teaching and belief.

        • The Jezebel spirit – a demonic principality rather than a singular demonic spirit can work through either men or women or LGBTQ and works through men as often as it does women, if not more. The Jezebel spirit is a controlling spirit of witchcraft and there are as many male witches as there are female, if not more.

          In the Old Testament, Jezebel was a daughter of a pagan king who became a queen when she married the Jewish King Ahab. At 1 Kings 18:18-19, Elijah says the following to Jezebel: “I have not troubled Israel; but thou, and thy father’s house, in that ye have forsaken the commandments of the LORD, and thou hast followed Baalim. Now therefore send, and gather to me all Israel unto mount Carmel, and the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves four hundred, which eat at Jezebel’s table.”

          Those 850 who ‘ate at Jezebel’s table’ did the will of Jezebel – they were her slaves and therefore effectively witches themselves and they would have been men.

          The Jezebel spirit (sometimes said to be ‘the bride of Satan’) usually does not work alone but in a network with other demonic spirits. It is ‘highly intelligent’ (as far as any demon can be said to be) and is a master – or mistress – of disguise. It can assume any number of guises, male, female, LGBTQ, etc. It is usually involved in working against the Church and against men or women of God.

          The Jezebel spirit is adept at deception and has deceived people into believing it is only a promiscuous woman out to seduce men. That is very far from the truth as that is only one of its many identities and ruses. It suits the Jezebel spirit for people to believe that is its true identity so it can carry on its work with what is effectively a cloak of invisibility.

          • cctechm777 says:

            You are a liar…….and therefore are not to be listened to nor followed.
            Judgement begins at the Household of God first…..the foolish virgin’s are shut out, for they had not the Holy Spirit within their vessels……

          • Is that in your humble opinion or just in your opinion?

            You accuse us/me of being a liar? Then we should jump for joy as Jesus told us to do when we are persecuted for the sake of righteousness.

          • cctechm777 says:

            Nothing is from my opinion, the Lord’s Word is my stance, as taught by the Holy Spirit.
            Oh, I have heard that from another women, who proclaimed she was being persecuted for “righteousness sake”, when she was accused of spiritual, emotional, and sexual abuse……guess what she was found guilty and sent to prison……this was a woman Pastor/teacher, and her “sheep” were scattered and families ruined……..
            These scripture captures exactly what you and those you promote represent;

            Rom_1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
            Rom_1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
            Rom_2:8 But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath,
            Rom_6:13 Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.
            Rom_9:14 What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid.
            2Co_6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
            2Th_2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
            2Th_2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
            This conversation is over…….I shall not debate further with a contentious woman, who knows not the truth…..

          • And what if you are wrong?

            Do you really believe that all of the evil in the world of certain types is perpetrated only by women, and none by men? Or that evil spirits care whether they work through men or women (or LGBTQ)? Please check back to what the Bible says which is what we are told to do.

            The Jezebel spirit is under-estimated as it has many guises and is always at work. There is a degree to which it works unseen, unperceived, because people don’t recognise it for what it is. It is highly intelligent and easily able to network and carry out complex long-term strategies and it uses men and women to do its work.

            You have for some reason brought female pastors into the discussion as we have not mentioned female pastors (although others may have done) as the point of contention is not whether women should be pastors or not. The question is can the Jezebel spirit work through men? The answer is of course it can, and it does. In the Bible account of Jezebel, she had 850 male followers who did her bidding (ate at her table – as in a cult).

            As to the Christian church, the Bible tells us that God set up an order in his church that does not seem to include female pastors. Women can certainly teach though and there is at least one example in the NT of a woman or women correcting a man in his wrong doctrine.

            [From: Got Questions] Women, just as much as men, are called to minister to others, to demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22–23), and to proclaim the gospel to the lost. (Matthew 28:18–20; Acts 1:8; 1 Peter 3:15). God has ordained that only men are to serve in positions of spiritual teaching authority in the church. The only activity women are restricted from is teaching or having spiritual authority over men. This precludes women from serving as pastors to men. This does not make women less important, by any means, but rather gives them a ministry focus more in agreement with God’s plan and His gifting of them.

            [From: Wikipedia] Romans 16 is the final chapter of Paul’s Letter to the Romans. In this chapter, Paul mentions his greetings to a number of other members of the Christian sect in his time, one-third of them being women. Of the twelve members that Paul describes in this chapter as having contributed the most to the church, seven were women whereas five were men.

          • We are not short of information in the Bible about the Holy Spirit as He is mentioned 261 times in the New Testament alone.

            That is 56 times in the Gospels, 57 in the book of Acts, 112 in the Pauline epistles, and 36 in the remaining New Testament, as follows:

            The True Holy Spirit

          • “And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.” (Revelation 12:10)

          • [Got Questions] “The question of whether angels are male or female is likely moot. Angels are spirit beings (Hebrews 1:14), and therefore assigning them a gender is pointless. The most we can say is that Scripture depicts angels as if they were male. Every reference to angels in Scripture is in the masculine gender. The Greek word for “angel” in the New Testament, angelos, is in the masculine form. In fact, a feminine form of angelos does not exist. There are three genders in grammar—masculine (he, him, his), feminine (she, her, hers), and neuter (it, its). Angels are never referred to in any gender other than masculine. In the many appearances of angels in the Bible, never is an angel referred to as “she” or “it.” Furthermore, when angels appeared, they were always dressed as human males (Genesis 18:2, 16; Ezekiel 9:2). No angel ever appears in Scripture dressed as a female.

            “Perhaps the best way to define the Jezebel spirit is to say it characterizes ANYONE (that would be male or female meaning that the Jezebel spirits works through men, women [my addition: or LGBTQ] who acts in the same manner as Jezebel did, engaging in immorality, idolatry, false teaching, and unrepentant sin. To go beyond that is to engage in conjecture and can possibly lead to false accusations and divisiveness within the body of Christ.”

          • Also if, as many Christians believe, narcissism is a manifestation of the Jezebel spirit, do you also contend that men cannot be narcissists or have narcissistic traits? We can know with 100% certainty that is not true.

          • Snoopy It Is says:

            The Jezebel spirit isn’t a good topic to debate because the topic is so vast. It’s best to just talk about it and share what each person has learned about it.

            From my experiences and understanding there appear to be both male and female Jezebel principalities out there. (For those who aren’t aware, yes there are gendered evil spirits and therefore might be gendered angels. Never be quick to disqualify something because the Bible never openly mentions it.) The Bible and many cultures around the world acknowledge the existence of female principalities, namely the “Queen of Heaven” which indeed is not a male spirit but a female one. The Bible openly mentions gods and doesn’t mention goddesses by that name because it wasn’t necessary as the Bible does often mention female gods (ie. godesses) such as Asherah and Diana. But not all female spirits are Jezebels. Jezebel has different names in different cultures: eg. Diana or Artemis (mentioned in the book of Acts). If these were male spirits, they wouldn’t have female names nor would they allow themselves to be called ‘queens’.

            To simplify another thing, a.) a narcissist is a Jezebel who is not religious; and b.) a Jezebel is a narcissist who is religious. They’re both the same person in different environments (secular and religious), and both can be and are male and female. Because the Jezebel spirit is ROOTED in contempt for and rejection of authority, it naturally gravitates to and finds refuge in females since God made men innately to be in authority. (I currently know two narcissists at my job. One is male and one is female. They’re both full of covert rebellion and both absolutely hate and disdain authority.)

            As someone said, Jezebel is a group of spirits more than one spirit. BUT there are also individual spirits who can rightly be called Jezebel (same concept as Legion in Mark 5 who was both a principality and a group of demons: “MY name is Legion, for WE are many.”) It should also be said that within the triad of the Jezebel, Ahab, and Eunuch spirits, women can only have a Jezebel and a Eunuch spirit while men can have all three. Women can’t have an Ahab spirit because while women can be called to positions of authority, no woman is ever made or designed with innate or intrinsic authority starting with Eve who was to receive from Adam while Adam was to receive from God. On the other hand, ALL males are designed with innate and intrinsic authority. An Ahab is any person (only males) who has intrinsic authority but abdicates or rejects the responsibility of it. Even if there was an island with only women (like the Amazon tale) and the female leader abdicated responsibility to another female, she still wouldn’t and couldn’t have an Ahab spirit because she wasn’t born with an innate mandate to rule in God’s place. So, to say it in secular terms, the Jezebel spirit only attaches to the X chromosome; the Ahab spirit only attaches to the Y chromosome; and the Eunuch spirit attaches to both the X and the Y chromosomes.

            For more about the Jezebel, Ahab, Eunuch triad from a reader-friendly book, Jonas Clark wrote a book on all three and identifies Jezebel as a ‘goddess of war’ because at the end of the day, Jezebel isn’t about seduction and all those other feminine wiles as she is (they are) about total and compete and all-out war against God and His ordained authority which is all people in positions of authority, NAMELY ALL MALES even when they have no outward positions of authority.

          • Snoopy It Is says:

            To add to the topic of female spirits– angels good and bad and other spirits– it’s important to note that the Bible, especially the Old Testament, has many genealogies, but 99.999% of the time, only males are mentioned in these genealogies. Does that mean that no females were born? Of course not.

            The acrostic B.I.B.L.E. is very fitting here: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. The Bible focuses on the most important things. This is why Jesus, knowing that not all Pharisees were evil (after all, He’d met Nicodemus, knew about Joseph of Arimathea, and is shown talking with several reasonable Pharisees in the Bible), still repeatedly stated that they were all evil (as did John the Baptist): this was because He was focusing on the greater importance– which was that the ENTIRETY of the religious system (and the religious spirit) is evil – and not the details.

            In the Bible and in life, God focuses on the masculine or the male. (Obviously, this doesn’t mean the feminine doesn’t exist or isn’t important.) This is why in the Bible, especially the Old Testament, God seems misogynistic to some. It’s also why the Bible doesn’t get into mentioning female angels and giving details about female evil spirits. It’s just not a focus. It’s secondary, something you might learn later if you need to. Again, females weren’t mentioned in biblical genealogies, but females still existed. There are spirits that are gender neutral and are automatically defined as male (the same way the masculine tense is used to make generalizations: eg. you can have a room full of women and just one or no man but when you speak, you use the masculine tense as IT COVERS BOTH MALE AND FEMALE; eg. mankind), and there are also spirits that are distinctly male and female. Mermaids are a good example. They are female water spirits. While there are mermen, you rarely hear about them. The succubus and the incubus are also gendered evil spirits.

            One thing I’ve noticed about the Bible is that it doesn’t write or record everything as you’d need several thumb drives to carry all that information around (John alludes to this regarding Jesus’s miracles and all the things He did), but it has a way of packing all the unwritten information in between the lines. As I like to say, “Not everything is WRITTEN in the Bible, but everything is CONTAINED in it.” Never make judgments about God or the Bible based on what’s not clearly written in the Bible. There aren’t enough trees on planet earth to make enough pages to write down everything. Moreover, God also can’t entrust everything to everyone.

    • John Higgins says:

      It is interesting that the author states the Jezebel spirit has no gender, then turns around and uses only masculine terminology to describe it, when the risen Christ refers to it in the feminine, as found in Revelations. It’s funny how feminists claim that demons have no gender, then they go about describing them in masculine terms, even the ones who are described Scripturally as being feminine (such as Jezebel). This is just another example of how feminism has seized the Pauline congregations.

  3. 1 Kings 18 states that Jezebel had commanded that all the prophets of Yahweh in the kingdom of Israel be killed, while entertaining “450 prophets of Baal and 400 of Asherah” ‘who ate at her table’ and did her bidding. These would have been male and so they were effectively male witches.

  4. genelia1 says:

    Very good article 🙂

  5. zionfire says:

    This is a good list of the Jezebel Spirit working in the lives of people. I did however feel that there were a couple of traits that made the list over personal encounters. Maybe some scripture should be researched and posted to add weight to the traits on the list.

    • Yes, it’s always a good idea to back things up with Bible references and there are other articles about Jezebel on this site which do so. Some things however like this are written more from people’s practical experience, some likely under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

      They are to be used as a guide rather than anything, to help build an accurate picture. In the case of Jezebel that picture definitely ought not to be only a woman with too much make-up on. That is a dangerous belief. In particular Jezebel had 850 male followers who ‘ate at her table’ and did her bidding. The Jezebel spirit is a controlling spirit of witchcraft which works through men just as well and as often. The Jezebel spirit is very dangerous and conniving, and can be assigned to deceive highly intelligent people. It is everywhere, including in the churches and particularly attacks people of God. It is a subtle and very powerful spirit which uses many forms and disguises – hence the mask that is so often associated with the Jezebel spirit – and works closely with other demons. For example with a witty and somewhat entertaining demon that Jezebel can hide behind.

      There are many dozens if not hundreds of articles, audios and videos on the internet about the Jezebel spirit, and the related Ahab spirit and many books. One book that is often recommended is Jezebel Seducing Goddess of War by Jonas Clark

      As always, the enemy has had his servants put out massive amounts of disinformation which seems convincing – 95% truth and the deadly 5% false information – so discernment is needed. We should check everything against the Bible and test the spirits: “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” (1 John 4)

      • Susanna Krizo says:

        It sounds like you are describing a narcissist. Narcissism is a personality disorder, and has nothing to do with a fictional spirit that isn’t found in the Bible or elsewhere. Also, I find it strange that I can’t find any personal information about you. Is there is a reason for it?

        • Jezebel is mentioned at length in the Old Testament in 1 Kings and again in the New Testament and there are in fact 38 Bible passages that directly refer to Jezebel by name.

          There are other Bible passages which are thought to refer to the Jezebel spirit such as Proverbs 5:3-21 and Proverbs 23:26-28.

          The Jezebel spirit has been equated by many to narcissism, so it is likely that all, most or at least some – possibly only religious – narcissists have a spirit of Jezebel.

          There is no personal information on the site as it really does not seem relevant. It is not a secret and my name can easily be found on the internet if anyone cares to look for it.

    • John Dell Robertson says:

      I think we all posess a spirit of some kind. One scripture says the iriy in a prophet is subject to the profit. Implying that we can actually control, manifest of conceal the actual spirit inside us. Which opens the question as to whether we can house more than one spirit or at times be swayed by opposing spirits. The real world is the spiritual world where it appears continual warfare is in progress.

      • Arendale says:

        “The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets” is the same as saying “the prophetic nature within a prophet is subject to the prophet”. It’s like saying that an artistic person’s nature is subject to them which simply means that just because the person is artistic doesn’t mean they have to talk about art constantly or paint or compose music, dance, or a play everyday. They are artistic, but the manifestation of their artistic nature (‘the spirit in them’) is at their own control; art doesn’t take over them but is subject to them as they can use their talent when THEY choose, not necessarily when their talent wants to be expressed. That’s what it means by “the spirit (prophetic nature) of the prophets are subject to the prophets.” Prophets mustn’t always prophesy even when they feel an urge just like an evangelist mustn’t always evangelize just because he feels an urge. Rather, ‘the spirit in them’ (the nature/inclination of the prophetic, evangelistic, pastoral, teaching, apostolic, whatever) is under their control (subject to them) rather than dictating life to them.

        Each person has 1.) one spirit body or ‘spirit man’; then 2.) there are different types of ‘spirit entities’ (angels, demons, etc.); and finally, 3.) there are also different types of ‘spirits’ (a person’s character, personality, nature/inclination, mindset, heart attitude, worldview, etc.). It’s the third kind (‘spirits’) of which Paul speaks when he prays that God the Father would “give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him” (Eph. 1:17). He didn’t say “THE spirit” as it isn’t the Holy Spirit or a spirit entity (the second kind above) but “A spirit” as it is a nature/inclination or character (the third kind above) that is inclined to operate based on wisdom and revelation. Jesus operated on a spirit of wisdom and revelation, therefore, we should as well. That spirit He operated by was not the Holy Spirit (an ENTITY) but was the reproduction (the NATURE) of the Holy Spirit in Him. But yes, we can house more than one spirit entity (as well as more than one spirit/nature) as we see in the Bible that the Holy Spirit can live within a person and that demons (plural) can also live within a person. I hope that’s been helpful.

  6. richard says:

    I think my x girlfriend has most of the traits mentioned above
    she dumped me bcos of one sentence I said
    which is I quote do not make me do wrong things
    then she got very angry and just dumped me

    • If you don’t mind me saying it sounds like you are better off without someone like that, and it is better she left you sooner rather than later. Sounds like she could have made your life a misery with her controlling. Now she can be free to find someone she can manipulate to do wrong things and you can be free to find someone who wouldn’t want you to. Someone who wants you to be happy rather than under her thumb.

    • Sheelyn says:

      I’m from Nairobi and my ex too had some of such traits. He could hurt me so badly but was never guilty of anything or said sorry but when I wronged him I could own up. He was very controlling and if things never went his way, then it wasn’t any good. He cheated with his bff lady whom he always defended.

      He put his work, family and friends above me. He did good things out there so he could win many friends such that if I told the ones I was close to how he mistreated me they could never believe though later they started knowing him better. He always twisted things so the blame was always mine. I said enough was enough and I left. Was devastated but through lots of prayer I have my peace. I’m now ready to date again and I’m praying God shows a real man who knows Him because when a man truly knows God, it makes a difference on how he falls in love with a woman.

      God bless u all for contributing here. That’s how we learn amd grow and build each other

  7. William says:


    Scripture, not opinion please. You are assuming much and there is no scripture to back your assessment here. There is obvious characteristics of jezebel but this list could surmise of anyone,
    jezebel worshiped a false god. she was an adulteress, she murdered. she decreed in the king’s name to have naboth killed. she was obviously possessed but the bible doesn’t specify any spirit, prinicpality etc named jezebel this is a man made doctrine not the truth of the word of God.
    opinion makes no difference we are told to test all things, commanded to adhere to scripture.
    Jesus refers to a person in a church obviously exerting the same characteristics, seduction, eating from idols dedicated food etc professing to be a prophetess, yes, there is a ton of women claiming this today.. However, jezebel she is not shown as being alive she is dead. her spirit is in hades awaiting judgement. witchcraft perhaps having a familiar spirit, spirit of divination given the scripture in revelation is possible.Think about what you are saying here. how can a woman’s spirit be at work if she is dead? Jesus specifically refers to someone operating as she did. so please back this up scripturally or else it should not be bought.

    jezebel manipulated men, used them, but she did not possess them their false gods did. hence it was their false gods they cried to. jezebel being likened to a male is already in error demons are not limited to their possession even when Jesus delivered the gadarene they said to him we are legion for we are many, I’ll say they were many over 2k of them.Yikes!

    Anyhow I appreciate you are trying to reveal something but this is very general and could be applied to a ton of people, satan is one entitity not omnipresent either are demons.
    Jesus on the other hand is.

    I think far too much credit is given to the devil which in itself is a deception. she is not the queen of heaven asherah is considered to be hence she had 400 prophets of asherah.
    450 of baal her god she worshipped she was not his wife she was the daughter of ethbaal and wife of ahab.

    The trouble is we can look at characteristics but that does not mean it is an entity that needs to be dealt with and self excorcism is not even scriptural, how can satan cast out satan.

    There is some need for soundness here not based on experience or opinion because this is not limited to knowledge one has this is now being taught therefore it must be backed up.

    Thank you for reading this and I hope you can understand how serious it is to teach something not founded scripturally.

    I mean one of the comments says jezebel is real with exclamation points. that could be considered jezebel by this definition as they have to be right. no we have to not be off we have to stick to the word and teach it, if demons manifest kick em out but much is not backed up here and that is not good.

    • JuniorL. says:

      It is the gift of spiritual discernment that is given to an individual, and then strengthened by The Lord – Savior Jesus Christ… so these traits can be carefully identified and put into a list when these traits reveal themselves. When a Jezebel demon exposes itself… every-single one of these traits and/or behaviors listed above are identified in that person… do not fool yourself in thinking and/or believing that a couple, a few, or even most of these characteristics can be seen in different personality types! All of the traits in this blog belong to a Jezebel demon.

  8. There are many articles on the internet about the Jezebel spirit which include spirits of religion and witchcraft and which has been equated to narcissism and there are also many articles – and many videos – on the internet about narcissism. As the Bible says, the whole world lies in wickedness. The evidence for the existence of the demonic is all around us although of course we may not always be able to discern all of it. The Bible tells us that we can pray and ask for more discernment so that we can discern the truth: “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” (2 Corinthians 2:11)

  9. It can be summed up with this “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12

  10. Michael says:

    William, it appears as though do not understand the difference between flesh and spirit or demon possession. I’ve seen this spirit come out of a family member while casting the spirit out in Jesus name and so did the family member who was possessed by this demon. Truth in Reality is correct and you are terribly wrong.

    • yveclark says:

      How do you know the demon’s name? They are liars.

      • It is true that demons are liars. That’s why it is not a good idea to talk to them much. Deliverance ministers often say “I command you in the name of Jesus to tell me your name”. It is commonly believed that asking a demon their name – as Jesus did once when the demon answered “We are Legion” – gives the deliverance more power as the demon/s can then be addressed directly. That may well be true, but given that demons are such terrible liars, it’s best to keep any communication to the absolute minimum, apart from the actual binding them and casting them out, etc.

        For example, it is said there is a hierarchy and some demons will claim to have a higher status than they actually have. It is also said that some of the lower order don’t even have names. While there is only one Satan himself. Some will claim to be Lucifer when they are can’t be as there is only one Lucifer. What is more, many demons are full of guile, hatred and insanity so there’s not a great deal of point in talking to them.

        One more reason not to listen to people (like Bob Larson “The Real Exorcist”) who has made a show – using props – and a business out of it, charging a lot of money for his deliverances, as some others do. This is clearly not correct practice as we were told to give freely as we were given and even Paul earned his living making tents in order to support himself.

        The wrong type of deliverance could conceivably make matters worse. For example, demons are expert deceivers and they can pretend to leave when they actually stay. Win Worley used to get information from them to use against them and it did enable him to write many books on deliverance. For most people this would not be beneficial and could even be dangerous and it’s definitely best not to get involved with them demons in any way.

        Rather it is important that our focus stays on how to identify and get rid of demons and keep them away, rather than making them a focus of attention. Our focus of attention ought to be on the Bible, on God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Jesus is our deliverer and it is the name of Jesus and his blood along with the Bible which holds the main power against the demonic. The blood of Jesus can be applied by using prayers which can be found on this site and elsewhere on the internet and also there is a Youtube video with a number of songs about the blood of Jesus.

        In fact we are by no means short of weapons, such as the “Armour of God” which is detailed in Ephesians 6.

        “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” (Luke 10:19)

  11. Connie everett says:

    This is good teaching

  12. Tjay says:

    I go with the scientific basis of malignant narcissism but I can see from my own family history how personality disorders are transmittable. Look at the family.

  13. shirley says:

    the article was an eye opener.

  14. Pingback: 016 JEZEBEL SPIRIT RISING OVER THE WORLD | Escaping The Maze

  15. Mannan says:

    Could you include scripture references for each of the 30 points please.

  16. Steve says:

    check this out

  17. erika says:

    I’ve discerned this spirit being heavily active in my church for over a year now. My church is slowly being destroyed by this spirit. I have kept this to myself for the most part because of the seriousness. I am very careful and would never throw this accusation out there before the Lord confirmed it very clearly. As I always say to God on extremely important issues im asking for wisdom on “I need not a sharpie on the wall but skillet over the head confirmation please!” I have become the patsy to blame in my church and it’s been devastating to me. God has been strengthening me but I’ve always dealt with severe unworthiness issues and struggle with believing He would use me of all people in this. I’ve been accused in front of my pastor of things I never did. The woman I feel that is operating with the jezebel spirit is deep within the leadership at my church. I have watched her destroy people with full immunity within the church. She particularly likes to attach to a middle aged woman with kids and after a nice phase with the chiIdren proceeds to target the vulnerable child and begins a cruel tearing down of that child. It makes sense considrting they are easy prey as well as usually needing more attention from mom which this spirit hates. The last woman she attached to was married and by the end she was in a sexual relationship with this friend of mine and my friend was ready to leave her husband and kids for this 24 year old. Thankfully God stepped in and graciously used me as His vessel to reach her and wake her up to what was going on and the Holy Spirit gave me words I could have never come up with to save her from destroying her life for this jezebel. She is now working on her marriage and helping me to uncover this going on. I have my core group of trusted friends that are now seeing clearly that this is what is going. God has made it very clear to them as well. There is no reasonable explanation for the level of blindness that our pastor has shown. No one will listen to any of us even when we’ve tried to warn them that this young lady should not be in leadership esp of children. There are now 4 families who have left the church all at once and more we just don’t know the details about. The 4 women of the families I know are my one core trusted sisters in Christ. Two of them have been the women this lady has attached to. One was her legal guardian after they got her away from her mom. Then for years I watched her manipulate and lie and abuse my friend and her kids esp her older daughter who has some special needs issues. I tried telling her for a few years that this girl was deeply disturbed but she was taken by her wounded
    Lies. After many years she finally cut her off and she immediately attached to one of the other women in my group. I had to watch her operate the exact same way on this family as she did the first. The only difference was this lady was married and they eventually got onto a physical relationship. The disdain a pure hatred this girl openly displayed to her husband was unreal but he was powerless out of fear of losing his family and his wife was blinded completely again taken in by her woundedness that she used to gain control. All the while she’s also deeply involved in the children’s ministry and quickly got into the good graces of the leaders who defend her and cover and lie for her. She has a shield of protection within the church. Im not sure how I became the person they targeted but I did. Being painted as subversive cuz i questioned why the children’s ministry was doing so poorly. My daughter hated going along with many other children and I’ve watched this once thriving ministry dwindle to nothing and them having to putting

    • erika says:

      Sorry I hit send before I finished.
      ….having to put 6th graders with 1st graders. Im sorry to be so wordy in this post but I’ve needed to vent and get input from others outside of situation. God Wil prevail I have no doubt but I pray my church won’t have to be completely taken out for them to see it. My question is what’s the best way to talk to someone I care deeply for who is also a paid leader that this is what’s going on? I worry so greatly for her cuz God is coming to hold accountable those who are and He’s going to clean house. I just don’t know how to share this with her. Thank you so very much for your time and any wisdom I will greatly appreciate.
      God Bless!

      • You could pray about it ask for help. Also write her a letter, pour out your thoughts in the letter without thinking about it, whatever you want to say without hindrance. Then perhaps the next day or whenever read through the letter again and then write another letter, this time taking care to present what you have to say in a loving way that she will be easily able to understand and can’t be taken the wrong way so it won’t alarm her.

        You may have to go through and edit this letter several times. You could also ask a trusted friend to read through it for you and give you their opinion and suggestions to make sure it is set out clearly. You could also ask the Holy Spirit to give you some scripture to put in it here and there (the KJV version is always best).

        While talking can be difficult for various reasons, writing a letter does not involve so much pressure. You seem to be able write fluently and so that seems like a good solution.

      • Arendale says:

        Hi, Ericka. I just happened to run across this today. I’ll try to remember to save it. I’m on my way to sleep now so don’t have much for you right now. But I’ll try to come back and check it out soon. Meanwhile, I’ll remind you that “there is wisdom in a multitude of counselors” as Solomon says; seek advice from your trusted friends where you are who are wise to the situation. May God who gave you understanding about the situation in your church bless and give you wisdom on how to proceed.

    • Chris says:

      Listen people, there is what is called “white witches” that go to church and pretend to recieve the H.S., will act like you act, talk the religious talk, but the whole time they will be preying on the whole church in order to destroy it if they can. They will molest the children, give out crystals and frogs and many other things they have placed curses on to give to you to open a door for devils to come into your home. You can fight this in the Name of Jesus only. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

      • Arendale says:

        Chris, you’re right. Lots of satanist and witch infiltrators in churches today. It’ll take genuine prophetic and apostolic ministries to truly uncover such people and teach Christians to discern them and their works.

  18. Cindy Lou Higgs says:

    I just read how it is that I have not a single member of my family left who will speak to me, while all this time I believed it to be my own fault. This fits my husband to a Tee and my son and daughter-in-law who are 100% in support of him and have the same behaviors. I pray that God will set them all straight. I see the source of so much of my suffering and I am in a large way grateful because I am here and have been “Washed, Salted and Swaddled” and have more than I ever dreamed going for me. Thank you for this information which is one more gift given to me for my freedom and peace of mind.
    I now understand why my family treated me like that. Now it is at the foot of the cross where I finally allowed God to have His Will with them.
    My gratitude to everyone who is responsible for my reading this! Praise God!

  19. Christiana .Y. MacCormick says:

    Hi!!! I really think your page was interesting and AMAZING, it’s just my father and brother I believe have the spirit of Jezebel almost every single one! And a few I had myself!

    I really love your site.


  20. Bob says:

    Typical religion, no agreement.

  21. Lu says:

    Maybe the mix up is over the fact in the story of Jezebel in the bible she was a woman. However, now the SPIRIT ( behind her actions, doings,story) is that, a spirit. So they call it a Jezebel spirit. Do you get what I’m saying?
    It was nothing to do with her but the evil spirit behind it. The spirit Jezebel had, that she gave control. So its not female or male. Its a demon, evil spirit.
    But that’s how I understand it, I am not too smart. But with any spirit, lust, murder, etc… they are spirits… people don’t create them, people entertain them and give place for them. Again just my two cents. Im prolly way off. Be blessed.

    • @Lu, you are absolutely correct in your understanding. People today have trouble separating the woman Jezebel from “spirits.” When we go to Heaven and receive our new heavenly bodies we will then also be “spirits.” There will be no genders -male nor female- in Heaven. We will become “spirit” beings. Angels are spirits. Demons are spirits. Demon spirits seek bodies to house themselves in. Spirits can manifest in different forms. This is why the Bible says that even Satan can appear as an “angel of light.”

      I have to wonder if some of these men who insist that men cannot be possessed by a jezebel spirit and go around accusing all women of having this demon spirit if in fact they themselves have a jezebel spirit. Whether it be biblical ignorance, or a hatred of women, or something else what these men are doing is very destructive against women. God never created jezebel for Adam.

      I am not even sure about committing to percentages of jezebel in men or women anymore. I think that the statistics are so great in both directions along with NARCISSISM that it might be somewhat equal nowadays.

      • Pasha says:

        Narcissism is the Jezzebel spirt manifest. In other words is the carnal definition…

      • Donna Young says:

        How many would agree the Jezebel spirit indwells the ISIS members, as an active War government group, with a political agenda, that is property destruction, hatred and evil for all those in disagreement with its agenda. Prayer is a powerful weapon, please, use it.

  22. I just had a question regarding deliverance from the Jezebel spirit. I believe this is an active spirit in my church. Ministries that she’s involved in and leading are dying. It was slow over time and no one seemed to see it or anything. In a short amount of time my growing church ran out of money for a new addition which prior to was fully funded. We are left with a sanctuary that has all black walls with piping showing that was painted black. It feels dead in there. Our children’s ministry started losing kids due to utter boredom. The 6th graders were not excited to learn about God with a curriculum that was for the 1st graders thru 6th graders. 90%o of this list is what’s happening. I made the mistake of inquiring about the kids ministry decline to a newly formed friend who leads the Lil ones. This started world war 3 within the leaders and me of this ministry as my friend shared our conversation with the director. I was accused of subversion and pulled into a meeting with my senior pastor. I was accused of devulging info to this ftiend about our high school leaders whom i had never been formally introduced to, never crossed paths with, nor spoken to introduced the 8 yrs I’ve been there. There was no biblical reconciliation process followed. I proved from the “friend” that the accusation was an outright lie yet these leaders were able to spin the truth to my pastor and now it’s a perception issue. The girl I believe carries this spirit is being mentored and trained by these youth leaders and is deeply involved in the children’s ministry. This same lady has tried to destroy 2 families I’m close to using the exact same systematic breakdown using manipulation, lies, etc.. All the while playing the poor wounded victim that has done no wrong! The first family finaly had their eyes opened and severed ties after yrs of this. She then attached to the 2nd woman with family like a parasite needing a host. the married recovering alcoholic mother of 3 of the family ending up drinking again with her becoming sexually involved with this lady. As she tried to convince her to leave her husband and family. On the day my 43 yr old friend had decided to leave her hysband of 13 yrs amd 3 children to be with tnis 24 yr old jezebel God graciously and mercifully stepped in and used me as His vessel to speak truth and open her eyes to the destruction she was about to do and had already done. By the Grace of God the Holy spirit filled my mouth with words that reached her and she entered rehab that day and broke all ties with this girl. It took 2 months of close accountability to stop this girl from trying to get to my friend but she made it and is doing awesome with her husband and childrem. She speaks of this time like she was in a daze with clouded jusgement. So i give that background to say there are 4 of us that feel strongly about this. We have all had to leave out church but are feel God is not done using us I in this matter. We all had close dealings with thus girl and she manipulated and lied and tried to control. Each of us. Two of the ladies are the women from the families she attached to. I was best friends with both of them and tried to warn the first one that red flags were all over with this girl but she was not willing to receive at that time feeling she was helping a wounded young girl which of course was the same exact thing the 2nd friend said as I tried early to warn her. So i just supported and listened. My question is would it be important if we 4 feel God wants to use use together in some manner to pray the deliverance prayer severing all ties with this spirit as a group or individually or both. We want nothing in the way of being used by God in this. We pray our church could be saved but up to now the deception and blindness has been like a fast moving virus and I’ve been nailed as the Evil one trying to create division. Any role i play has to be in the background due to this but God knew that cuz the only one that l9ves the tedious job of researching infobfor days soaking up all i can to share with the others. Thanks for reading and i look forward to any input you can give me.

    • Not everything is only about money but it is interesting that at one time there was enough money for the church and then there wasn’t. Do you know where that money went? There could have been some form of theft involved and certain actions taken to distract attention from that theft, which is what so often happens.

      Prima facie, it looks as if for some reason there were demonic doorways open, the hedge of protection that ought to have been in place was not, and there have been what amounts to a series of destructive demonic attacks. These could have been caused by any number of things – or combinations of things – such as unrenounced family inquity or sin, or some form of immorality of one or more persons, wrong motives, unconfessed sin and/or uncrucified flesh. There could have been cursed objects in their home or some connection to witchcraft. Many people don’t realize that blessings and curses are mentioned 650+ times in the Bible. Deuteronomy 11 and 28 refer. Also the Jezebel spirit is a very wicked spirit of witchcraft (more about this can be found on this site and elsewhere on the internet) and it does attack churches and people of God in particular. People who may not be wearing the full armour of God as detailed in Ephesians 6 which can make things worse.

      There are prayers on this site and elsewhere which could prove useful such as the prayer against witchcraft and another against demonic oppression. They usually only need to be said once each but are best said aloud with the head covered for women. Derek Prince’s book “Blessing or Curse – You Choose” is helpful and there are also some vids on Youtube.

      How To Pass From Curse to Blessing

      As you are the one who is looking at this honestly, that would indicate it is not actually you who is at fault. Perhaps rather the one who is blaming you has a hidden motive for doing so, such as deflecting blame? Or someone else has made it look that way. There are people who may not seem it but they are in fact fiendishly clever at manipulating people and situations so it looks like someone else is to blame other than them.

      You could pray and ask God to show you what happened here and/or ask you what to do. If prayer is from the heart and sincere and said in the name of Jesus, God usually hears that kind of prayer and answers it. Although in His own time and not always as quickly as some people would prefer.

    • Arendale says:

      DistractedbyGod, sounds like you’ve been very hard at work. It’s not your fault any of that happened. I was in a church where the pastor’s wife operated in the Jezebel spirit and controlled the church. When some of the church members gravitated to me, the pastor got jealous, and when I confronted pastor and Jezebel about allowing known pedophiles to remain in their church without confronting them (some Jezebels love to have a negative environment and will facilitate negativity even while posing as Christians), the Jezebel held a meeting and sent the pastor and his apprentice, with their guns on their wastes, to put me out their church. She also wanted me out of the city and state; that was the extent of her wickedness. She didn’t want to see my face before I left, because she knew I was on to her. Her husband, the pastor, said that I was being put out of the church because she said I was going to bring division. Funny, their church had been divided several times (they’d had church splits) by the pedophiles; I exposed the pedophiles as well as the fact they’d caused the past church splits and also tried to help the pastors avoid another split… but I was accused of being likely to divide the church and cause a church split. A Jezebel will always lie and cause you to feel condemned and confused. You might want to take a break from that church for several weeks to seek God outside of the reach of Jezebel’s accusations (which cause condemnation and confusion) so you can hear clearly from the Lord what to do and if you should even remain in that church. God bless, and I wish you the best.

  23. K. Jones says:

    Thanks for the synopsis. I also respect John-Paul Jackson’s exposé on the subject.

    My wife and I just left a church where the Pastor’s wife fit the description almost exactly.

    What I find the most deeply sad and disturbing is the masking of a poor self-esteem with spiritual pride.

    The wretchedness of such an individual and a tremendous need for that person to love themselves and to receive a good dose of the love of God.

    Very sad, may God forgive and grant grace to all those people, who operate in this vile spirit.

    • Arendale says:

      K. Jones, I agree. I’ve been around these kinds of people, and I’ve had to wrestle with wanting to reach out and love their unloveliness and comfort their horrible self-worth vs. utterly rejecting them because of the poisonous atmosphere they promote and vileness that just issues from their words. There are unique people who have the Grace and ability to deal with such people and perfectly separate the spirit and wounds from the human soul, but most people don’t have the Grace to do it. It’s a captivity and bondage of immense proportions that repulses anyone who even wants to extend any Grace.

      • I have to fully agree with you on this. Very well said. This kind of love and grace is not something everyone can do. I think it’s pretty rare and hard to find a person with this ability. One of my best friends I believe could do this. She just oozes love and mercy from every pore. I see this beautiful gift in her that God is working all the kinks out of in order to use her I’m such a mighty way. I truly don’t know another person alive that has suffered thru what she has and remained focused on God’s will for her. Most people reject God for allowing it to happen. For her every new struggle, heartbreak, wound pushes her closer to Him. She’s only in her late 30s and she was horrifically sexual abused by her dad as a child, at age 16 she was raped and got pregnant. She kept the baby and loved and raised her. The product of this horrific act is a beautiful, intelligent, sweet, kind, 19 year old now and my friend has never for a second thot of doing that any other way. She then married young had another baby and got divorced. Met another guy and they got married. Like so many other women she experienced the jekyll & Hyde marriage where the day they said I do he flipped into an abusive, controlling, psycho. Those vows meant he owned her. He loved using scripture to bully her and was heartless and cruel. He abused her kids as well. She had 2 boys with him and the 2nd son was born at 26 weeks and they didn’t think he would make it. They spent months at childrens hosp while they kept him growing. He is an awesome lil guy! Her 2 lil ones were both under 5 and she woke up one day paralysed fro.m waist down and thru a serious of terrible botched hospital mistakes and negligence in not administering the med that could stop any further paralysis she ended up paralysis from the neck down. Almost dying from it moving to her esophagus. They intubated her and put her in a coma for week. She remained paralyzed for a full year. During which her husband tried to commit her to a group home telling all the doctors she was crazy and making it all up. The doctors had never seen this before and accused her of being psychsomatic. So basically they said she’s faking it. Nurses and doctors who were convinced of this took to trying to prove it for ex. by inserting a needle up thru her heel to make her react which she didnt. It wasnt understood until later why that wasn’t enough proof (hubby was still telling them shes faking) The last attempt to prove this my friend woke up to a nurse putting a hand over her mouth and pinch her nose closed to get her to fight to breathe. She couldn’t and passed out. They flew her to john’s Hopkins and finally diagnosed her with transverse myliyltis, an auto immune disorder that makes her body attack itself. A neurosurgeon said she needed to suck it up and accept she would never walk again. She even after all this said if my God wants me to walk again I will walk again. It’s been 6 years now and she’s divorced from that abuser. She is fully walking normally and on her own and loves and trusts and seeks only to live for God even Moreso than before. She is a true inspiration and her passion and what I call her holy discontent in life is that not everyone knows the true, life altering, wound healing, soul quenching love of God and she wants them to. Esp women and children who struggle with worthiness and who feel they are unlovable. She wants them to embrace their identity in christ and be free of the bondage they are in. If I ever need a dose of reality about how tough things are I just look at her and keep taking those lil steps of faith and Christ meets me right there everytime! Thanks for reading this.

        • Arendale says:

          I’m sorry about your friend’s suffering and happy that her life has been restored.

          I recently was involved with a Jezebel. He was gay; he actually wasn’t gay but did whatever felt good to him. He was sleeping with a married man. That would be something that was good to him. This Jezebel, pretending to be Christian, was vile and connived to destroy me. A Jezebel’s vileness is just beyond belief; but God has an answer for such people.

          As I read your friend’s story and her encounters with so many male Jezebels, I felt very grieved that these things keep happening. For a very long time, for years, the Lord has put it heavy on my heart the need for community and unity among people, firstly among Christians. In God’s eyes, one doesn’t have to be a Christian to do good by his fellowman. One of the commandments was “do not covet your neighbor’s wife.” Your neighbor’s! We read that and think, “The guy down the street”; but as Jesus made clear in the parable of the good Samaritan, your neighbor is every living soul on planet earth. In short, that command says, “Look out for your fellowman.” When God asked Cain where Abel was, Cain replied, “I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?” I believe that many bad things, including stories like the one you told, happen because most people are like sheep who are unaccounted for, isolated from a community that loves them. There is no ‘brother’ to keep them, and no one knows what they are going through.

          I probably went off-track a little, but my summary is that God created people to function best within community where people are watching out for each other. (Community here doesn’t mean a commune or cult but a love for each other so that even if you live miles apart, you look out for and check up on each other.) When community is not in place, there’s no end to all the evil things that can and do happen. When people look after each other, neighbor to neighbor, then wolves can’t harm with impunity, and Jezebels can’t ruin people’s lives without being challenged. Survivors of abuse shouldn’t have to survive or bear up under abuse; they should have someone who will help deliver them from abuse. I have to say that probably about 99.9% of abused people do not have a keeper to help them. We often hear of God restoring a broken life; what about hearing about God saving a life from being broken? May God restore His original plan to the Church to be each others’ keepers, and may God bless and restore your friend.

      • Thank you Arendale that is a very good comment, and well put!

    • Pipi Halliday says:

      That I do agree n believe to be fair call/statement, I have fallen victim to this spirit in direct hit, to the point that I absorbed their sprit of Jez, and that is a horrible spirit to have inside, it ate at my goodness it ate at gods love so much that even god was thrown from my own life, destruction followed!! I had to lock myself in my room for nearly 2 yrs(well the change has been 4yrs) it got hold of me and shook every bit of gods love out of me, I was nothing but a shell,and self harmed daily with the battle within, me trying to fight the jez, without God or Jesus!! It almost killed me, I am still in sufferance with it, I needed an army of clean hearted spiritually aware vessels with me to cut and pull the barbs from me. I could not get what I knew I needed to drive out the attributes of the negative emotions.
      I still look to find one who is powerful enough to over throw them and one in discernment to point them out, one to replenish with love patience n kindness.

      • Arendale says:

        Wow, did you say that the spirit went into you? Are you still fighting for freedom from it, and do you have people to help you there?

        The Jezebel spirit or entity has two main enemies: truth and love. While it hates and disdains truth and looks on those who speak it, especially prophetic people, as losers, it hates love even more. This is because while truth tends to trigger its hostility and it’ll battle with and attack truth, its kryptonite is love. Jezebel will attack and suppress and will often cause those with truth to run, but she will RUN from love. When you look at the insecurities in those who operate in this spirit, it becomes apparent why this is the case. Even John the Baptist had to wrestle with Jezebel (in Herod’s wife); but Jezebel never made an appearance around Jesus. This is because she runs from love and understands spiritual authority (love giving the highest authority). You will see people who operate in Jezebel attacking those who uncover her and speak the truth; but you’ll never see her linger around someone who sees through her facade to her black heart but still genuinely loves her. (She loves those who love her facade and can’t see her insecurities but is terrified of those who see her shame and heart and still love her as a person and not as some celebrity.)

        I hope you have the help and support you need there and get the advice you need here. As long as you want Jezebel out of your life, you’ve already won a huge part of the battle.

  24. jossy says:

    The comment I love most here is the one that said Jezebel is possesed by a demon. It is not jezebel that was doing those evil but the demon in here. so the name that could be given to that kind of demon that did such havoc could be Jezebel. Had it the person had the opportunity of being delivered of the Jezebel spirit, the demon would have left her, so the demon can posses both male and female.

  25. Stephanie Chadwick says:

    Thank you for this information. I have come across this spirit many times and each time it realizes that I can see it, it flees from me. I have told it you can not stay where my truth is.

  26. andre says:

    How do i help my wife getting red of it ,and she does not say she has one ,she said i have a demon ,please help me this is going to kill my marrige

    • Arendale says:

      You need a group of people near you who can help you support-wise. She needs to confess having this issue, otherwise, the situation will probably never change.

      Google this for more info: Heaven Awaits: Healing for Jezebel

      It’s a site that a friend of mine owns that talks about different types of male, female, and child Jezebels as well as the roots or how they turned out so evil and also how to minister healing to them. I hope that will help.

  27. Christian Nunez says:

    Hi, I am a new Christian. I recently converted when I realized that I have been only attracting women with this same dark force. My last 4 relationships were the worse, all agnostic doctorate students from different backgrounds (China, Canada, Puerto Rico and Germany). Most showing all of the description above along with a uncontrollably sex drive. Of course people can describe them as nymphs but realizing that you have 4+ in a row as partners had no explanation.

    I recently assisted a 3 day conference at a Christian Church with Bill Sudduth about deliverance. They talked about these kind of demons, spirits, generational curses, soul ties, etc. He was clear however that the person has to be:

    1. A believer of Christ
    2. Fully confessed and repented
    3. Want to have a deliverance performed.

    The problem with this spirit is that they deny, lie and manipulate everything, so showing them like in my case even with accidental video recorded in hand is near impossible, and actually makes you think you are in the wrong.

    Andre, you have to believe first, commit your marriage to God, educate yourself with his word and what this Spirit does, and all Evil. They talked about a person with faith been able to perform a deliverance on their own.

    Within the last few months I have experienced so much. I went from been a mediocre Catholic with zero faith, to desperately look for light (without church a pastor, but simply with a bible and prayers). To been showed the cross of Christ in more than one occasion, having a white butterfly followed me everywhere, seen a white orb in my room while reading the Bible, feeling my hands ears and the top of my head on fire while praying, and feeling a tingly pressure on top of my head very like never before I praise the Lord at church singing loud to him.

    All these, the Bible, our Almighty GOD, his son our savior Jesus, demons and angels, are all so very real to me, and at my 35 I have been saved. The Bible unlike I always thought is not a reference book, but a very real powerful way to thru faith find our very own King of Kings God and set ourselves free. When it happens you will find yourself on your knees with tears on your eyes and hands up thanking your Lord in the sky for his mercy.

    God bless you Andre and remember that NOTHING is impossible for GOD.

    Christian Nunez

  28. Elizabeth says:

    I prayed this prayer…amen!!!
    I feel good!

  29. yveclark says:

    So what is the Biblical basis for this?

    • There is an article on this site. To find more about the Jezebel spirit, just type “Jezebel” in the search box at the top right.


      There will be many more on the internet in the form of videos, articles and books.

      There is a great deal of in-depth information here: Heaven Awaits: Healing for Jezebel

      • Where is there anything in the Bible that says all this is Jezebel? 30 traits? Where does Scripture associate them with Jezebel

        • An internet search will find many articles which analyse what the Bible tells us about Jezebel complete with scripture references.

          There is a blog site with a great deal of information about Jezebel, called “Heaven Awaits”.

        • yveclark says:

          I asked where it is in the Bible not the Internet. Jezebel occurs in 3 places and refers to two different women. Never does it mention a Jezebel spirit. You are not being true to the Word if you claim otherwise.

          • Arendale says:

            Yve Clark, if you are going to set forth an argument (debate), it’s important to define the words you’re using. You said there is no ‘spirit’ of Jezebel and that the name only occurs in three places with two women. Remember that the name ‘lucifer’ doesn’t occur often but that lucifer’s ‘spirit’ is seen throughout the Bible entering and influencing mankind.

            So, let us define ‘spirit’ as the Bible and even the secular dictionary defines it: one of the definitions (or synonyms) of spirit is ‘mind’. We know that ‘psychology’ means ‘the study of the soul’ and that ‘psyche’ means ‘soul, mind’. The NT talks about renewing the mind: “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Rom. 12). It also shows that the mind is the primary center of spiritual warfare or ‘the warfare that satan wages through men against God’:

            “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2Cor. 10).

            The strongholds, arguments, and high things that place their legitimacy above that of God’s Word are “thought(s)” which occur in the mind. To summarize, the same spirit(s) that worked in Queen Jezebel and in the woman in the Church of Thyatira have worked, can work, and do work in people from the past until now. This is not at all hard to believe once you realize that spirit and mind are basically the same. And once you see Jezebel at work in other people in the Bible such as Herodias (Herod’s wife who had John the Baptist killed).

            If your argument rests on the fact that the Bible never says the words “Jezebel spirit” together, then you must discount most of the Bible and all its claims about God and must discount all of Christianity. There are very few evil spirits that are named in the Bible; yet it says that Jesus cast out many evil spirits and demons, only stopping to get the name of one group of evil spirits: was Legion the only evil spirit in Jesus’ day because he was the only one named? This is the logic of your argument about the Jezebel spirit. Remember the spirit of Divination in the slave girl and the unnamed spirit that beat up the seven son of Sceva? Of course Jezebel exists as do all the legions of unnamed evil spirits. They function mostly through people’s minds or, rather, ‘mindsets’– those worldviews and beliefs that control people and force them to contradict the Bible. Some of these worldviews with corresponding spirits (and spirits with corresponding worldviews) are: Racism, Pride, Religion, Tradition, Jezebel, Hatred, Anti-Christ, Murder, etc. Ignorance among Christians about these matters is no longer okay. Paul said, “These times of ignorance God winked on but now commands men everywhere to repent” (Acts 17). We’re in the last days now and are quickly approaching a time when ignorance of the things I’ve mentioned here will be judged rather than excused.

    • yveclark says:

      Arendale, are you suggesting Queen jezebel was not responsible for her actions? Evil is not confined to spirits. She was a sinful woman who did sinful acts. A sinner. The Bible suggests mothing else. I am not interested in speculation nor nob Biblical debate.

      Your point about Christianity is irrelevant too. I do not support any doctrine that is not found in Scripture. That includes Church calendars, church councils, Rome and so much more. Sola Scriptura. That’s it.

      • A Google search will find many who believe in sola sciptura and write about Jezebel. There’s quite a lot in the Bible about Jezebel. There is nothing wrong with tying this in with modern day situations and people, which can help in a practical way. The Bible tells us that all scripture is profitable for learning, and etc.

        The Jezebel spirit is a principal spirit of witchcraft which has many faces and among other things presides over false religion, mind control and manipulation of information, cults, false doctrine, and in particular destroying people of God, and churches. It is capable of carrying out long-term strategies and even capable of supplying a false holy spirit. The Jezebel spirit at one point caused Elijah to feel that he wanted to die.

        It is by no means only female – neither only a seductive type of woman – as it is about control (witchcraft is about control as in the manipulation of reality) and just as often works through men or LGBTQ.

        The Bible story of Jezebel tells us that she had 850 male prophets who ‘ate at her table’ and did her bidding, as in a type of cult.

        The Jezebel spirit is strongly connected to narcissism, and they are believed to be one and the same in their religious form. (Sadly, there is also such a thing as Christian narcissists.)

        The Jezebel spirit – sometimes referred to as ‘the bride of Satan’ is far more than a seductive female spirit. It is highly intelligent and dangerous, a master – or mistress – of disguises and very wicked, and should never be underestimated.

      • Arendale says:

        If Jezebel wasn’t responsible for her actions, God could not judge her. But He did. The Bible suggests a great deal more than that Jezebel was just a sinner. If you are baptized in the Holy Spirit, what the Bible says between the lines of the actual words will open to you.

        There are many doctrines found in Scripture that you probably don’t support, so you shouldn’t think that you understand everything that the Bible says. I’ll take a guess at several truths or doctrines in the Bible that you possibly or probably don’t know about, agree with, or believe in:

        1. God and satan sometimes cooperate together to bring about certain desired outcomes on earth.

        2. People can lose their salvation, and many Christians are going into eternal judgment and not to Heaven.

        3. There are certain sins that the Bible openly decries (like murder)… and certain ones it is completely silent on (like pedophilia). So, is it really ‘sola Scriptura’?

        4. Christians are primarily to depend on the Holy Spirit, not the Bible.

        The last one has the potential of blowing most Christians’ minds (charismatic Christians included); but on second look at the NT, it begins to disturb and dismay many Christians who realize that while Jesus and other NT writers said that the Holy Spirit would be given to teach and lead Christians into ALL truth, no one in the NT says that a Book (the Bible) would be a.) compiled or b.) would actually be finished as a ‘Canon’. So much for “I do not support any doctrine that is not found in Scripture. That includes… church councils, Rome…” Man ‘finished’ the Canon; God didn’t. Did you ever consider that? No. No one does. Since God never finished the Bible, should it continue to be written till today? Well, I hope we don’t leave that decision in the hands of the councils that added and subtracted books till they get what we call today the Bible.

        So, the Bible is for the weakness of our flesh– to have it written out for our sakes. But the Holy Spirit IS the Teacher (or the One who interprets to us God’s language or words which is for us the Bible) and IS the primary One given to us from the Father Himself. Anyone can read and memorize the Bible; but the Holy Spirit writes the entire Word on our hearts so that “you do not have need that anyone should teach you” (see 1Jn. 2:20, 26-27) nor do we necessarily need a Bible. So, next time you say, “Sola Scriptura”, just know that sola scriptura the way so many seem to use it isn’t scriptura(l) at all.

        All that said, if a tree falls in the forest with no one around, it makes a sound whether or not one hears it. In the same way the truth is the truth and doesn’t need people or things to acknowledge it before it becomes truth: there certainly is such a thing as a Jezebel spirit which is more a conglomerate of wicked and disgusting evil spirits than just one entity. The most ardent unbeliever in the Jezebel spirit needs only to visit at least charismatic churches across America with notepad and pen (or laptop) in hand; as long as he/she is honest, they would eventually come to recognize and record the presence, influence, and effects of this spirit in so many churches. The Bible has already recorded evidence of this, but when it comes to truth, everyone believes or denies it according to their own faith and free will.

      • yveclark says:

        I found your reply in my email but it has gone merged from here. It ignored the question and addressed an unrelated issue. The question needs about answer.

        • Arendale says:

          Are you addressing me? If so, repeat your question in simple format. If I respond by going what you think is off-topic, it’s for a reason. Some people can’t hear truth straight forward; you give them a question for their question instead of an answer so they can answer their own question. Jesus did this all the time, and it still separates those who want truth from those who don’t.

      • @Yveclark- there was no ‘reply’ button on your above question about where the basis for this is in the Bible so I am making a reply here. Maybe this will help to explain some things. The answer is that the Bible does not provide a list of all names for demons, but we know they have names because of Jesus’s example in calling them out. Sometimes “names” refers to ‘lying’ spirits, or the spirit of murder, or ‘sexual’ spirits…. like this. But as noted above Jesus called out “Legion” which means a “multitude.”

        The writer of this website gave an excellent explanation above about casting out demons. If preachers today were teaching how to cast out demon spirits instead of submitting to them, or trying to run from them then there would not be so much ignorance on the subject.

        People need to learn of our spiritual enemy instead of ignoring it. Those who ignore the Devil, his demons and the powers he uses against us wind up being deceived and controlled by the Devil. One should never play around with the Devil and his demons. You learn to take spiritual authority “IN THE NAME OF JESUS” and to cast the ole boy out- out of your home, out of your life, and out of people. Demons shrug at the Name and Authority of Jesus Christ. That is how one defeats the Devil. However, the Bible also warns us that it is not enough to just cast these demons out. If people are not cleaning up their lives, their homes, their temple (own bodies) of everything that leaves an open door for these spirits to return then these spirits will return and it will be 7 times worse than before. I just do not have the time to look up this scripture but it’s in the Bible. What this means is that if people do not clean house and close every door to the Devil and his demons that when these spirits return then there will not likely be any opportunity to ever be free again.

        Cleaning house means to throw out the garbage music, magazines, books, movies, television, pornography, occult paraphrenalia. If there is a problem with the tongue ask the Lord for help. If there is a problem with a filthy mind, then ask the Lord for help, and so forth. Peoples homes and lives today are filled with all kinds of filth, especially church goers because it is the Devil’s plan to infiltrate the church with filth. People have become DESENSITIZED to what filth is. The best way to take care of this is to ask the Lord to show you what has to go BUT a person has to be willing to OBEY the Lord instead of making excuses to do what they want.

        I did not intend to write so much. It just comes to me. Maybe something I have written will be helpful to someone.

      • Donna Young says:

        The USA is having an election and those living outside the USA are very concerned an evil spirit indwells in at least two of those running for the office of President. We read of strange deaths surrounding one candidate, called a liar. And the other one seems to have sex gender attitude that women are made for a male’s sexual play thing. In God we Trust who is best to lead America, and there will be due diligence in daily prayers, for God’s guidance at the election polls, and the count will be honest.

        • Arendale says:

          The Jezebel spirit is behind far more people and things than most of us (including myself) are aware of right now, I believe. It’s a global thing and is hard to define since it isn’t confined to ‘spirits on the ground’ that enter people but is more often ‘spirits in the air’/heavenly places with links (like umbilical cords) connected to people on earth through whom they then function. As for the presidential candidates, neither candidate is good. The world is coming to an end as we know it, and both candidates are lucifer’s hands (as Obama was) to continue to drive it in that direction.

  30. How come no one ever considers the victims that the jezebel alienates and destroys? I have been screaming to the top of my lungs for several years now trying to communicate with another human being and all I ever receive is silence.

    There was NO ONE who ever came to my side while JEZEBELS ran me down. Everybody has submitted to the jezebels.

    So many men get all defensive when you say that men too can have jezebel spirits. The way the Bible describes the antichrist I would say that this coming world leader who will be the Antichrist will also have a jezebel spirit. I imagine that the White House is full of them including other world leaders. Probably some of the men who are so angered about this also have a jezebel spirit themselves. They just do not want to be caught. It is always so much easier to blame the woman for whatever they do wrong than to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for their pathetic behaviors. Genuine Christian men will not shame God or women. Controlling women, humiliating them, treating them like trash is NOT the behavior of a Christian.

    Once jezebel men destroy a woman, and destroy her reputation, and not a soul will have anything to do with her then what? You see, there is nothing anywhere about recovering from the damage of a man’s destruction. And with the increase in homosexuality today the jezebel spirit can only increase within homosexuality. I also believe that pornography is heavily involved in this tearing down of the Christian men in our society.

    And for those who are still reading the books written by false prophets, the NAR witches, and involved in the cults with false prophets then you are already submitted to jezebels.

    • Tjay says:

      I’m sorry you had to go through this. A lot of us have. I recommend Smakintosh on YouTube. He talks about the malignant narcissist personality, which we think is the same thing. They bewitch entire families, neighbourhoods, communities. What they do is pure witchcraft.

  31. @Tjay- thank you. I will look up that video. I have no doubt that narcissism lives within the jezebel spirit. The way the Bible describes how people will be in the last days I would say also describes narcissism. These word of faith, prosperity people are obsessed with occult teachings. They remind me of the little boys from the classic story “Lord of the Flies” who turned into savages but could not see what was happening to them until they were captured.

    I wish that I could meet other people who are going through the same things that I am. I have not been successful in meeting anyone. There is no one helping the scattered and battered sheep.

    • Arendale says:

      Hi there. You said you wish you could meet people who are going through the same things as you. Several questions:

      1. What things are you going through?

      2. Where in the world are you located?

      3. What has the Lord told you about your isolation?

      I was isolated for twelve years from any meaningful fellowship. Only this past Dec. 18th did I meet a believer who seems to genuinely want to follow the Lord, connect with other genuine believers, serve under a genuine and godly spiritual mentor/father, and be equipped and prepared for the ministry God has called him to. That’s just what I’ve been needing and looking for. I believe that while it is sometimes God’s will that we be alone for a season, it is never His will that we be isolated or remain alone. We see this first in Adam who was alone, as far as likeminded fellowship (a human being and not only God and animals), until God said it was no longer good and gave him another human being to have both fellowship (camaraderie) and intimacy (friendship, being known) with. One of the things the Lord is calling me to is connecting and networking people. It isn’t good for people to be alone but to be assembled in some fellowship or another so as, among other things, to avoid deception as well as satan’s attacks which are greater when one is alone. Not till I met this friend several days ago did I begin to sense a sort of acceleration– a sense that God will work faster and things will progress faster in my (and his) life because we are no longer individuals; we’ll actually begin seeing returns and answers and victories:

      “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; but how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” (Eccl. 4:9-12).

      God created the above principle, therefore, it’s His will that people walk together– two or more– in fellowship. If you can share some things, I may be able to pray with or help you connect somewhere. God bless and keep you in the meantime.

      • @Arendale

        1. What things are you going through? I have been shunned.
        2. Where in the world are you located? U.S.
        3. What has the Lord told you about your isolation? It has been a period of waking up to the truth and getting my own life in order to meet the Lord. I have come out of a cult with false prophets and false doctrines of the word of faith and prosperity garbage.

        I totally agree with what you said regarding Ecclesiastes 4:9-12. And the other scripture about believers assembling together (don’t have time now to look it up) has never meant so much to me as it does now. I have been told that this shunning is going on everywhere now but those of us who have separated from the churches (a.k.a. religious services of organized religion) need to be in fellowship with each other. Satan is using Jezebel to break up the church, relationships, and families. Narcissism dominates these churches today.

        I believe that I was the first person to ever post these 30 characteristics of Jezebel on my website. It was way back, maybe as far as 2005 or ’07 that I posted these characteristics. Many people copied them, but after I was attacked by Jezebel false prophets I received a threat from Sampson’s publisher to remove these characteristics from my website. It is looking like another personal attack on me because it was just one of several things hatched by Jezebels to silence me.

        Any more personal details I prefer to keep in private mail. If you or someone would like to reach me then please go to my website mail page http://www.propheciesofrevelation.org/feedbackform.html

        • Arendale says:

          I understand where you are. Sorry it’s been a long time. I just heard a song that I’ll share here and hope it will encourage someone here.

          I agree with you and have felt that same way– that many of us have been shunned, rejected, pushed out. The average church structure or Christian group is following after ‘another Jesus’ and shuns people who want to follow the real one. Charismatics are especially guilty of this. But as you said, I also feel that those who have been pushed out need to gather together in their respective towns, cities, states, etc. Jezebel loathes anything that has the scent of righteousness or rightness on it and definitely is at work in the churches. Sorry that ‘she’s’ been at you; she’s been at me probably since before birth but definitely has been ‘the executor of intention’ for satan against me. I’ve sent you an email. We can talk more privately. The way is narrow and difficult, and few find it.


  32. LovefreedomJustice says:

    This is great and pretty much hits the nail on the head. I have seen this spirit manifest so many times in numerous peoples lives. I know I have submitted to it too and have had to repent.

    To add onto 18:

    18. Is clairvoyant
    Many who operate out of this spirit of control also have a clairvoyant spirit. A Jezebel has supernatural help in knowning and sensing information. If he uses this against you, he may say “I can’t tell you how I know this. I just know it.” This is not the Holy Spirit, but the help of a clairvoyant or familiar spirit. Clairvoyance may be defined as the power to perceive things that are out of the range of human senses.

    People who use the Holy Spirit’s name in vain to say “oh I know this because God told me” leads into pride. Not only are they listening to a familiar spirit but sometimes what they “see” is clouded judgment so their clairvoyance is false. I don’t believe a demon can give one accurate discernment, only God can.

    I have had to fight bitterness in my life recently. Because lately, I’ve had my in-laws who boast and brag about being “feelers” and being able to see things that I can’t see because they’re “gifted” in this gift of discernment. But when you look at their fruit in their life, it’s fruit that 100% exemplifies the spirit of Jezebel. It is NOT Holy Spirit. So that’s how I know that their “discernment” is clouded.
    Ugh and it makes me soo bitter because they look down on me, thinking I can’t see things that they can.And THEN they try to call me out on “darkness” in my life that doesn’t even exist. I’ve never had to deal with this sort of behavior. And I don’t want to be bitter. I know I have to constantly ask for the blood of Jesus to wash me away from these negative emotions I feel from being around this behavior.

    WOW I’ve said a lot on this post but I’m glad I got it out. This was cathartic for me LOL.

    Bless you!

    • @LovefreedomJustice I have seen the same things that you describe. It sounds like your relatives could be listening to false prophets? I speculate on this because I have heard all the very same things from people I knew involved with these NAR false prophets. These false prophets convince people that they are the ones who know it all, that they are the ones with the spiritual discernment and insight. These people have ripped me up one side and down the other with all sorts of lies but what really stirred the anger was when my mother who had better spiritual discernment than myself called this false prophet out and said he was false. All hell broke loose. The whirlwind of chaos brought against me kept me confused for so long but when I look at these people now and then look at myself where I am it is crystal clear. I mean, these people who ‘think’ they are so much more spiritual, wiser and smarter are the ones who following false doctrines, allowing witchcraft into their lives, and full of hatred. I am alone (with my mother) but the Lord is protecting us from all the pollution in the church and the world so that we can keep the truth that we know and believe and keep focused on the Lord and His coming….not the things of this world or people. Someone told me once that the Lord is preparing a remnant and that He has something for us to do until He comes. I believe that. The small remnant is the true believers who are seeking the narrow path, and that path is very narrow. The wide road seeks the new age philosophies and theologies of signs, wonders and miracles, magic, supernatural manifestations. Their ‘god’ is a ‘genie.’

      • Arendale says:

        Truth. Prophecies, you posted something that showed up in my email from this site but I can’t see it here. You mentioned male Jezebels in it. I’ve known one man who had both a Jezebel and an Ahab spirit at work in him. This gave him a multiplied ability to trick and deceive people which he loved doing. At least one woman heard from ‘God’, she thought, telling her to marry this man. I’ve found that women can have a Jezebel spirit and a eunuch spirit but can’t have an Ahab spirit. That means women can have two types of spirits that concern ‘the Jezebel trio’ (Jezebel, Ahab, Eunuch spirits). Men can have two times more: men can have a Jezebel, Eunuch, and Ahab spirits AND an Ahab mindset. Women can only have Jezebel and Eunuch.

        Here are three links to very good teachings on at least three male renditions of Jezebel when Jezebel manifests in a man:

        1. Charismatic Jezebel

        2. Warring Jezebel

        3. Minister Jezebel

        There is also the Peter Pan Jezebel which is juvenile narcissism or the Jezebel spirit in child form; both females and males can have it.

        And yes, I believe that many men who seek to control women by accusing them of having Jezebel do have Jezebels themselves or, at the least, a very bad controlling spirit.

      • Carmen says:

        Thank you for sharing God bless you and your mother stay strong in the Lord and the power of his might

  33. Glen says:

    Yes I marred a women that has all trates.of a Jezebel spirt I. Returned. Back to her 4 Times from the. Months of. January. February. March april. May .the spirt. Was gone.we love each other.like out of this world.the kids enjoyed bible. Study. Each week.life was good.then June things would start happying. Again she seemed. To have.two different People. Going on in side..it got so bad.she would throw. Me.in jail. The last time with her I told her if I come back things will be.God and family.two. months back with.her. I sufed. A heat stock.I ask her if she was a jezsble.she look at me .with s look I have never seen in her.and. said. No.I ask God to help.as I was praying.she said to me. Don’t bring. Him in to it.then I know. What I was dealing. With .I had to leave her again. Now I am living my life with Jesus. And. His father.there a lot of things I have experience.with this demon.I haven’t. Told anyone.all I can say I’d I thank Jesus. Chist. For getting me away from it.I still love my wife.what do I do.I leave. It in gods hands.

    • Arendale says:

      Sorry to hear, Glen. The Jezebel spirit is a murderer/murderess. There’s really no rescuing it. I believe that maybe 90% or more of all people who mature in a Jezebel spirit will never let Jesus save them. Sorry that you had to go through that.

  34. tracy says:

    Am I possessed if I think I’m a psychic with spirit guides? I know they get things wrong but they do tell me things that are sometimes right. They talk to me and give me advice. I ask them what I should do and they guide me. Someone once said I was possessed, I have done some evil things in my life, had tarot cards and other occult things, I have books on the subject and developed my spiritualism powers but does this mean I’m possessed? My childhood was traumatic, having been in foster care as my parents couldn’t cope, I was kicked out when I was 16. I fell pregnant to a man older than me, I lost custody of my son as the state granted my ex custody due to diminished responsibility and my then lack of ability to support my son, I planned and got revenge on my ex although I have been in trouble for stalking other boyfriends. I was hospitalised for mental reasons, I’ve tried to commit suicide more than once. I take drugs but not hard drugs anymore just marijuana I’ve been involved with occult things for a long time and believe that I have guides. I have tried religion but it really doesn’t do it for me although I do believe in god. I know what I do is anti-christian but does it mean I’m possessed or am I just a subject of bad parenting and abuse? Someone said that I’m involved with Lucifer and I’m preaching evil, are they right? I need help and advice. I have phoned the Samaritan helpline but they can’t really help me. Can you please help or pray for me?

    • As the Bible says, we are all conceived in sin, and we all need to be saved. Scripture is clear that no one has the right to judge another because only God knows the real truth of a matter. It doesn’t matter what our past is. Paul is an example of this, as he had a history of persecuting Christians.

      With regard to coming out of the occult, that is something many including Christians do not understand, nor often do they even know how to deal with those coming out of the occult. So it’s important, especially in these last days when so much is difficult to navigate and perhaps especially in Christianity, not to expect too much from people but to look to God and Jesus and Our Helper, the Holy Spirit.

      With God’s word, the (KJV) Bible, we can turn to Him through His Son, Jesus and be given the Holy Spirit, our teacher and comforter. With the Holy Spirit as with other things from the Bible, it is essential to find out for ourselves what the Bible actually says rather than what people claim it says and a list can be found here: The True Holy Spirit

      We do need to guard against things like legalism and false doctrine. The Bible warns us over and over again to carefully keep away from following false teachers of which there are many. Churches have been infiltrated and many have lost their way and are leading many astray. In this Bible passage we are warned against following particular preachers or church denominations: 1 Corinthians 3

      Milton Green (now deceased) is one of the few preachers who are relatively clear of false teachings and there are many of his vids on Youtube. He wrote excellent book called “The Great Falling Away Today” which is linked to at the foot of this page. There are others on Youtube such as “Off the Kerb Ministries” who are good to learn from. As long as one watches out for any false doctrine (such as the ‘pre-trib rapture’) and continues to check everything against scripture and remember that it is Jesus we are following, not them.

      “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” (1 Peter 5:8)

    • Arendale says:

      Hi. Sorry about your struggles. Lots of people have spirit guides or/and familiar spirits. Many are born with them, or they introduce themselves when the person is a child (happens often), especially a lonely or abused child. Bad things come into people’s lives not just from their sins but also sins of others as well as from negative generational habits and sins and demons (and familiar spirits). A lot of people want to do right and even walk with God, but they don’t have any real encouragement to do so. Unfortunately, the churches are mostly not working as they were originally meant to, and therefore, a lot of benefits and blessings are MIA around Christians and in everyday life.

      David said, “Bless the Lord oh my soul… and forget not all His benefits” (Ps. 103). Most of His benefits are lacking right now, and answers are few and far between. Many people have unanswered questions, and clichés and such don’t work. Many Christians have turned, are turning, and will turn to occult means such as Wicca (loads of Christians at my college were into Wicca, and my ex-girlfriend left the church to become Wiccan), darker forms of occultism like witchcraft and satanism, New Age, and overt forms of idolatry like the worship of angels or Mother Earth, etc., all because they have not found answers in churches. Hopefully, this will change soon; and hopefully, you’ll find the answers you need. A prayer for you:

      Lord, You are the Answer when there are only questions, the Solution when there are only puzzles. Meet Tracy where she is, as You do, and move the pieces around for her to connect with the right people who have living faith toward God and who can impart or share with her fulfilling Life from You. And give her peace as You do. Amen.

    • Sarah says:

      Believing in God is not enough, as James 2:19 says, “You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that–and shudder.” However, God, our father and savior, loves you so much and is pursuing after your heart, always knocking on your door and wants to free you. He just wants you to love Him back by your own choice, to surrender yourself and your fears to Him. He wants you to seek Him, to have a relationship with Him, and He loves you so indescribably, incredibly. He just wants what’s best for us, as his sons and daughters, which is His pure love that always conquerors and frees us from fear. Tracy, I don’t know if you will ever see this, but I will be praying for you, and I have faith that Jesus is doing everything to bring you back to His light; you just have to call upon His name.

      Romans 5:8 “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

  35. Humphrey Cushion says:

    It’s unfortunate that you cannot see past satan’s deception, it really shows to me a lack of thorough and intelligent thought that anyone could follow the occult. You can gain a terrible reputation even if you believe in what you do is right doesn’t mean others will and this will sully any want for people to hold you in a high and trustworthy regard. All this being said what your involved as you say is totally against all that is holy and in the precious name of Christ I urge you to stop!

    I once knew a woman that was unfortunately involved with the occult and had been since she was a teenager. She invariably attended spiritualist churches and engaged in witchcraft. She claimed to have power over men, could summon spirits, could also tell the future and know a person by just looking at them.

    She had a variety of friends and acquaintances that we’re Christian that tried to save her, her sister in law being one of them but alas she always turned back to demonic things. She often influenced others to take drugs or engage in the occult, be it via mediums and so on.

    Knowing this woman, her past, her beliefs, her want to control and to some extent being able to influence others suggests to me that she was indeed possessed and as the pervious comments identify she was and may still be possessed by Jezebel!

    Some people willingly accept Satan into there lives and pursue lucifers plan to dominate and destroy but more fool them, some reject the adversary eventually realizing there interests and actions are demonic.

    I hope this may help in some small way to answer your dilemma. May God open your heart to the truth in Jesus’s mighty name.


  36. Pingback: 30 Traits of the Jezebel Spirit | claude822blog's Blog

  37. Pingback: Traits of Jezebel | Ecclesia Framework

  38. Marshall says:

    Have you written on the Delilah Spirit?

    • Arendale says:

      Good question. The Delilah spirit sounds like it’s just a spirit of lust, but I bet the Bible has more to say about it than just lust.

  39. Pingback: What Does The Jezebel Spirit Look Like | Razeeti4

  40. Pingback: Leaches in the church Part2  – jvpalmer

  41. Stephen John Sponsler says:

    The traits of the Jezebel in this sound like they are describing a sinner. Jezebel sacrificed to Baal..and the people to be in good standing before their ‘queen’ had to eat foods sacrificed to a god..kind of like the Eucharist. Got and learn what this means, “I Desire Mercy not Sacrifice”.

    • Arendale says:

      This book makes sense of what ‘the Jezebel spirit’ is better than anything I know of out there:

      Jezebel, Seducing Goddess of War by Jonas Clark

      This thing is not just one spirit but a sort of cadre of evil spirits or ‘gods’ (Baal, Ashtoreth, etc.) which merge with the sinful flesh, therefore making it hard to distinguish between the Jezebel spirit(s) and a person’s fleshly nature.

      Narcissism and the Jezebel spirit aren’t the same thing though very similar. Anyone who operates in a Jezebel spirit will be narcissistic, but not everyone who is narcissistic will be operating in a Jezebel spirit though Jezebel is in fact the other side of Narcissism just like psychopathy and sociopathy are not the same but are closely tied together, one the other side of the other. Please do some research on this and you will begin to see where the Bible in fact does talk about ‘the Jezebel spirit’. (Best clue is where Jesus talks about those who come a”the spirit of Elijah”

    • Arendale says:

      Well, that’s a real mystery. I posted just now but it didn’t post exactly what I wrote. Here’s what the recent post (from a minute ago) is supposed to look like:

      This book makes sense of what ‘the Jezebel spirit’ is better than anything I know of out there:

      Jezebel Seducing Goddess of War by Jonas Clark

      This thing is not just one spirit but a sort of cadre of evil spirits or ‘gods’ (Baal, Ashtoreth, etc.) which merge with the sinful flesh, therefore making it hard to distinguish between the Jezebel spirit(s) and a person’s fleshly nature.

      Narcissism and the Jezebel spirit aren’t the same thing though very similar. Anyone who operates in a Jezebel spirit will be narcissistic, but not everyone who is narcissistic will be operating in a Jezebel spirit though Jezebel is in fact the other side of Narcissism just like psychopathy and sociopathy are not the same but are closely tied together, one the other side of the other. Please do some research on this and you will begin to see where the Bible in fact does talk about ‘the Jezebel spirit’.

      Let me help, if you want help: I believe the most obvious evidence in the Bible that there is in fact a ‘Jezebel spirit’ which existed in the past (before Queen Jezebel) and is presently in existence is where Jesus addresses the Thyatira Church in Revelation. In the OT (eg. Malachi 4) and in Jesus’s day, it was said that one would come “in the spirit of Elijah”. Elijah was a man; how could his spirit be hanging around after he died? The same way Jezebel’s does, because it’s not their own spirits but ‘the spirit on them’ (with Jezebel it was those ‘gods/evil spirits’ from satan and with Elijah it was a ‘prophetic reforming spirit’ from the Lord). It is clear that the name of the woman in the Thyatira Church who Jesus addressed was not Jezebel. Therefore, the only reasonable explanation for Jesus calling her Jezebel is that He was speaking to the spirit at work IN/behind her. If you doubt this, refer to when Jesus said directly to Peter, “Get behind me, satan!” We all know He was talking to satan primarily but that He was addressing Peter. For the humble seeker of truth, this instance (along with many others in the Bible) should put to rest the claim that “there is no such thing as a Jezebel spirit”.

      The Bible only names two good angels (Michael and Gabriel) and basically one bad one (lucifer); does this mean that there are only two good angels and only one bad one and only a few demons? No. Do your research on ‘the Jezebel spirit’ so you can understand many things and people you do not presently understand. This spirit is waylaying and destroying Christians and non-Christians as you are reading this. Unlike the flesh, this thing is an entity, and unlike fleshly works, Jezebel can ‘eat you alive’ and make a complete ruin even of a sincere believer’s life. You might want to get to learning about it asap. And if you need some more info. on Jezebel the entity (not fleshly works and attitudes that hold some similarities to Jezebel), feel free to ask.

  42. Jimmy Metz says:

    How do I confront the person who has the Jezebel spirit. My wife fits the description to a tee. She’s very violent very angry person

  43. Anitra Johnson says:

    Powerful. I have recognized this spirit in more men than women.

    • Arendale says:

      Same here.

    • Barry White says:

      Yes! The old Pentecostal churches used to have mostly women jezebels, but as the years have went by men are becoming more predominant. Churches need Watchmen on their walls and stand prepared to execute the force of Holy Spirit instead of caving and pampering them. The longer you wait the stronger the foothold sill get and then you’ll wind up in a split with trouble and confusion.

  44. Pingback: 30 traits of the Jezebel Spirit | Just Steps

  45. Anita says:

    I came directly face to face with that.

  46. Pingback: What Is The Definition Of A Jezebel Spirit | Information

  47. Pingback: God’s Righteous Judgment – jcsouthwest

  48. tellthetruth1 says:

    Reblogged this on The love of God and commented:
    I really need to keep this…

  49. Carlos A says:

    Interesting. But what you have described is general humanity. My definition would be an evil spirit or demon that occupies a person into selfishness, greed, insensitive, apathetic, manipulative and desires Ill-will of others. Whether if it’s for self recognition, foolish pride and/or to promote an ungodly agenda.

  50. Pingback: The NAR is the DND “Christian” equivalent | churchwatch central

  51. Ian says:

    Jesus does acknowledge His mother in the Bible. When Jesus therefore saw his mother, john 19 26 and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son!
    27 Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home. He get John to take her in as his own mother nothing about worshipping her.

  52. Katherine walsh says:

    It’s being entertaining from the pulpit in my church because of lavish gifts and special favors they do for the pastor after not against it it’s taken three years for me to do this but I find I can no longer these people have a son that they demonize everyone in the church has fallen for it I cannot abide by this I will entertain this and I’m being ostracized

    • Arendale says:

      Katherine, you should leave and pray for and seek out a safe and godly fellowship (which will usually be a small one; Jezebels love big places where there are lights, glitz, glamour, lots of flesh, superficiality, and a chance at some kind of fame which you don’t find in small groups as you do in the average-sized church). When leadership puts up with Jezebel and no one repents, the only godly person who should be in such a place is Jesus Himself– and that for judgment. Everyone else who is pursuing a genuine relationship with God should leave unless God very expressly tells them to stay and they have total clarity about it (not fear, confusion, or uncertainty). I hope that helps.

  53. Chesapeake says:

    This is so on point. I have been under the influence of Jezabel spirit for most of my marriage. My wife has become this spirit she is super controlling and very manipulating. After sometime out of the house. I realized this spirit has been controlling our marriage. She has become demonic.

  54. Barry White says:

    Hi, whoever wrote this article is on target, bullseye! Very Good job on how they operate, their motives etc….
    I am a prophet and I can relate to everything and probably more in this article loaded with information!
    I hope you get a lot of visits because people need to be made aware of this terrible narcissists spirit that is working in our churches to tear down, cause divisions and splits. I’ve seen this happen 4 times, 2 were women and 2 were men.
    God Bless you, And God’s Grace and Favor be on you and go before you…..

  55. Pingback: Do Not Use The Lord To Hurt Others! – jcsouthwest

  56. Kwabena says:

    Great content. God bless you. 👍
    After reading through your content, I realize my partner is been processed by a jezebel spirit. Since she is actively allowing herself to be manipulate by this demonic spirit she is not ready to admit and be prayed for. I love my wife and kids, and want my family and her saved, cos it is getting out of hand now considering divorcing me. What can I do behind the scene to save her from such spirit. I need my wife back and need it right now.
    Please help.

  57. carey says:

    my beast friend natalie ruth scibetta has this jezebel spirit or is just a sociopath missing part of the brain

  58. Carla Tibbetts says:

    Yes very good article, I have a daughter in-law that has this Jezebel Spirit, I live in another state, I dread going back there beacuse she ignores me and says rude things, do I really need to subject my self to this treatment, I say nothing to my son because he walks on egg shells, I don’t want to make it worst on him. Heart broken mother.

    • Dante says:

      Yet we are called not to be tolerant to this spirit (Revelations). I do know my exwife has it and one of my friends. I do not tolerate it, and have managed to called it out on my friends situation calling it for what it is, full of pride and hungry for mostly sexual attention

      • Arendale says:

        Good for you to stand up to it, Dante. Most people are scared witless to stand up to this vile loser attitude and evil spirit.

  59. Pingback: Just Steps

  60. Marc says:

    As a Christian people we are truly in trouble if we cannot discern spiritual truths. In Corinthians Paul discusses how these believers were fighting with each other, and taking each other to court.

    Look at the direction and tone of some of the comments posted here. It is good to gently reprove one another if our brother or sister is in error. But some of these comments feel attacking toward others. Let’s maintain love for one another, and look to drift and perfect our understanding of our Lord through meekness and humility. Search the scriptures and challenge the doctrine lovingly if a brother/sister is in error.

    I love and thank you all for contributing to my understanding. This is a newer topic for me, and I have learned much on this from this thread.


  61. lostidentity says:

    This sounds like anyone labeled as passive, aggressive!

  62. I had that happened to me with a girl in the military base i was working with. She said I am doing nothing wrong when corrected to walk away of men watching her with big India eyes and smiling. She was an intern Geneticist working there part time during the gulf war years and I am called to reprove that situation about who controls the money reason being i was reprimanded up the ads about it and later terminated by a man called Commander David Lesser

  63. Sandra Urion says:

    I just recognized after 10 years that my now ex, is got a jezebel spirit. I am a mess!!! I’m waking up hearing songs like, “I Don’t Want To Live Without You”, for example. These articles are exactly who he is. And, its true, all you want to do is help get him delivered. But, it’s impossible! He won’t accept it or believe. I NEED HELP!!! I feel like a curse is on me. And, he was very abusive, too. Why can’t I STOP LOVING him? What do I do? Why can’t I let go? Any suggestions?

  64. Debbie Martin says:

    This is God sent! I am dating a guy that has a mom that has to have control over everything ……she has even bought same (women’s underclothing ) as I did -same color when we went shopping! She is 83 yrs old, and reading this it has shown me that this spirit has effected sons (grandsons, daughters. great grandchildren). I have seen her use money to have control. I pray this spirit has no authority over my life. I wondered for awhile what was going on but now I know. Thank you for sharing this. Deb

  65. vz says:

    Where are your scriptures for backing this information up? Each point should contain a scripture because many of these traits are plain old spirit of pride and or narcissistic and manipulative in general, not necessarily a jezebel spirit.

    • Snoopy It Is says:

      Vz, I like to say, “Not everything is written in the Bible, but everything is contained in it.” I like people to figure out the facts for themselves rather than me trying to convince them, therefore, I like to ask people questions to get their own brains rotating and clicking and working to find the answers. So, here are several questions and statements to get your brain started on thinking about whether or not Jezebel is a spirit: do you really think that “Each point should contain a scripture” is Scripturally correct and that you can find a backup for every fact in the Bible? The Bible repudiates several abominations within just several verses (eg. homosexuality, beastiality, incest) but never decries pedophilia and child molestation once; do you then think the Bible is okay with it because you can’t use the Bible to back up saying that it is wrong? Does the Bible tell us to demand scriptures from someone who makes claims about scripture that we don’t agree with or are unsure of, or does it tell US to be like the Bereans and study to show our own selves approved?

      You aren’t supposed to ask people for scriptures to back up spiritual claims that you don’t agree with. (Afterall, in the end, you won’t believe what you don’t want to believe and will deny what you want to deny.) You are supposed to go to the Bible, just like the Bereans did and as the Bible tells us to do, and look for yourself. There are HOSTS of spirits out there, both good and bad, that affect and are all around us. But let’s forget Jezebel for a minute; there are literally worlds of evil spirits out there, so debating about just one is a waste of time. I want to introduce you to the fact that God Himself created other gods to be part of His team (so to speak) some of who later rebelled (I am not talking about angels; I am talking about “gods” or “sons of God”– as the Bible itself calls them– which are a different and higher breed from angels).

      If you want someone who WILL give you tons and tons of biblical evidence on findings that most christians won’t agree with, you will love Mike Heiser. Start here, and read the free portion by clicking on the book (‘look inside’): https://www.amazon.com/Unseen-Realm-Recovering-Supernatural-Worldview/dp/1577995562/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1520652115&sr=8-1

      If you want video which may be easier, here is a 5-minute video by Heiser (and from there you can branch out and watch many other videos): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lLkVlc9xdI

      The things we know are excruciatingly small. We can only be in one place at one time and can only know what we have learned (which may or may not be true). We don’t know what happens around us when we sleep or what the person in the room next to us is doing; therefore, we cannot claim to be sure of things unless the Bible agrees with them and we receive the evidence by experience or/and revelation. Mike Heiser is true professional, specialist, and expert on the spirits that in fact do exist. He may not mention Jezebel, but as you listen to him, it will begin to dawn on you that this thing is far, far, far greater than just the Jezebel spirit. “Not everything is written in the Bible, but everything is contained in it.” When it isn’t obvious or apparent in the Bible, then it’s time to search, dig, and study until you find it. Heiser has done the work for many of us. Please go and appreciate his work.

      • Snoopy It Is says:

        You used some fitting scriptures, but I think you missed it. For one, being a lover of self and the rest of that passage applies to “men” as the passage clearly says which means “people”, not just Trump. And secondly, supporting Trump doesn’t defile or revoke a christian’s salvation. It’s those who choose evil who lose their salvation, and many people don’t know what they’ve chosen in Trump as the custom is with almost all our presidents since JFK. God didn’t penalize anyone for making mistakes; only satan does. God warns to be discerning so you won’t make mistakes, but mistakes don’t cost you your salvation. You’re to “study to show yourself approved.. RIGHTLY dividing (discerning, understanding) the word of truth.”

  66. Josh says:

    I find it very strange you ascribe the traits of the Jezebel spirit to a man, instead of to a woman. Jezebel was not a man.

    • Jezebel is an evil queen in the Bible story at 1 Kings associated with the Jezebel spirit which is a very evil demonic principality of witchcraft, cults and false doctrine and much more besides. Like any demonic spirit, its purpose is to steal, kill and destroy, and it targets people of God in particular. Contrary to popular belief, the Jezebel spirit can work through men as well as women, and transgender or LGBTQ which is part of its specialty.

      This is illustrated in the Bible story in Kings where Jezebel the queen had 850 male followers who ‘ate at her table’ (this likely refers to spiritual food but not that of God but the food of the devil) and who did her bidding.

      Jezebel is mentioned again in the New Testament: “Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.” (Rev: 2:20).

      The Jezebel spirit is highly intelligent and extremely deceptive, particularly known for being adept at disguise, and hiding itself, hence the mask so often associated with this spirit. Part of that deception has led people to believe that it only manifests as a made-up woman. That would clearly be a very dangerous belief for anyone to have – such as, for example, serial killers are always dressed up as clowns – and anyway that is simply not true.

  67. Josephine W says:

    Here is a list of what Narcissists usually do to their targets:

    Insults their target very often. Then lie when confronted about it, or say it was a joke.
    When confronted with their behavior, they pretend to be innocent and play the victim.
    Everything is always your fault, even when it’s obviously not.
    They always have a justification for every bad thing they do. They think they’re always right.
    Very controlling, they tell you how to live, but they can live anyway they want. Very hypocritical.
    They accuse you of what they’re doing to you (RED FLAG!), it’s called projection.
    Portraying themselves as angels outside, when they are actually demons with their family and especially their target.
    They want you to fail, while pretending to want you to succeed (they’re very convincing).
    They never say they are sorry for hurting you (RED FLAG!).
    Poison your favourite activities, they don’t want you to be happy or to get pleasure. They also poison other useful activities like important skills which will help you in the future. They DO NOT want you to have skills, they want you to be as weak as possible. They don’t teach you anything.
    Subtly lead a smear campaign against their target, so they isolate it and make sure they don’t get help.
    When you want to leave the relationship with a narcissist, they beg you to stay with them and cry crocodile tears. They are the best actors.
    Sometimes nice, sometimes cruel. You never know where you stand with them.
    They pretend to be “victims”, and they blame the target for their own behavior.
    They are incredibly arrogant and sadistic. They see the target as weak, and deserving to suffer.
    They think they are models to be followed.
    They are spiritually dead although they might loudly profess some kind of spiritual belief.

    • Karen Koontz says:

      I am a narcissist and have the Jezebel spirit. I want to change but don’t know how! I am Miserables and made my husband miserable..

      • We accept Jesus as our Saviour, repenting for our sins (changing our mind) cultivating godly sorrow, and learning what the Bible says (not what people say it says).

        Renunciation prayers are a good place to start with deliverance and usually they only need to be said once. There are many renunciation prayers available on this site and elsewhere on the internet and as a form of repentance, work very well as part of deliverance. These prayers are best said aloud and with head covered for females. There is a prayer to renounce the Jezebel spirit at the end of the article.

        The Jezebel spirit often works in a demonic network (some say eg. Jezebel, antichrist and child of hell) and/or perhaps, for example, with an entertaining and witty demon which works to hide the Jezebel demon. As a principality, and a highly intelligent one at that, it is not so easy to identify or to expel as other demons. There may be some special requirements for the Jezebel spirit to do with a three-fold cord is not easily broken.

        Self-deliverance works very well using videos and audio as it is Jesus who delivers and the power of deliverance is always and only when we say “in the name of Jesus”. We need to take the authority that he has given us. We can pray and ask for more faith, more strength and more grace to bear.

        There is so much information available on the internet – although great care is needed as some of it is disinformation and some of it just plain wrong. A key is always to pray about it, check the sources, test the spirits, check back that it lines up with scripture. It is possible to find out what you need to know and we can receive guidance from the Holy Spirit.

        We believe it also helps to close any demonic portals or doorways caused by having cursed objects in our home, garden, garage, office, and transport by checking against The Occult and Cursed Object List on this site.

        We need to be able to walk our deliverance out. With prayer, praise, worship, thanksgiving, studying the Bible (KJV), repentance (renunciation prayers) and renewing our mind, and more that is available to us.

        God will help us all the way, but making a sincere effort to increasingly do all that Jesus told us to do will help us get free and stay free.

  68. Alice says:

    This is really an eye opening article. Do you have more info about an Ahab spirit?

  69. Sue says:

    This article is just excellent. I sadly see that my daughter, my beloved baby, now 41, is in a very bad place as 95% of this describes her. She was diagnosed years ago via my description of her behavior as having narcissistic personality disorder. I cannot imagine her ever recognizing that in her and certainly not this and asking for forgiveness, let alone renouncing this spirit unless God intervenes. So I will just keep holding her up to God in the 20 years or so that we have left until the rapture. At least she is a believer as are my granddaughters, so praise God for that. She unfortunately is in a church that will never speak on this subject.

  70. Pingback: The Jezebel Spirit: facts, faults and fiction – Kit Kennedy

  71. Kelly says:

    This sounds an awful lot like Donald Trump. 😥

    • Donald Trump is not necessarily any worse than any of them. Only God knows the truth of it. There is an extent to which people are being manipulated so that they fall into one of two camps, love Trump or hate Trump which is not very healthy as there is so much more to it than that.

      • Snoopy It Is says:

        I’m happy to see that you’re so poisoned that you are unable to reason. I’m only happy about that because it means I don’t have to waste my time reasoning with you. #Trump2020.

      • sarah hodgins says:

        Truth in Reality, you are correct. In the NWO plan, the Globalists control both sides, so that they always win. Yes Trump has a few things going for him (eg that he does not support abortion, to my knowledge) but look at how he is dividing Christians. Look at how he is bringing on the WW3 which was predicted by Freemason leader Albert Pike. This is all to distract Christians from the Lord!

  72. Snoopy It Is says:

    sarah hodgins, Trump is dividing christians? The Bible doesn’t agree with that but rather says that Jesus is who divides christians, making a division and distinction between christians who have rejected God and believers who genuinely follow God. Trump, if anything, is revealing the immense darkness in the hearts of christians– both christians who hate him and christians who only love him because of how they feel about him rather than how God feels about him. Trump is the only one currently holding back the spirit of Antichrist, especially having saved America from the Antichrist AND Jezebel spirits in Hillary Clinton, that witch. But my message to all christians who hate Trump for personal reasons, my message to them is that they please continue to sink in their own hateful hearts and toss and turn with disgust on many sleepless nights as they pine only for their own desires and not the desires of the Lord. It’s very good to see your hearts being revealed. #Trump2020

    • Sarah says:

      Hi, what do you mean about the Bible not saying that Trump is dividing Christians? I meant the people here on this webpage who are arguing about Trump

      • Snoopy It Is says:

        Only Jesus divides christians unless the enemy uses his workers to do it subtly. In the end, you will have christians who hate God and believers who love God. No one will be able to divide the believers who love God as the Bond that ties them together is all-powerful. But the christians who hate God and are only living to save their lives, they are already divided against God, therefore, anything (whether purposely or not) can and does divide them easily.

    • Snoopy It Is says:

      sarah hodgins, I just saw your other comment. Yes, we are in the last days and there will be at least one more world war. Yes, I know about Albert Pike, the elite, the NWO, the Illuminati, and satan’s plans through them against mankind. The Bible said all these things would happen, so there is little need to worry. “Bad people do bad things,” so satan is just doing what is in his nature through those who are in agreement with him.

      • Jenny Foster says:

        Whatever the truth about Trump there is no denying that the Clintons are not the nice people that they appear to be. There is a very long list of people who have been involved with them in one way or another who have wound up dead, many suicided. Google “Clinton body count”. Their daughter Chelsea wears an upside crucifix which is one of the favourite signs of Satanists and that says it all.

        • Jenny Foster says:

          Sarah, you are absolutely right that politics is used as a tool to divide and rule. Far from there not being any evidence against Hillary and Bill Clinton, there are truckloads of evidence against them and they are almost certainly satanists. On the other hand, Trump for all his wrongdoing seems to be better, although he may not be, he is certainly no worse than them. It is ridiculous to say there is no evidence against the Clintons. What about all the leaked emails? Pizzagate and spirit cooking and the charity funds for Haiti that have gone astray. On the other hand, where is the ACTUAL evidence against Trump? I haven’t seen any to prove he is any worse than any other politician or president, etc. Trophy-hunting sons, yes, but that’s par for the course. Trump may be bad, but nope, there is no excuse for claiming not to know that the Clintons are very bad, very bad indeed.

      • sarah hodgins says:

        I am very interested to see where the US, Trump, and or anyone else such as Russia is mentioned in the Bible!

      • “America easily could be the whore of Babylon” but you don’t know that it is, do you? The Roman Catholic church could easily be the whore of Babylon, and so could Europe, and so could Jerusalem. You are just assuming and it is not wise to do that.

    • Sarah says:

      Christ didnt come to divide Christians.

      • sarah hodgins says:

        Hi I don’t necessarily believe Trump is any more antichrist than anyone else (especially Killary!!) but I do think that these major characters are placed in goverment purely to distract people from God and from whatever evil the NWO is currently doing. I mean, look how people here are arguing! I personally am very afraid of the Clintons because I have seen Killary lying but you know most politicians lie…but Killary is a fan of that guy who wrote the book about How to Have a Revolution (not sure the exact name) and that book is literally dedicated to Lucifer. Anyway my point is, politics is a major weapon of satan and I don’t believe God wants us to be bashign one another. I said it once and I will say it again — Christ never came to divide CHRISTIANS. He came to divide Christians from unbelievers. anyone who has read the NT knows that Jesus wishes Christians to be UNITED!!!!

        • It is possible that the division referred to is the division between the true and the false Christians of which the Bible tells us that in the Last Days there will be many.

  73. sarah hodgins says:

    Jenny you are correct, Chelsey sent as tweet out congratulating Satanists… Sick stuff. Sick people. They really need our prayers.

    • Sarah says:

      Part of the problem is that in North America we are not given access to the true news. My friends in europe get quite “different” news there about what is going on in the US and the rest of the world. And CNN and Fox provide news so completely different from each other it makes you wonder if they are on the same planet! I dont think we will ever know what is actually going on (apart from the photos that show past presidents and other leaders in Luciferian owl worship). If you look up the Protocols of the elders of Sion, or Pawns in the Game, or Plot Against the Church, you will clearly see (and probably be severely disturbed) what they have planned and accomplished so far…neither Trump not Clinton(s) are angels and it is run so that no matter who wins the election, Lucifer controls all. But of course, God is ultimately in control. However to take our eyes off Jesus and debate politics is exactly what satan wants.

    • Sarah says:

      I have to make it clear again that the planners of the New World Order dont care who is president, they will use whoever is elected. I cannot honestly say that Trump is a holy man, but hillary scares me more. Both are lacking in morals to some extent, but maybe that’s to be expected with wealthy people of power. However, people have been predicting who Antichrist is since the days of the Roman Emperors, some of whom were far more cruel and immoral than modern leaders. It’s not worth attacking other Christians. Jesus and St Paul both stressed living in peace as much as possible with others, especially Christians.

    • Sarah says:

      Which cross are you talking about? The Orthodox (Greek) Cross is Christian, it just has the line above for the INRI inscription above Jesus’s head, and the little foot bar. It is still a legit and very old symbol.

    • Sarah says:

      It is really tragic that politics is becoming so extreme that your family would reject you based on your choice of leader. I find that is going way too far. I hope the USA does not have another civil war.

    • Sarah says:

      It is really tragic that politics is becoming so extreme that your family would reject you based on your choice of leader. I find that is going way too far. I hope the USA does not have another civil war.

    • Jenny Foster says:

      Sorry but there is no question that cross is not in four equal parts and it is an upside-down crucifix. Snopes doesn’t cut it, it’s a known government shill.

      There is a massive amount of evidence against both the Clintons, but sadly people want to take things on face value these days and don’t want to accept the truth because it means digging deeper which they don’t want to do. Clinton is a bare-faced liar, which we know very well from the scandal surrounding his affair with Monica Lewinski. I would suggest that anyone who truly wants to know the truth about Hillary Clinton looks into the truth about the leaked emails which are very shocking. If you haven’t looked into it, and just heard a few things about them, then you need to look a bit closer and see what she said and to whom. No one could reasonably deny that the evidence against Hillary is overwhelming.

      • sarah hodgins says:

        Free press? There is no such thing in most (all?) of the world. When the media is owned by monopolies of Globalists, you will never find true and objective news.

    • sarah hodgins says:

      Pat, I said I’m done. Bye.

  74. sarah hodgins says:

    Pat, you make it sound like there are only Christians in the US and the only God is concerned about is Trump! Where in the Bible does it say that God will test ANY Christians with ANY political leader? You know what it says? Pray for your leaders in government!!

    Where is the USA in the Bible? God is above politics, we are supposed to keep our eyes on heaven, and the antichrist is not necessarily American! I highly doubt that either Hillary or Donald are the antichrist, since the antichrist will be a man, mostly like Hebrewesque, and in Jerusalem at a time when there is a Jewish temple there (not happening too soon). There have been countless leaders (dictators) in the world since the first century who have done far more evil than these latest leaders. Let’s try not to be so concerned in this smoke screen and instead trust in God to deliver us.

    • Sarah says:

      For some reason I can only reply to some comments but not all. I am NOT just directing this to Pat. I have been atheist, agnostic, half Buddhist, a new age witch, and the 3 main types of Christian (catholic, orthodox and protestant baptist Presbyterian etc) and most Christians are indeed pretty pathetic, hateful hypocrites. Pat, I am not American, but believe me, most of the world has an opinion on American politicians. Trump is …bizarre.. at times and is in no way an angel. But compared to Hillary in particular, he is a saint but that is just MY OPINION. (Allcaps cuz I cannot bold). Do I like either one? Nope. To choose the lesser evil is sometimes all that can be done, tho perhaps it might be better to not vote and just pray for the leader. That is what I did this past election. God seems to leave politics up to us,and we are allowed to have our own opinions. PLEASE DON’T DAMN EACH OTHER BASED ON POLITICS!!!! it is not that important! Saving souls is important. Why someone votes for this or that is NONE OF OUR BUSINESS!!

    • sarah hodgins says:

      Sadly most people are not actual Christians, and if they are saved, they will have a lot to answer for. But that brings me back to myself, I have enough to do trying to live like a Christian. It is sort of pointless to worry about the millions, except to pray and try to do what we can to convert them

    • sarah hodgins says:

      Well, let’s keep in mind that God used Cyrus and other political leaders in the past, some of whom believed in God, some didn’t, but it was to do His will. I doubt Cyrus was a wonderful, perfect man. He certainly wasn’t a Christian, or even a sort of proselyte Jew! God used him, but that does not mean he was perfect or saved or anything at all. It doesn’t prove anything except that God uses whom He will. There are many American Christians who seem to idolize Trump, but I wonder if this is because he promises things they want? Of course that’s what every politician does!!! I don’t know. No one on earth is perfect, and that includes Trump. About Hitler — many people supported him because he lied to them and gave them what they wanted. Really. not much different from any other leader. He just got away with horrific crimes — but not more than other leaders that people don’t seem to mind, like Stalin, who killed and exiled something like 30,000,000 or more people — but that is another topic….

    • sarah hodgins says:

      I don’t think the USA is the Whore of Babylon. People have been trying to figure this out for 2000 years and this is just the latest theory. Keeping in mind that the USA didn’t even exist until about 250 years ago, it seems a bit odd to claim this. Remember that people have been calling various popes, kings, and other leaders the “Antichrist” since the book of Revelation was written! Pat, there is no worry about destroying the Church. God will not allow it. Trump will come and go like all the others. I know it can be difficult to accept but there are Christians who are Republicans and Democrats, and everything else. Guess what — there were real Christians who were on the German side in WW2!! I have met some. They (deceased now) were lovely people who loved Jesus. Let’s maybe leave this stuff up to God to judge, and remember that we do not know everything that is going on. And Pat, if you are interested, there is a lot of information about the hidden agenda of the Luciferians. They run the world. But God will judge and punish them.

    • sarah hodgins says:

      Hi Pat, here is a link to a photo where it does appear that she is wearing an upside-down cross, although it would help if it was a lot clearer:


    • sarah hodgins says:

      Snoopy, do you really believe Bible says that :ALL authority is instituted (not chosen but approved) by God”?
      That is exactly what the Nazis told the Germans. It also means that you would then have to approve of or support Bush, Obama and the Clintons. It says we are to pray for them. It doesn’t say we need to love them (except to love them like any other unsaved person who needs help)

      • Snoopy It Is says:

        Sarah Hodgins, the Bible says a lot of things that are… questionable. On the surface. It says God is the one who creates evil. It also says that God caused David to sin and then judged Isreal (but not David) for it. It plainly shows God telling Israel to kill whole nations, including innocent babies. Why? This goes to show that you are not supposed to depend on your own reasoning when you read the Bible but are to depend solely on the Holy Spirit (while employing your own reasoning but not depending on it) to reveal the truth to you. Jesus expressly says that the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth. Why are we still trying to figure it out on our own?

        “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same… you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience’ sake. 6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God’s ministers attending continually to this very thing. Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor” (Rom.13:1-3, 5-7).

        On the surface, this clearly says that we are all to be subject to ALL authority because ALL authority is instituted by God (the passage is even clear that this is talking about secular authorities, not just church ones). This doesn’t make sense does it? This is why you are to read the entire Bible, not just parts of it, while depending on the Holy Spirit to reveal or explain it to you. In 1John 2, John said that no one needs to depend on human teachers since the Holy Spirit (the anointing) teaches you from the inside. This isn’t saying not to have teachers but to DEPEND on the Spirit so that you listen more to HIM than to those who teach you. This is why we have many teachers but few with God’s anointing on their teaching. The anointing (the Holy Spirit) EXPLAINS things and doesn’t just tell them. The Bible tells you; the Holy Spirit EXPLAINS what it is telling you:

        “The UNFOLDING (entrance) of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple” (Psalm 119:130).

        Just reading God’s Word doesn’t guarantee you will understand it; the Holy Spirit must EXPLAIN (unfold) it so that it actually ‘enters’ into your heart or understanding. There is a difference between authority and power. They are totally different. The Bible doesn’t say to submit to the POWER of people but to their AUTHORITY. Humans teach each other to submit to people’s power while thinking they are submitting to authority; this always goes wrong such as when kids are taught to obey (submit to) their elders and then many adults take advantage of kids because of this. Power is a person’s will exercised towards or exerted over another.

        Authority is legal right to proceed (not to harm but to have first say). Yes, many people in positions of authority exercise their power and call it authority; but ALL authority is from God (as it’s an office) while not all power is from God. This is why the Bible says to “honor your father and mother in the Lord” even if they abuse you and want you dead. It is talking about their position which is from God, not from them. Their position (authority) is good, but the way they use their power may or may not be good. You are not to submit to power but to authority. Authority is so important that God and His angels respect lucifer and his angels and vice-versa. As hateful as lucifer is, he will not make one hateful move without authority to do so. Remember when lucifer appeared before God concerning Job? Remember when Jesus said to the apostles, “Simon, Simon, satan has ASKED for you [all] that he may sift you [all] as wheat. But I have prayed for you…” satan asked God for the authority (not power)– the right– to test the apostles. The fact that Jesus said He prayed for them implies that satan, upon asking, was permitted to test them which he did only because he had the authority to do so.

        “Let EVERY soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.” All authority is from God. But not power (the way those in or not in authority exert their power) is from God. In the same way, all wisdom leads to God; yet not all knowledge leads to God.

  75. Jenny Foster says:

    Thank you. What you have said is true.

  76. Sarah says:

    Snoopy could you please provide links or proof about witches cursing Trump? I am very interested. It is definitely not out of the question, as, to my knowledge, Trump is against abortion. Clintons are certainly pro abortion. It is known that Hillary is a follower of that “How to Start a Revolution” book, which is dedicated to Lucifer, and the author was her fave prof (i forget his name). And Chelsea sent out a tweet last Christmas, greeting her “Satanist friends” (which should still be on Google). I have also seen a documentary exposing Hillary as threatening women who wanted to charge Bill with sex assault — but really I dont know if we can trust a lot of documentaries…
    Finally to say Bill just made a mistake — he lied in court. That is not a little thing.

    • Snoopy It Is says:

      Sarah, I’ll share some links on that matter later today as I have to take care of some things now. But it’s important to believe the Bible over your eyes or experiences. The Bible in the OT and NT talks about satan’s MO and the MO of satan’s servants, so if you just believe the Bible, then you know satan has servants who are doing satan’s will and do not need articles and obvious evidence to know that it is all happening.

      When I lived in Baltimore many years ago, there was a news report that said that for every roach you saw in your home, there were about 700 more in your walls. It seemed like an exaggeration, but I had some roaches in my home at the time and one night– after I set out a fogger– found that there was nothing exaggerated about that statistic. Dead roaches were everywhere. The occult and servants of satan– according to satan’s MO– are also like that: for every one instance of satanism that ever even reaches the light of exposure (which doesn’t mean it will be nationally exposed but has simply been reported), there are THOUSANDS and hundreds of thousands more instances of satanism that will never be exposed to the light of day.

      So, anyone who thinks they’re smart by demanding “Show me evidence of satanism” should be treated like a lunatic and locked away in a mental institution until/unless a clear mind returns to them. That’s like saying. “Summon a demon right here in public view of everyone out in the bright sunshiny day” and thinking that will happen once in 100,000,000 attempts. ‘Occult’ means “hidden”. satan keeps his people in line; they are to remain hidden at all times except for instances when they send out subliminal (ie. HIDDEN messages) to others.

      Here is a documentary that was to be released that implicated wealthy and trusted ‘good people’ as far as the White House and that was banned by wealthy and powerful people who wanted to keep the facts HIDDEN to the extent that the production team was paid $500,000 so that the documentary would not be aired: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DquLnRycZms

      Anyone who demands evidence of what is hidden – whether that thing is God or molecules or satanists – should immediately be treated as a lunatic and totally disregarded and ignored. The person is a fool and is often unwilling to acknowledge evidence even when it is provided. Have nothing to do with such people. They’re only wasting your time.

  77. sarah hodgins says:

    Jenny you are right. America, like all the other western nations have been, is going to be crippled and taken over by inside forces that really only God controls (allows). This was planned centuries (millennia?) ago and though certain leaders could possibly postpone it a bit…well it won’t work unfortunately…God is allowing the Luciferians to do what they want so He can work out His ultimate will, which He will do! The scariest thing I have seen lately is that Sweden is pushing the implanting of tiny microchip type things…in the hand.

  78. sarah hodgins says:

    Here is her twitter feed to the church of satan…https://twitter.com/WasabiKimarie/status/1040682960809328640/photo/1

    I mean, sure maybe they photoshopped it but…she admitted to being friends with everyone (implying satanists) and did not retract this.

    • Snoopy It Is says:

      Adding to the issue of authority, there is so much to be said about it. I could go on forever about it. Watchman Nee’s ‘Spiritual Authority’ is all about this topic. Some people say that all sins are the same to God. Too simplistic. The Bible lists different kinds of sins: sin, trespass, transgression, iniquity, rebellion, wickedness, abomination, etc. No one is going to hell for sinning but for rebelling against God. Sinning isn’t rebellion in itself; REJECTING God (or rejecting Jesus as Savior and Lord, the sin which can’t be forgiven) is rebellion, and God hates it.

      As God sees it, if a man abuses his wife (and she puts up with it), it’s sin mostly on HIS part; but if a wife abuses her husband (and he puts up with it), it’s an abomination on BOTH their parts. If parents dominate their child, it’s sin; but if a child dominates his/her parents, it’s an abomination. When God told the Israelites to destroy entire nations, He was blotting out abominations and wickedness of the rebellious, not their sins. In that context He gave very strong warnings to Israel about worshiping other gods (an abomination, not just sin), mingling with those who worshiped other gods, and taking or receiving things that are dedicated to other gods.

      “You must burn up the images of [the other nations’] gods; do not covet the silver and gold that is on them or take it for yourselves, or you will be ensnared by it; for it is detestable [an abomination] to the LORD your God. And you must not bring any detestable (accursed. abominable) thing into your house, or you, like it, will be set apart for destruction. You are to utterly detest and abhor it, because it is set apart for destruction” (Deu. 7:25-26).

      People who resist authority that God instituted, even ungodly authorities, are putting themselves under God’s judgment. The Bible talks about ‘despising authorities’ and christians aren’t even allowed to ‘despise’ (ie. mock, deride, disdain, rail against) satan and the other fallen princes. They lost their positions in Heaven, yet they still retain their authority, so railing against them brings God’s judgment, because ALL authority is instituted by God. Michael, the chief prince of Israel, was not even allowed to revile satan. This is according to God’s structure of authority. In this passage, Jesus distinguishes authority from power (He doesn’t explain it; that is what the Holy Spirit was given for):

      “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many” (Matt. 20:25-28).

      Paraphrase: “You all are Jews and know that the pagan Gentiles who are in positions of AUTHORITY exert their POWER over those they rule over… But not so with you.” So, people in positions of authority can lord their power over others, but their power is not their authority. Their authority comes from God; their power comes from their flesh. Again, Jesus told the apostles, “satan has asked for you [all] that he may sift you [all] as wheat.” satan had the power to destroy all those apostles for the next hundred million years, but he didn’t have the authority (the RIGHT) to do it. He had to ask God for that, because ALL authority comes from God. If Hillary Clinton was president and chose to publicly sacrifice children, christians are still not allowed to rail against her. Railing and accusation come from the flesh (and soul), not from the spirit.

      If something is bad, you acknowledge it, speak to others about it, and pray. But as soon as your own personal emotions get into it, then you are now in sin and even if you were against an enemy of God, resisting their authority (position, right) in your flesh will ‘force’ God to turn and be against you. This happened to Israel over and over when they thought they could get away with anything because they thought that God was on their side. But God, contrary to narcissistic, self-centered christianity, is only on God’s side. Everyone else, angels included, must then choose to be for or against Him because He won’t be for them unless they are for Him. It’s best to speak opinions about leaders but to never speak against them. God hates this a great deal and the fact is spread throughout the Bible. In our age of cheap Grace, we have forgotten that God is holy and in the end, only His opinions count.

      “And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, a Man (Jesus, the God of Israel) stood opposite him with His sword drawn in His hand. And Joshua went up to Him and said to Him, ‘Are You for us or for our adversaries?’ So the Man said, “NEITHER, but as the Commander of the army of the Lord (God the Father) I have now come.’ And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshiped, and said to Him, ‘What does my Lord say to His servant?’ Then the Commander of the Lord’s army said to Joshua, ‘Take your sandal off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.’ And Joshua did so” (Joshua 5:13-15).

      • Sarah says:

        Thank you for interesting posts. It drives me nuts when people say that stealing a pen from the office is the same to God as murder. It is ridiculous!

        • Snoopy It Is says:

          Right. Stealing a pen from a store and armed robbery to get something you need can be counted under the same type of sin to God. Proverbs often distinguishes the different types of sin. In Proverbs 6, for example, it talks about the wicked, the abominable, and the sinner (the wicked and the abominable are similar but very different). For example, look at how God feels about the wicked (they won’t escape judgment), the abominable (like the angels who had sex with women, they’re already judged and just ‘waiting’), and the sinner (God pardons him, BUT man’s laws still apply to him):

          1.) The Wicked: “A worthless person, a wicked man, walks with a perverse mouth; he winks with his eyes, he shuffles his feet, he points with his fingers; perversity is in his heart, he devises evil continually, he SOWS DISCORD. Therefore his calamity shall come suddenly; suddenly he shall be broken without remedy.”

          2.) The Abominable: “These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who SOWS DISCORD AMONG BRETHREN.”

          3.) The Sinner: “People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy himself when he is starving. Yet when he is found, he must restore sevenfold; he may have to give up all the substance of his house.”

          To God, obedience to Him outranks everything else. Thankfully, you don’t have to get it perfect to be saved, but the obedient are in a different class from everyone else who will be saved. (Check Hebrews 11 for reference.) The OT mentions many prophecies about Jesus, and the NT says several times that Jesus did such and so in order to FULFILL prophecy. But there was only one thing more important to Jesus than fulfilling prophecy; it was being obedient to God. The OT never prophesied that John the Baptist would baptize Jesus (as important as that was); yet look at Jesus’s first recorded words in the Bible (the NT): when He went to John to be baptized and John told Him that He should be baptizing him instead, Jesus responded, “Let it be so now, because IT IS BECOMING OF US to FULFILL all righteousness” (Matt. 3:15). They weren’t fulfilling any prophecy. Apparently, God told Jesus to go get baptizesd, but the Bible purposely doesn’t record it for us. However, Jesus told John that it was BECOMING of both He and John to “fulfill all righteousness”– ie. to obey God. Why was it becoming for them two in particular? Because Jesus was the Son of God and John was His messenger who was filled with the Holy Spirit in the womb. They truly desired to obey God because God was IN them working out that desire. We value the things that are in our hearts, so we naturally act on what we value. That’s what Jesus was saying here.

          Like Psalm 91, this passage represents Jesus first but also represents all who know that God desires our obedience to Him above all else and who therefore desire to be obedient to Him above all else: “Sacrifice and offering You did not desire; my ears You have opened. Burnt offering and sin offering You did not require. Then I said, ‘Behold, I come; in the scroll of the book it is written of me. I delight to do Your will, O my God, and YOUR LAW IS WITHIN MY HEART'” (Psalm 40:6-8).

          • Thank you for your excellent posts. Yes, God asks us for obedience, and that means we need to keep to what the Bible says. We are warned not to add to or take away from it, and make it up as we go along. The Bible certainly doesn’t definitely mention America or any of today’s politicians by name, so we can’t be sure. We know the devil is very good at deceiving people and we should always bear that in mind. We can be sure that we are out of line if we claim that we know the details of what is happening in these Last Days, when we don’t, we can only guess. Also we are told to pray for our leaders, not to rebel against them.

      • Sarah says:

        Snoopy, I agree that we must spend time in the whole Bible, not just the NT, and when I went thru the Bible (via audio) recently I was shocked to see how much God talks about obedience and about how much He hates idolatry more than other things.

    • sarah hodgins says:

      Pat, you said somewhere that you have a degree in communication from a US uninversity (or something related, like journalism). Although often education can be really important and useful for some subjects, in the light of the fact that pretty much 99% of all universities in the Western World are liberal/socialist and they are almost all completely owned and run by the Globalists, such a degree is basically useless to a Christian… if not actually harmful, if you are seeking for truth. It is not really an education most Christians would tend to go for. This causes me to doubt your arguments.

      The fact that you said earlier somewhere that you in the US have a “free and open media” (or something very similar) is absolutely ridiculous. NO ONE has a free media. Least of all YOU. It’s a fact that all the major media in the USA is owned by the same group of elites. The fact that you actually believe that the media is free to tell the truth shows that you are not living in reality and that you are not really open to learning the truth. (European news shows things about the US that people in the US have no clue about — so you know that your news is censored.)

      And that you called what I posted “memes”..????—those are not memes. They are just photos, some with descriptions…which you immediately shrug off as photoshopped and posted by some unreliable journalist. Have you ever used Photoshop? I am a graphic designer. It is NOT that easy to photoshop an image —especially of a person—- and have it look realistic, despite what many people say. And if you disallow those photos and videos, then you must disallow anything of or by Trump. You can’t have it both ways.

      It just seems that you just want to argue and argue. I am done, this is a waste of time and energy.

      • Sarah says:

        Hi Snoopy, I enjoy your thoughtful posts. Just wondering if Jesus would not have died in natural old age but rather would have “failed” to die, what with his lack of sin? Also thank you for pointing out and reminding us how vindictiveness and obsession are satanic characteristics

        • Snoopy It Is says:

          Sarah, if satan had self-control and was not driven by the law of corruption (it’s what motivates wicked people like psychopaths and sociopaths and narcissists who can in no way restrain themselves from doing evil), Jesus would have died of old age. Jesus subjected Himself to the curse of the Fall of man which set death in motion. “It is appointed to all men to die.” Jesus’s body aged as a human being, therefore, it would have kept aging until death. Spirits don’t age, but Jesus came as a human being– as a baby who grew to childhood and then to teenhood and then to young adulthood and then to adulthood. He would grown to old age and would have died of old age eventually, just like all normal human beings. He left all His God power behind; He was subject to death by killing and therefore would have also been subject to death by old age.

          The more a person is under condemnation, the more the person does evil. satan is the best example of this. He’s facing a life sentence of a death that never ends. He has nothing to lose. But because he is condemned, in spite of the fact that he is BRILLIANT– “FULL of wisdom and perfect in beauty” as Ezekiel says– he is the primary vessel who will usher in Jesus’s return. It isn’t the Church, like the charismatic lunatics think. It is satan. It sounds like heresy but if you read ALL the prophecies in the OT and NT about the end of days, you will see that Jesus’s return and the end are predicated on the works of satan: kingdoms will rise and rule (not godly kingdoms); “nation will rise against nation”; there will be natural disasters; etc. There is no nation or people group in history that has ever been oppressed or enslaved with force (ie. the oppression was apparent and harsh) that has not broken free. satan knows that his harsh oppression will bring freedom to mankind; he doesn’t want that freedom; but he must be harsh and bring it about.

          satan is the one who is forwarding the Lord’s coming, not the Church. The Bible doesn’t blatantly say this, but it’s all through it. From the OT till now (especially then because they were not under Grace), God always judged or destroyed nations once the cup of wrath was filled (when their iniquities and wickedness reached the point that He had to do it). In Genesis 18, God came down to destroy the cities of the plain because their wickedness had ‘topped the cup’. But He told Abraham about it first, because Abraham was His friend (God won’t tell most people how He feels about things; judgment tends to come suddenly, not with forewarning). In Genesis 15, God again told Abraham, “Know certainly that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, and will serve them, and they will afflict them four hundred years… But in the fourth generation, they shall return here, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete.” Israel had to remain slaves in Egypt until the Amorites/Canaanites had ‘committed’ enough wickedness for God to legally destroy all of them.

          Because God works on this ‘iniquity/wickedness’ clause, satan often tries to force His judgment by causing individuals, families/generational lines, neighborhoods, towns, cities, regions, countries, and nations to sin enough to ‘fill the cup of wrath’ so that God then has to judge them. (However, God is not the One who judges most of the time; rather, the spiritual laws He set in motion act as judges; eg. He told Moses that the iniquity/guilt of parents pass on the coming generations, but this was a spiritual law, not a new law, because we saw that Abraham’s propensity to lie about his wife being his sister passed on to Isaac who then did the same thing.) satan, driven by his OCD to do evil, cannot help but be God’s slave to bring about Jesus’s return. He does this by fulfilling all the prophecies in the Bible. While at enmity with God and hating to obey God, satan is obeying God in fulfilling prophecy, because he is driven by his rebellion. The law of rebellion at work in satan is his master; satan himself is not the master that he seems to be.

          Solomon said about the wicked, “They do not sleep unless they have done evil; and their sleep is taken away unless they make someone fall” (Pro. 4:16). This doesn’t literally mean wicked people are obviously doing evil; it is talking about their NATURE. God is the only One who isn’t subject to any laws. Everyone else– angels and demons included– is governed by their nature (laws within them). That’s why the Bible says that the good should continue to do good and the wicked continue to do evil. It’s like saying, “Let a monkey remain a monkey and not turn into a human, and let a fish remain a fish and not turn into a bird” (contrary to evolution); it is approving each one’s nature, because before God, it is right that one should be motivated by his nature and not be in control over his nature. Only God is in control over His nature. No one else has control over their nature, because God DESIGNED everyone/everything in existence.

          Those who CHOOSE righteousness will be subject to (literally ‘at the mercy of’) laws of righteousness (even if they sin); and those who CHOOSE rebellion against God will be subject to laws of wickedness (even when they do good). This is where foreknowledge and predestination come in and why the Bible tells christians to examine and test themselves to see if they WILL be saved (it’s talking about future tense salvation, not past tense)– because without testing oneself, a christian cannot be sure whether they have really chosen salvation or damnation.

        • sarah hodgins says:

          I am still fascinated with this idea of witches cursing Trump…or anyone at all, for that matter. The whole so-called point of witchcraft is supposedly “whatever you do comes back to you, times 3” so they are actually cursing themselves threefold…and if it is true that they are really cursing him, that makes me wonder why. Is he saving too many babies from abortion? Or trying to help people keep their jobs or something? Not letting enough commies have their way?? It’s fascinating. Also ridiculous how witches believe they have so much power. Make them hold a metal cross in their hand and they will see how much power they have…Fools, …speaking of which, we better pray for those lost souls!!!

          • Snoopy It Is says:

            Sarah, thanks for reminding me. I forgot to give you a link to an article that talks about witches publicly cursing Trump. There have been many of them doing it and also calling for others to do it. Here is one article about it: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-39090334

            The above article begins, “Most of Donald Trump’s opponents believe they will have to wait four more years to see him leave the White House. But America’s witches are more optimistic. At the stroke of midnight on Friday, followers of witchcraft across the US performed a mass spell designed to stop the president doing harm. A Facebook group devoted to the ritual has attracted over 10,500 likes, and coined the hashtag #magicresistance.”

            The Democrats were trying to do the same thing (ie. get Trump out of office before 2020). Witches never do God’s will. The OT was extremely harsh against all forms of occultism telling Israel, “You must not permit a witch to live.” Modern witches see it as just a belief, but it’s very high-level abomination to God. And if witches cursed Trump publicly (witches openly casting spells has never been seen in the U.S. as far as I recall) and Democrats became vessels to do what the witches wanted (ie. remove Trump from office), it only proves that satan wants Trump out of office. We can reasonably then conclude that God wants Trump in office. I have seen the enemy act up and come out of hiding only when something of great import was on the line. He never fails to stick to the same MO (ie. remain in hiding until someone poses him a threat just as he did with Jesus).

            You said you wonder why the witches are cursing Trump. I already said it above, and the Bible says it a lot. Ephesians 2:1-3 says, “[You Ephesians] were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others.” “The prince of the power of the air” (the enemy and his hosts) works in people through “the course of this world” which means satan influences, manipulates, and controls people through their own social standards, cultural belief systems, and worldviews. (We see this happen even with the 12 apostles whose Jewish cultural lenses caused the enemy to be able to prevent them from taking the Gospel to the Gentiles since Jews believe(d), “God is God of the Jews only, not God of the Gentiles.”) “Sons of disobedience” are people who live for self/pleasure and not for God. satan has LEGAL RIGHTS to and in them, and he uses them, not because they serve him but because they have turned their backs on God: “No man can serve two masters.” You have to choose Jesus or self (in choosing self, you choose satan and give him legal right to affect, manipulate, control, and use you as a vessel to do even things you don’t agree with).

            You said witches think they have power. They don’t think; they do have it. They are assigned as plants in churches and christian communities. They preach, read the Bible, pray, rebuke satan, come against satan, and do all the things christians do within christian circles. Depending on their rank (and other variables) witches do have power. Their power is only canceled by Jesus’s power. When Jesus’s power isn’t available or in use, then the witches’ power is powerful indeed. After Israel defeated Jericho, they went against a less-powerful army and lost. They lost simply because one of the Israelites (Achan) had taken some things that were dedicated to other gods and therefore dedicated by God to destruction. Today, we would call those items ‘curses objects’. Israel lost in battle because ONE man had taken items that witches had cursed (so to speak). Also, read 2Kings 3. It’s a story in which God said that Israel would defeat Moab; but because Moab’s king sacrificed his son to his gods, Israel DIDN’T win because those gods fought against Israel. Read the story.

            There are different levels of witches and some are not powerful at all; but witchcraft itself is indeed powerful (for those who graduate past the first stage) and can and DOES affect christians. There are many stories such as the christian family who began to expereince poverty on their return from Mexico until, during a fast, the Lord exposed that the beggar figurines they bought as souvenirs were cursing their home with poverty. Another christian couple began experiencing marital infidelity on return from Japan until the Lord revealed through prayer that the Geisha hat (Japanese prostitute) they brought into their home from Japan as a souvenir was the problem. In every case, there was no healing until the witchcraft items were destroyed and thrown out. Witchcraft is so powerful that a witch doesn’t even have to curse you or be around or near you; you just have to buy one article that has been devoted to a god other than God. Once you open your heart to it (ie. receive or accept it; align your heart with it and see it as favorable), then the curse, like the gears of a new clock starting to turn, will begin to work against you.

            Don’t let anyone deceive you: what is true on the good side is true on the bad and vice versa; eg. “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor” (Eccl. 9:12). If two witches stand against one christian, then by God’s own spiritual laws, the witches will usually win (Jesus sent apostles out two by two for a reason). In Matt. 10:41-42, Jesus said that whoever receives a righteous or good person will receive blessings that are on the person’s life; in the same way, if you open your heart or home to an occultist (it doesn’t matter if you don’t know or are ignorant), then you have allowed or given permission to the curses following the occultist to harm you. It’s like the tales of Dracula and vampires having to ask permission to enter a person’s home and harm them. There is some truth to the vampire and werewolf fables. Again, at the top right of this page is this: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). Who else destroys but satan; and if satan can’t destroy christians, then how can God say that? Learn to recognize the schemes of the enemy and to know his MO and how he in fact works.

          • sarah hodgins says:

            Hi Snoopy, it’s interesting what you say about witchcraft etc. Also that article was interesting – I didn’t know this before, so I do have to agree with you that perhaps God is using Trump somehow for good…anyway I am afraid of Hillary for her ties to the illuminati so I would prefer him over her. Anyway…I originally found this Truthinreality website thru the author’s former website, when I was trying to get free of Tarot cards (I had been studying them and using them and began to experience satanic repercussions — I was agnostic or something at the time). I have read most of Staci’s books and learned a lot, though sometimes I think she goes a bit far with tossing things out. But as she mentioned on her Occult Items page, you can’t be too sure sometimes!

            However, I am unsure about this “legal” idea of Satan getting control over Christians. And the whole idea of exorcism ministries. Doesn’t the power of Christ easily trump Satan’s? Yes, I understand that there is “witchcraft” power, and that high level witches can kill birds etc. However I think we are giving too much “value” to witches and to Satan. I think it’s a bit crazy that in order to be able to cast out demons from someone (or from our ourselves) we must know the name of every single demon and their alternate names and symbols etc etc etc. This can get really confusing and time consuming until a person is more obsessed with demons than with God, and we should be obsessed with Jesus, don’t you think?

            And like what if you live in a home and someone owns a dreamcatcher (for example) and they refuse to throw it out?; Or like a friend of mine, who foolishly went to a “healer” when she visited the Philippines and got sick, and then purchased crystals to try to help with healing and now repents of all this new age garbage, but literally cannot find all the crystals in order all to dispose of them? Will God curse that person because she cannot find them all to dispose of them? I don’t know, this gets quite confusing and weird.

          • Snoopy It Is says:

            I have to answer in two parts, first about Trump.

            God is using Trump. Just like every tool (from a toolbox or gardening or whatever it is for) is limited by the way it is made, so every human being is limited by the gifts and talents God has given them, by the iniquities and demonic and wounds they have incurred (from past generations, etc.), and by other variables. God uses each tool as He can, not necessarily as He wants. Jesus told the 12 apostles several times to preach to the Gentiles, and Peter even preached this on Pentecost; yet, they were tools who didn’t have room for the Gentiles. They barely had room for Grecian/Hellenistic Jews (Acts 6:1-7), had even less room for Samaritans, and had the least room for Gentiles. Jesus APPREHENDED Paul (He didn’t just call him as He had the 12 apostles) and sent him to the Gentiles, because Paul was a tool (VESSEL) fit for that purpose.

            God is using Trump for good as far as Trump is able to do. He’s the only president God spoke to me about independently of what others were saying (I don’t trust or listen to anyone who loves to TALK (prophesy) but hates to DO the Word). He told me on two different occasions that He had chosen Trump to be president; this was several days or weeks before Trump won the election. But the blessings that come through Trump will only drive compromised christians farther from God. God knows; it happened with Israel too. Christianity won’t become Christianity in America until there is a massive shaking that shakes everything loose but Christ.

            A shaking of the strength that America’s churches need to return to God will require a leader who is wicked (that means Trump must leave office, be removed, or be suddenly overtaken by satan). The hardness of heart in America is unprecedented. I can confidently say that man’s heart has never been as hardened against God at any time in history as it is now. I can say this because Sodom and Gomorrah seemed to be the worst place on earth… then many years later (because sin gives birth to death (or gets worse) OVER TIME), Jesus said in Matthew 11:20-24 to Israelite cities of His day that if His miracles they rejected were done in Sodom and other wicked cities of the past, those cities would have repented. Sin has gotten worse over time; it always does. So, while Trump brings prosperity to America– which is god to most people, christian and non– it will require a wicked president.

            God’s ways are multi-faceted and it MAY be that one of the reasons He ‘elected’ Trump to the presidency is that a wicked president will soon arise (maybe not immediately after Trump); if a wicked president, like Hillary, came into office without a good president being in office first (‘good president’ as in ‘more trustworthy than the average christian’), then Americans would shrug– like we did when Obama was president– and say, “Meh. It’s only human.” But if a good president sits in office before an evil president takes office, then people are far more likely to realize that they are in bondage (and have been in bondage) and to look for a way out. Something like that. So, thank God for Trump. There are many signs that he is definitely is God’s man of the hour (though most of the christians who follow him follow him out of selfish motives, not godly motives), one of those signs being the witches who PUBLICLY networked to overthrow him– because there are also occultists working behind the scenes to overthrow him, but witches publicly networking and also against a public figure, basically openly preaching a coup, is just unprecedented. Something different has happened in the spirit realm that threatens satan’s agenda. That is the only time he ‘comes out of hiding and makes an appearance in person’. Now, speaking of witches…

          • sarah hodgins says:

            Hi Snoopy, I read (well, listened) to the OT and was confused by that story about that Moabite king who sacrificed his son on the wall in 2 Kings 3. I don’t understand why that would cause Israel to lose the war — wouldn’t God punish the Moabites more? How did the Moabite “gods” fought against Israel?
            Also, aren’t we in a different “world” now because of grace? Doesn’t God forgive all sins such as witchcraft now?

  79. Jenny Foster says:

    It’s sad how you are in denial that you are utterly obsessed with Trump and your hatred of him, and so you can’t see you are in disobedience to God.

  80. Snoopy It Is says:

    No idea why you can’t reply directly to comments on here but this is a continuation of my last comment to Sarah Hodgins,

    Regarding “this ‘legal’ idea of satan getting control over christians,’ I’ll say this first: God is both complex and simple, therefore, everything He created is also both complex and simple (eg. rocks, animals, wind, air, water, humans, plants, outer space, and all immaterial things including spirits, molecules, truths, and ideas). The topic of spiritual laws governing both God’s and satan’s sides is FAR too vast. It is easiest understood if the Holy Spirit reveals it to you, because you can’t read enough books. “Most communication is nonverbal.” Verbal communication is the complex side of communication; nonverbal communication is the simple side. That’s why while babies don’t understand verbal communication but understand nonverbal communication. Babies only understand SIMPLE things, not complex. Therefore, the Bible says about the revelation of the Holy Spirit, “The UNFOLDING (explanation, entrance, shining forth, exposure, exposition, teaching) of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the SIMPLE” (Psalm 119:130). In Christ, you don’t have to be a scholar; you can be a child– as long as you can hear from the Holy Spirit, you can easily be wiser than all the theologians in your country. Literally. (Psalm 119:98-100, Luke 2:41-52.) I will share only two passages with a brief explanation and then I see this will be too long so will finish responding about witchcraft in my next comment.

    1.) In 2Cor. 2:3-11, Paul tells the Church to receive a brother who had been cast out for a season due to continual sin. Paul advised to receive him back into the fold “lest satan should get an advantage over us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.” You can only take advantage of a weakness in a person. Paul states here that satan can triumph over or defeat christians. He can do this any time that we are “ignorant of his devices”. In this instance, the man would have been isolated, and his brethren would have turned their backs on him. Each of those alone is sufficient for satan to enter and defeat christians. You better believe it. (That’s why in America, where unity is a cussword, there is no real victory among christians.)

    2) In Acts 9:31-43, there were two different groups of believers who were in need of God’s miraculous power. They didn’t know how to access it, therefore satan was able to defeat them. Then Peter came along and reversed the effects of the Fall which satan implemented against those believers: Aeneas was healed, and Tabitha was raised from the dead. Those believers thought that Peter was special and therfore was able to do what he did. But Peter wasn’t special; he’d said, “Aeneas, JESUS the Christ heals you (not me)” and had prayed for God’s will before raising Tabitha. It was God’s will for Aeneas to be healed and Tabitha to not even die far before Peter came along; so what were the believers around these two missing? That’s the question that we all should seek God for.

    God said His people are DEFEATED because they lack knowledge (that means satan defeats christians when they lack knowledge). It’s not enough or acceptable for christians to propose and ponder, to theologize and theoreticize, to speculate and spectate. We can’t keep saying, “Doesn’t the Blood of Jesus cover me from all harm?” or “Psalm 91 says I am totally protected” or “Jesus said He gave us power to trample on the enemy.” We have to learn what that all MEANS so we can actually learn to use the tools Jesus has given us ACCESS to rather than supposing that satan is afraid of us simply because Jesus has ‘the tools’ to defeat him. We aren’t Jesus, and Jesus isn’t us. satan is afraid of Jesus and then of believers who “know their God”; he is not afraid of christians and has no need to be.

    • sarah hodgins says:

      Very interesting and I agree that we need to learn to be or do whatever St Peter was being/doing….letting the Lord live in us

  81. Snoopy It Is says:

    Third response to Sarah Hodgins. This one is about what witches can and can’t do as well as a practical look at ‘legal rights’ and how they work.

    Witches can kill people and do fairly regularly (by spiritual means, I mean; they kill many people physically through rituals every day), and they don’t have to be high-level to do it. People who aren’t witches can bring about another person’s death by the power of their soul (check out Watchman Nee’s ‘The Latent Power of the Soul’), and when you combine human free agency with satan’s will, you might be surprised what occultists have been doing and getting away with. Jesus’s power is greater than satan’s, but satan’s power is still great, especially when comparing it to humans. Witches are more in touch with satan’s power than christians are with Jesus’s power. This is, foundationally, because we all are naturally inclined to carnality and satan gives his power to the carnal (carnality being a natural thing that you don’t have to work for) while God gives His power to the holy (holiness being an unnatural thing that you have to work for). Katy Perry wanted to be the next Amy Grant in the contemporary christian music industry but didn’t make it. She, by her own admission, then sold her soul to satan in order to make it in the secular music industry instead. satan gives you power faster if you follow your carnal nature; God gives you power only as you submit to Him, and submitting to God and ‘dying to your carnal nature’ is difficult: “Therefore, submit to God; [then] resist the devil,” James said. This explains the massive power working among occultists and the little power working among christians.

    As for ‘legal rights’, I’ve written longer than I meant to and won’t go far into that. But I advise you, if you want to learn the facts not the fables we’ve been fed through decades, that you should google some of the things I’m about to mention. Occultists can ‘bind’ a person in the spirit, rendering the person unable to function in the physical. Every spiritual principle works on both the good and the bad side; this includes ‘binding and loosing’. Occultists can bind a person’s finances (in the spirit) and no matter how hard they try and how qualified they are, the person will never have enough money to live comfortably. One of their favorite methods is called ‘caging’ (link to an article at bottom) in which they put something in a container spiritually and it affects the person’s whole life naturally. Here are two true stories to consider:

    1.) There was once a very attractive woman who couldn’t get or keep a boyfriend longer than about two weeks or less. She was a christian and after college was in her thirties and was not married. She found a pastor who received a word of knowledge from God: the woman’s granddad had ‘bound’ her marriage when she was a baby. He did it with good intentions, but it was still satanic power. Her granddad saw her at birth and told her dad, “She’s going to be very pretty and the boys won’t leave her alone. Let’s ‘bind’ her marriage (really, her sexuality or visibility to men) otherwise she’ll be pregnant before she leaves middle school. Then we’ll ‘loose’ it after she gets out of college and she can freely marry whoever.” The woman and her pastor went to her granddad’s home where her dad now lived. She told him what God revealed; he told her it was true and that he and her granddad had forgotten to ‘loose’ her after college. Under her granddad’s old bed was the jar they used to imprison her marriage. When they destroyed it and prayed, the woman met a man within a week and I think was married within two months.

    2.) There was a man who was fairly rich. He found a woman who was in need and took her in. They began to date and married. This woman then met another man who may have been richer. She left her husband for the second man. Her husband was ticked off, basically. “I saw her in need and took her in. I provided so much for her, but she left me for this other man?” So he went to consult with an occultist. His ex-wife only found this out after trying to get pregnant with her new husband over and over and nothing ever worked. She happened to see a pastor who was open enough to God to receive a word of knowledge on why she couldn’t get pregnant. God showed the pastor that the husband she left had seen an occultist and by ‘a binding spell’, the occultist bound her ability to bear children. It went like this: the occultist brought a large cauldron and performed incantations and then buried the cauldron underneath a standing tree (to make it extremely unlikely that it would be dug up and therefore the curse disturbed). The occultist with the woman’s ex-husband determined that every time the woman and her new husband had sex and he ejaculated (this is a true story), that the spirit or life of the semen would be transferred not into the woman but into that cauldron. The oath was something like this: “Until the day that his semen fills this cauldron, his semen will never go into her. She will never get pregnant until there is no more room in this cauldron.” Long story short, God led them to the tree, they dug up the cauldron, etc.

    You asked about living with people who have ‘accursed objects’ and not being able to find things, etc. None of this is complicated. Some of it is complex but God always starts with the simple things, because no matter how much we accomplish or think we know, we are all babies and are all very simple. I’ve written a lot but that’s because it’s easier to write than to get to the point since the point is difficult for many to understand. And here is the point: ANY mystery or puzzle or quandary or whatever can be solved by simply doing this: ASK GOD. “If ANY man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to liberally to ALL without finding fault, and it will be given to him” (James 1:5). Virtually every single word in that verse is loaded with meaning. God knows we don’t know. We often think we know, but God knows. That’s why His invitation– to ask and receive– to those who don’t know (which is all of us) is so gracious. The simple aspect here is literally, “If you don’t know, ask God and He WILL tell you.” The complex aspect is that you might have to ask through fasting or praying in tongues or praying with one or more people; ie. there might be a specific strategy to even ask. But the good news is that if you ‘ask and keep asking’, everything will be revealed step by step. Spiritual safety is about an intimate or close relationship with God (Psalm 91); it’s not something one has automatically by being a christian. The closer you are to God, the more you can hear Him. Then if someone brings something into your home or gives you something or has something where you live that is ‘cursed’ and that the enemy can use to harm you, God will tell you about it, and you will hear Him. From then on, you will only need to know what to do about it, and believe me, answers and solutions and resolution belong to God. He can solve ANY problem. Goodnight.

    Article on Spiritual Cages (you don’t have to do the prayers): https://www.evangelistjoshua.com/deliverance-spiritual-cage/

    • sarah hodgins says:

      “Witches are more in touch with satan’s power than christians are with Jesus’s power.” Yes i have heard of children who did spells “for fun” and killed an entire family. Maybe from Staci’s book. Scary stuff. And shameful that Christians have so little of the Lord’s power!!!

    • sarah hodgins says:

      Thank you Snoopy! I did think of that idea too, this evening: “why not ask God for help with this?” (e.g. to find the missing crystals of my friend, so she can dispose of them). Duh! I am slow.

      What you have said is spot on with everything else I have ever read about occult stuff and witchcraft. I was kind of hoping it was not true though, because …it’s rather discouraging….

      Also I was involved somewhat in the occult years ago, although I stuck with “positive” stuff so I never heard of this “caging” thing. But yes, those other things are all familiar things and sounds legit. I have read almost every book by Staci Spielman and she has some crazy stuff in those books. Also, I recently found a website that mentions a person who did research into satanism in the North or South Carolina area and wow is it scary stuff. Really sick nasty stuff. I didn’t know it was so much in North America — I thought this stuff was more like in Mexico or Asia etc. It’s stuff I would rather not know, just like Illuminati stuff…but it is real, unfortunately. And our buddy Pat just confirmed it more to me 😦

      • Snoopy It Is says:

        Hey, Sarah, I got several replies from you and mashed them together to respond (in two comments) to make it less confusing for me because this platform doesn’t allow replies to some comments.

        Peter was able to heal Aeneas and resurrect Tabitha because he had faith in God. Luke 9 shows that Jesus gave His apostles authority and power to cast out demons and that sometime after that the same apostles couldn’t deliver the epileptic. In the Matthew account (Matt. 17), when the apostles ask why they– having received authority to deliver– could not deliver the epileptic, Jesus told them that the type of bondage they were dealing with required faith in God. There are different types of faith. You can have faith in many things that come from God or that are aspects of God (His promises, His Word, His attributes, etc.); then you can have faith in God Himself.

        The apostles had faith in the authority Jesus gave them; they finally met an instance of bondage when that kind of faith wouldn’t work. Their authority was fine; their relationship to God wasn’t. They needed to have faith in God, not in their spiritual authority, when they encountered the epileptic. Peter was able to heal Aeneas and resurrect Tabitha when the other believers could not because Peter had learned to have faith in God Himself (which is different from having faith in God’s promises or gifts or power, etc.) whereas those believers had not. (Peter’s relationship with God was close/intimate enough that he knew what God’s will was even when others did not. You recall that Jesus was like that while on earth when you see Him minister to certain situations that others thought were hopeless: eg. Lazarus, the dead 12-year-old girl, etc. Peter had become more like his Lord.)

        You have to ask God to give you insight into what happened in 2Kings 3. It’s a puzzle on the surface, but everything in the Bible has integrity and is true. In 2Samuel 24, we are told, “The anger of the Lord burned against Israel. He moved David against them, saying. ‘Go, number Israel and Judah.’” But in 1Chronicles 21, we are told, “satan stood up against Israel and moved David to number Israel.” If you read both passages, you see that they both record the exact same incident: David sinned in taking a census of Israel (although taking a census in itself is not a sin and is almost always a good thing), and God required judgment for it, asking David to choose from three different types of judgment. However, during the judgment, God stopped it before it was to end.

        Both 2Sam. 24 and 1Chron. 21 record the same incident but contradict each other. But God can’t contradict Himself. When you come across this kind of thing, your place is to ask God what is happening. On the surface, if one was to be brutally honest, the Bible is full of contradictions (eg. the different reports of Jesus’s resurrection and the different reports of the demonized Gadarene). But God WROTE the Bible that way on purpose a.) in order to hide His mysteries from the wicked and b.) in order to motivate the truly righteous to ‘search out’ His mysteries (because it brings one closer to God). That’s why christians who argue with atheists are in error. Atheists are right to attack the contradictions in the Bible; but they are wrong to say that God doesn’t have integrity. If christians don’t know how to defend the Bible, they should say only what they know and let God convict their hearers if He will. Only the Holy Spirit can line up everything in the Bible to have integrity. Without Him, there will always be contradictions and puzzles. What makes 2Kin. 3 more puzzling is the fact that God through Elisha– a faithful man whose words never fell to the ground– promised that Israel would win the battle against Moab and even provided a clear sign that they would… yet they didn’t win. This is where you are to ‘search it out’.

        There are different ‘levels’ of christians. People absent-mindedly say, “You are as close to God as you want to be.” Much of that is true. God hides many things and reveals them only to those who pursue ‘the knowledge of God’(ie. those who pursue God Himself): “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the glory of KINGS to search it out” (Proverbs 25:2); “The secret of the Lord is with THOSE WHO FEAR HIM, and to THEM He will reveal His covenant (secrets)” (Psalm 25:14); and Jesus said to God, “I thank You, Father, Lord of Heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things (intimate relationship with God) from the wise and the prudent and have revealed them to babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight” (Matthew 11:25-26).

      • Snoopy It Is says:

        Sarah, these replies look like they will be jumbled up but I hope you can make sense of them.

        As for children doing spells for fun and killing an entire family, witchcraft (a term I’ll use to cover all ‘satanic power’) will ‘enter’ or ‘land’ whenever it has an entrance (to enter) or legal ground (to land on). Proverbs 26:2 says, “Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest.” Many christians think this means that christians can’t be cursed (ie. be subject to curses), but one of the puzzling things about the Bible is that many times it literally just repeats what everyone already knows. Why? Because it is true. The Bible majors on truth, not only on God’s direct or personal words (Ecclesiastes especially but also Job and Psalms are great examples of this): a bird can’t land if it has nothing to land on; we all know this. That is what Solomon is saying about a curse. It’s better to understand if it’s said (in paraphrase) ‘backwards’: “When there is nowhere to land, a bird (or curse) cannot land.” This says nothing at all about where a curse can or can’t land but simply that wherever a curse finds room, it will land. Without ongoing sanctification, both christian and non will have plenty of ground for the enemy to land on. However, God won’t let him land all the time even if there’s legal ground (otherwise, most of us would be dead), but that’s another subject.

        There are many prideful atheistic and agnostic people out there who brag about their disbelief in the demonic and the spirit realm. Pro. 26:3 says, “A whip for the horse, a bridle for the donkey, and a rod for the backs of fools.” In other words, relate to people and things where they are; fools don’t learn unless they are beaten (ie. HARMED), therefore, beat them. So what do I tell these prideful people who think their reality (really, their preference and hope) can trump the facts regarding the demonic? I tell them that since they are so sure that the demonic realm is all Hollywood and fake, they should save up a little money and invest in a Ouija board. (You don’t even need to get an actual one; you can draw it out yourself and it will still ‘work’.) I tell them to proceed to bring along one or more other ‘unbelieving friends’ and to play on their Ouija board.

        Why advise anyone to consult the Ouija? Because a.) they arrogantly disbelieve facts because they think they can hide from them, and b.) the Ouija board is the one instrument that everyone has access to that most quickly invites the presence of the demonic… and when the demonic comes through a Ouija board, it doesn’t do a whole lot of hiding. Atheists and agnostics would come in contact with the demonic they disbelieve in faster than they could say, “This isn’t gonna work.” So why advise someone to make contact with the occult when the Bible warns against it? Because fools only learn through personal or direct harm (they have to suffer before they give up their pride), and it’s better they suffer some pitchfork pokes right now and re-think their ignorance than that they die in ignorance and rebellion and suffer through a pitchfork party that never ends. So yes, tiny kids can send curses and if the curses have places to land, then they will land. So for those who deride the reality of the demonic and who ignore God, making contact with the demonic is far easier than making contact with God “though He is not far from each one of us, for in Him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:27-28). Amen.

        As for satanism in NC and SC, I was in Asheville, NC in the summer of 2018 and met two different people who told me that that city is the most satanic city in the U.S. (It isn’t. It’s the most satanic in maybe one aspect. Another city is most satanic in another aspect. Etc. Bellingham, WA is one of the U.S. towns that is owned by satanists, and satan likes that place a great deal.) One of the people in Asheville told me how FIFTEEN different christian churches attempted to take on the occultists in that area (Asheville, Black Mountain, etc.) and all fifteen churches were destroyed and marriages fell apart within them as well because the occultists COUNTERATTACKED. How is this possible? John Paul Jackson wrote a book called ‘Needless Casualties of War’. Jackson had a lot of errant teachings/beliefs, but you have to give credit where credit is due and he nailed it in this book, expounding on the way christians can and do suffer needlessly (usually not even aware when this happens) when they take on the enemy presumptuously rather than with God’s leading. I’d recommend the book to anyone who needs a foundational understanding of the ‘rules of engagement’ regarding spiritual warfare, especially when it has to do with the princes, rulers, and territorial spirits in the heavenly places. You can read several pages free here:


      • Snoopy It Is says:

        I forgot to add this video that I saw some time ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1x3dZYuFopY

        One of the clips toward the end (when the guy goes in the bathroom then screams) may have been faked, but the rest of the clips are real. Major warning if you’re going to watch this.

        A close friend of mine drew a Ouija board with some of her friends in middle school. The first time they played on it, the paranomal activity began immediately; it always does but isn’t always visible. For her and her friends, it was visible. One of the things that happened was that blood began to run down the clock on the wall. (Since that time, she has had clock and watch problems, electrical and otherwise.) Other kids saw it and many kids who had to go to that classroom (because of the changing of periods/classes) began to have demonic visitations. It got bad enough for my friend to go to the school counselor and admit she was one of the people who started it.

        The Ouija board is the immediate cure for Western skepticism about the demonic and the paranormal. Whoever invented it must have received clear directions from the demonic realm. It’s an immediate open door for the demonic and is so effective that one doesn’t even have to get a factory-made Ouija board but can draw or make one themselves or even use a Ouija board app. All the enemy needs is an open door and the Ouija opens doors immediately.

        That all said, some christians are overly-focused on the demonic while others exaggerate that we are to “focus only on Christ”. The Bible, on the other hand, says that we are to FOCUS on Christ (firstly) but yet be AWARE of the enemy’s devices and modus operandi (secondly). When you drive from place to place, you only focus on where you’re going or your destination, but you also remain aware of everything else around you for the purpose of your safety. Jesus is the focus and destination, and satan is those things around you that you remain aware of. Just like our natural eyes have panoramic vision, rather than tunnel vision, we are to spiritually have panoramic awareness as well. Goodnight.

        • Sarah says:

          Hi Snoopy, I was without a proper computer for a couple of days so I couldn’t read and respond very well. Yes I avoid ouija boards — they are extremely evil and dangerous and I won’t even watch the videos because it will likely cause me nightmares. The reason Staci got in trouble was because she played with one of those when she was a child. Many decades of horrific demon harrassment followed.

          I will read and respond more soon.

    • Jenny Foster says:

      There are devils everywhere but as you have an obsession with Donald Trump, you are not interested in them. The devil it seems has your undivided attention so there is no room for God or for Jesus.

  82. Jenny Foster says:

    There is not one but a number of ways you are in disobedience. For a start, you are not Christ-centred, you are Trump-centred. The Bible is clear, if someone is a position of leadership it’s because God put them there or allowed them to be there. The Bible says to pray for your leaders, instead, you are hate campaigning against Trump. If God wants Trump in office, and you cannot possibly know the answer to that – you may even be working against God. It seems to me you think you know too much, and that you know a whole lot more than the Bible tells us which makes you prideful, which as you know is an abomination to God.

    • Snoopy It Is says:

      Yes, pray for leaders– not for them to prosper in wickedness or wrongdoing but for God to lead and guide and direct and bless them, because His blessings don’t promote or approve evil but are meant to lead to repentance and salvation. God blesses those who honor those in authority.

      I recently worked for someone in authority who could use a lot of help. The article on this page is about the Jezebel spirit, but there’s also an Ahab spirit or mindset. In America, women are raised in such a way as to be moderately to very open to the Jezebel spirit, and men are raised the same way regarding the Ahab spirit. The man I worked for had an Ahab mindset (a hatred for responsibilities, abdicating his authority to narcissistic people and Jezebels, extreme passivity, an almost non-existent moral compass and along with it an inability or refusal to stand up for any issue of justice– all the responsibilities that God gave men).

      Watching this man defend the wicked people and persecute the innocent (I told God in no uncertain terms that he was an idiot), I was starting to near my wits’ end– the mysterious place where the oceans fall off the flat earth’s edge. Then God told me to honor the man ONLY because he owned the business and therefore was an authority. (To honor includes a level of forgiveness. Just like we forgive the shortcomings of those we honor in the flesh for our sake, we are to forgive the shortcomings of those we honor in the spirit for God’s sake.) In time, God will deal with authorities who do evil or who refuse to repent. Our only part is to pray for God to bless them (ie. to influence in good ways and towards good) which isn’t a prayer for God to bless their wickedness, so we don’t have to fear that praying for a wicked person in authority will cause God to overlook and wink on their wickedness because God never does that. Praying for leaders (especially wicked ones) is for our sakes– as we stand before God– far more than it is for theirs.

  83. Snoopy It Is says:


    People from all sides are uniting to Trump. I think we can be so used to seeing corruption flourish that we can forget that many average people would choose good if they actually had a real opportunity.

    When I was in Grand Rapids, MI for a while in 2013, I learned about the wealthy Grand Rapids families: Van Andels, Devosses, Fords (motor company), Meijers (grocery stores). I learned that there are many wealthy people who would give to God’s work if they found a work or ministry they could really trust– ie. if God moved them to give. (When people are doing God’s work God’s way, He moves others to give to it.) And this is mostly non-christians. You see this principle in Acts when non-christians joined in giving to the early Church because the early Church was full of God’s Grace and favor as they were doing what God wanted them to do. So, sometimes people won’t do what is good because there isn’t any real opportunity to do so. I believe that there are many people consciously and unconsciously looking for something real, good, and true to give to or join and that as of yet, they haven’t found it. I also believe that Trump’s presense in office is giving many people an opportunity to do good. I believe their favorable disposition toward Trump is because they respect his integrity as a person, not because they have been deceived by a charming personality.

    • Jenny Foster says:

      You really do have a war going on in your own head. No one on this thread has said that Trump is a model for integrity or anything of the sort. At least he is not an out and out satanist like the people you so admire, the Clintons and Obamas. Why do you think he said he was going to clean up the White House? That is why the witches are working against him and you need to ask yourself how it happened that you found yourself working against the same person they are working against. Common sense would tell you that you have made a mistake, but sadly due to your blindness you won’t be able to see that. At least you should stop attempting to lead others into the ditch with you.

    • Snoopy It Is says:

      Pat Johnson, why don’t we talk about the Jezebel spirit that the article on this page is talking about? I’d like to talk about the Jezebel spirit as it functions among christians rather than changing the focus of the purpose of this conversation. Let’s do that. Your heart is so vicious that you think you harm decent people by slandering Trump. All narcissists and Jezebels love to slander, malign, and accuse and think they win by hating. Let’s talk about the Jezebel spirit as a worldwide and churchwide issue. Let’s talk about issues that glorify God– “whatsoeve things are of good report” as Paul says. Normal people don’t brag about hating and don’t care to hate. Hatred truly is a sign of weakness (of a person who is miserable and unable to be happy or content); hatred is not a sign of strength.

  84. Jenny Foster says:

    Pride is an abomination to God. You are so out of line with the Bible and with Christianity and so hardheaded about it, there is no point in talking to you, it’s just like feeding trolls, a waste of time. Devils have the power to blind people before they lead them down the wrong road, and that is what has happened to you. You certainly should not be trying to rope people in to walk along that road with you. You need to repent of your rebellion to God and if you can’t see it, then you can only pray to ask God to show you where you have gone wrong. Then again that requires humility which you seem to be sorely lacking.

    • Sarah says:

      Well said.

    • Snoopy It Is says:

      I’m trying to respond to Jenny Foster and it’s only giving me an option of responding to Sarah. Anyway, this response is for Jenny Foster.

      Jenny, you wrote in response to Pat: “Why do you think he said he was going to clean up the White House? That is why the witches are working against him and you need to ask yourself how it happened that you found yourself working against the same person they are working against.”

      It’s interesting that birds of a feather flock together. Trump wouldn’t be interested in cleaning out corruption if he was corrupt himself. satan doesn’t oppose satan. At this point, Pat is basically channeling evil spirits. To be honest, not nice. Niceness isn’t one of the fruits of the Spirit. It isn’t possible for a human being by himself (in his own carnal nature) to hate someone he doesn’t know with hostility and conviction. That requires the intervention of dark forces.

      When I was in Bellingham, WA, I met a christian who had many problems. He was suffering but didn’t seem to want to repent and turn away from the demons who were tormenting him. When I asked God why he as a christian was so tormented and why the enemy seemed to be able to whip him around at will (I should have known the answer as this enemy requires the cooperation of one’s free will to have a lot of control over them). God showed me that the christian’s heart wasn’t right and that he had rejected God and embraced certain works of the enemy that bolstered his self-esteem.

      Since this christian had rejected God in his heart, his demonic torment was greater than that of a christian who hasn’t rejected God. Moreover, the enemy controlled him almost at will because he was in agreement with the enemy. Pat, being in agreement with the enemy, is starting to say more and more things that sound like demons speaking through her (ie. ‘moving’ her to speak). Or maybe it’s always been that way and I’m only now starting to pick it up as was my experience with the christian in Bellingham who, on first meeting I saw him crawling with ‘New Age spirits’ (ie. the spirits posing as Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit in many charismatic circles), then AS WE TALKED about the Bible in particular, Witchcraft was forced to surface, and as we talked further (the guy protested that we stop talking about the Bible), then Jezebel was forced to surface as head of the bunch. Maybe you’re wasting your time trying to reason with Pat as I did trying to reason with that christian in Bellingham.

  85. Snoopy It Is says:

    Pat, I grew up with a Jezebel who unwittingly taught me how to recognize evil, manipulation, control, and other such negative character qualities when I see them. You will never learn and truly are wasting your time, and this will be the last time I read or respond to your comments. Goodbye.

  86. Sarah says:

    Your opinion and beliefs are very clear. Please, please stop arguing about politics, everyone. Please.

    • Jenny Foster says:

      There are many antichrists but Trump cannot possibly be the antichrist. You may not want to believe this but it’s a well known fact that the Bible is centred on Israel and Jerusalem, etc. not on the USA and their presidents. Sadly, there are those who wrest scripture to their own destruction.

  87. The suggestion that Donald Trump is the antichrist shows a grievous lack of understanding of what the Bible says.

    • Jenny Foster says:

      So you believe Trump is the most evil leader in the world? And what about the Chinese president or the North Korean leadership? You must be insane if you believe the Bible talks about US presidents. Do you understand that the Bible says there is no one righteous, NO NOT ONE? It is pointless to try and convince you that you are wrong, because I’m sure if God himself told you you were wrong you would begin to try to convince him that he was wrong and you were right. What you teach is not the doctrine of Christ, it’s not the words of the Bible as led by the Holy Spirit but a gross distortion. Please do not address any more of this nonsense to me.

  88. Snoopy It Is says:

    I just re-read the original article on this page about the Jezebel spirit since it is such an important issue. It’s important to bring the conversation back to the issue of the Jezebel spirit. I have seen two Jezebels last month trying to change a conversation about the Jezebel spirit to anything but that, even trying to bring the religious spirit into the conversation because discussion of the Jezebel spirit was spiritually like driving a knife into their hearts.

    In my opinion, the worst part of dealing with a Jezebel spirit is the union it has with the human soul. When one of my aunts, a Jezebel, used to attack me without end, my best friend kept reminding me that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers…” While Jezebel is a principality (and, really, an entourage of spirits), there is a very strong human aspect when it comes to the Jezebel spirit. It is the most multi-faceted spirit there is– that I know of– and therefore is easily able to mirror the human soul which is also multi-faceted.

    It’s fairly easy for me to recognize (ie. discern) when I meet a Jezebel or narcissist because they hate me with a very special and unique hatred. On my first day of one job I had, two homosexual men approached me and swore to have me fired. For the next three months, these two men contracted all the corrupt people in the company to bring me before the board at least once every single week, falsely accusing me to get me fired. It didn’t work. By my seventh month there, the two homosexual men and all the corrupt employees who had sided with them had either been fired or had experienced some kind of harm that landed them in the hospital (eg. one corrupt employee had his jaw broken by drug dealers near his neighborhood).

    Jezebels are so wicked that they can spot any little bit of light when they see it. Unfortunately, as it is with human and animals predators, Jezebels detect good or innocent or pure or decent people faster than those people can detect Jezebels which always gives them a sort of edge. In the company I mentioned above, the Jezebel spirit had authority there– and therefore functioned primarily through the homosexual men– because the woman who owned the company was a Jezebel herself. (However, God used her to stand up for me and not fire me through the months when the ‘lesser Jezebels’, the homosexual men, made all kinds of false accusations against me to have me fired.)

    I believe that it is the human component that makes the Jezebel spirit such a force in the world and not simply the power that the spirit has in itself. I can say this partially because there are spirits that, by themselves (without human agency, cooperation, and agreement), are far more powerful than Jezebel but wh are not as infamous or troublesome in the everyday life of the average person. Some of these greater spirits are Occult principalities and Religion (the religious spirit is far more powerful than Jezebel; Jezebel didn’t show her face around Jesus because she recognized His authority, but Religion harassed Jesus constantly and finally killed Him).

    As seen in the example of Elijah and Elisha vs. King Jehu, the prophetic ministry is equipped to contend against Jezebel but rarely is given the authority to directly confront or to defeat her. The apostolic ministry is given the authority to defeat Jezebel but not to defeat Religion. Jezebel contends against true prophets; and Religion contends against true apostles. We see this with John the Baptist (prophetic ministry) whom Herodias (a Jezebel) killed with the help of Herod; but when Jesus (apostolic ministry) stepped on the scene, you don’t hear about Herodias again though you hear of Herod. Jezebel killed John the Baptist but couldn’t come near Jesus; but Religion could go near Jesus. Only once in the Bible was a demon cast out of someone WITHOUT the person’s free will agreement (ie. the person wanted to keep the demon, not have it cast out) and it was in the case of the servant girl with the spirit of divination which we later learn in the same passage was the Jezebel spirit, being directly linked to “Diana of the Ephesians”– ‘the Queen of Heaven’ or Jezebel (Acts 19).

    An apostle (‘king anointing’) cast the spirit of divination out of the girl because the apostolic mantle has the authority to do so. (David, having the apostolic or kingly mantle, was the only person in the OT who ‘cast out’ demons. This he did through his music because of the mantle on him. Genuine apostolic ministry is a spiritual warfare mantle or ministry.) But while Paul was given the authority to confront and defeat Jezebel, he was not given the authority to defeat the religious spirit. In 2Cor. 12, Paul says that a thorn in the flesh was given to him, “a messenger of satan”, and that Jesus did not deliver him of it. That thorn was the religious leaders and Pharisees following him around and tearing down the things he was building for the Kingdom. Paul was allowed to defeat Jezebel, but when it came to Religion, Jesus said to him, “My Grace is sufficient for you.” These are the kinds of things it’s important for believers to understand, especially because of the intimate relationship that Jezebel and Religion have with the human soul, making them harder to distinguish, pin down, or contend against.

    • Snoopy It Is says:

      I went and read the Acts 19 incident and see that I confused Acts 18 (where Diana is mentioned) with Acts 16 (where a spirit of divination was cast out of the servant girl). Lol. Both chapters are fairly similar, however (one in Philippi and one in Ephesus), because of the apostles’ confrontation with the demonic and because the apostles’ presence stirred up riots (and imprisonment). It’s good to be reminded that I haven’t been reading my Bible and that maybe I should make more time for it. Haha.

  89. Jenny Foster says:

    Pat, I have asked you please not to address any more of your posts to me. However, you have asked me to point out where you are going wrong. I will do it but would be very surprised if you will listen to a single word I say. In the interests of keeping it simple, so a child could understand, may I please suggest that you go through all your posts on this thread and count how many times you said the name “Trump” and how many times you said the name “Jesus”. There’s your answer as to why you are in disobedience. Your attention should be on Jesus, not on Trump. If he is the devil incarnate, as you say, why on earth are you giving him your attention? That’s absolutely not what the Bible tells us to do.

  90. Snoopy It Is says:

    From this blog:

    “The good news is that God gives each individual person the freedom of choice. Everyone has the freedom to make decisions, to make mistakes, to think for himself/herself, to communicate, to like or dislike and to express his/her taste and creativity. Those who control are in worship of their own wills and their own ways.”

    I currently know a 73-year old man who I visit once in a while (he also has caregivers from an elder-care company who visit him). He was raised by a single mom who was definitely a Jezebel because he’s possibly the worst Ahab I have ever been around. However, in that weird hybridization that sometimes happens, he also has Jezebel traits (which he will have picked up from his mom).

    This 73-year-old is a pathetic example of what a man is supposed to be. (I say that as a fact, not as a condemnation of him. In a culture of fault-finding, no one really knows what fact-finding is when the facts are negative. They only understand ‘negatives’ as faults and dismiss them as facts. How pathetic.) When I come over, and when he has people over, he will lie around, seeking attention, ‘playing possum’ in the hopes that someone will comfort him and do everything for him.

    As stubborn and adamant as the elderly man is– pretending to be senile and anything else he can pretend in order to get people to pamper him– and as resistant to God and opposed to everything that is moral as he is (ie. as lost and hopeless as he appears to be to anyone with just half a brain), he still has full freedom to make a choice for God. He hates to have that freedom and wants to be as damned as possible, beyond the reach of God’s Grace, but he till has the freedom to repent. Sometimes when you’re around evil or wicked people– especially people with the ‘lucifer gene’ (Jezebels and all pwASPD (people with Anti-Social Personality Disorder: narcissistic personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, sociopaths, psychopaths, etc.))– it starts seeming like they don’t have the ability to repent, but they all do. It’s always good, at least for me, to remember that.

  91. Snoopy It Is says:

    Someone reminded me today about all the attacks President Trump has been under. I was referred to the video below after watching a video about Kim Clement who had prophesied that Trump would become president a day before Trump entered the presidential race. You don’t want to lean on one person’s prophetic word, but I’m reminded that when you put together all the events of Trump’s run and time in office, it again becomes apparent that God put him in office.

    This isn’t something that Westerners, especially Americans, understand at all: opposition, rejection, resistance, and backlash against a person doesn’t mean that the person is in the wrong. On the other hand, because people have become so wicked and rebellious, it is often a telltale sign that a person is actually good or upright or is doing the right thing. In the West, especially America, being liked (by all 360 million people in the country if at all possible) is the highest good. “The fear of man” is not only prevalent but is a very important part of America’s value system.

    In the American value system, you’re actually supposed to live in fear (a fear that runs like an electric current through everyone in this country and only overtly manifests at certain times, like now with COVID-19) and be afraid of what everyone thinks of you. I can provide evidence for this easily because it’s apparent and only overlooked because it’s ‘normal’. Most of the belief systems and worldviews in individuals and cultures run beneath the surface– in their SUBconscious minds– where people are rarely aware of what they believe, how they believe, and why they believe. It explains hypocrisy like you see in the LGBTQ community.

    Because American culture is directly set against God’s ways (because “the fear of man is a snare”), the Kingdom of God in America is like an airplane full of passengers that is moored to the tarmac (runway) by oppressively heavy iron chains and has no chance to even taxi for take off, because when someone in America stands up without the fear of man (when a person lacks the fear of man), then all the ‘culturally fearful’ people stand up against that person. If you live in America– or in the West but especially in America– look with different eyes wherever you go. Actually look at people (don’t watch them; look at them, don’t just see them). The air is thick with fear and everyone smells like prey; everyone is poised to take off and run at the slightest disturbance. (This is why ‘terrorists’ will cause such people to give up any and every right just to be safe. But in countries like Israel, Palestine, Syria, and Iran, ‘terrorists’ don’t bother people nearly as much.)

    It is because Trump lacks that nationally cherished fear of man that some people particularly resent him. I’ve experienced it, and it’s always been the same types of people– some ranking higher on the hatred spectrum (eg. narcissists, Jezebels: those who feed on the fearful) while others rank not much lower (eg. flaming homosexuals, entitled princesses: the toxically self-centered and self-absorbed)– but basically all in the same class. When someone is under attack, it’s sometimes a telltale sign that the person is in the right. Comedian Dave Chapelle once mentioned a few Hollywood stars who had nervous breakdowns and were dismissed as simply ‘crazy’. He told the interviewer, “Calling somebody ‘crazy’ is dismissive… These people are not crazy. They are strong people… Maybe their environment (Hollywood) is sick.” The witches who accused Trump live in a sick society. Unaware of the real issue, they attack Trump because they can’t manipulate him through fear as they can with the average person. It’s only a reminder that God put Trump in office.


    • Sarah says:

      What about the videos showing Trump admitting he is pro choice and that he admires Killary? God allows people in power but that doesn’t mean the Freemasons aren’t doing all they can to drag us all to hell. All we know is that the Bible says to pray for our leaders and trust God. It doesnt say argue for 76 weeks about politics.

      • Jenny Foster says:

        It’s not really fair to say that people were arguing about politics. Rather someone was attacking the POTUS in the belief that Trump was Satan incarnate and insisting that everyone should join in with her as that was where it was at and that’s what God wanted, while others were disputing her conclusions. I wouldn’t actually call that arguing about politics. I enjoyed reading Snoopy’s very well written and well thought out posts and wished I had a mind like that!

        • Sarah says:

          I find that there are 2 people arguing about Trump, and both claim to hear from the Lord. This is where things get weird because it’s just way too easy to be deceived by feelings etc. No one has all the answers and we could be a bit more tolerant and stop saying others are “not Christian” based on their political beliefs

      • Snoopy It Is says:

        “You’re worried about too many things.” You judge people and things on outward appearances. If Trump was doing wrong behind the scenes but was a perfect example of a good person in public, you would judge only his public persona and would like him. But because he isn’t ‘perfect’ (thank God), you are pointing out what is publicly known about him and don’t care for his private life. It’s a Western tradition– the cult of personality, the gods of outward appearances we all follow.

        As Westerners, we know and care nothing about the inward heart. That’s why Western psychiatry and psychology are so askew and in denial about addressing true root issues rather than hovering over outward symptoms. We care about people’s personalities (Latin: ‘persona’, mask) and not their character (Greek: ‘charakter’, nature); but a person’s character is the real person. One’s personality is simply what he allows others to see or the way he acts around others.

        God isn’t concerned about outward appearances. Why are you? “The Lord looks on the heart.” Why don’t you? It doesn’t matter what we know about Trump; what matters is that God put him in office. There aren’t [m]any presidents we can say this about. God choosing someone doesn’t mean the person is ‘perfect’; it means that God has need of them. Throughout the Bible God chose leaders who were imperfect and even leaders who were corrupt. Jesus chose Judas Iscariot, knowing Judas would betray Him. Peter saw what happens when we let satan get into us to rebuke or disagree with God’s decisions. He tried to dissuade Jesus from going to the cross which is the same as rebuking Jesus for choosing Judas. So, why are you rebuking His decision to put Trump in office?

        Trump doesn’t admire Hillary; he’s a businessman. Any businessman with half a brain knows that he must get along with those with whom he does business. Trump has done this even to his own detriment, leaving people within his staff who showed clear signs of disagreement with him. That caused problems for him. As compromising and imperfect as Trump is, God’s hand is so visible on him (in the spirit realm) that even people whom he tried to accommodate rejected positions he offered them because they hated him so much. They are in agreement with ‘the prince of the power of the air’ and are “sons of disobedience” (ie. in rebellion against God in their very nature; this isn’t the case with everyone as everyone is sinful in nature but not always rebellious in nature).

        Don’t worship leaders and those in positions of authority and expect them to be perfect, because you aren’t perfect yourself. Only God is perfect, so only He has the RIGHT to nitpick what He likes and dislikes about people. As I sensed before Trump was elected, God actually LIKES him and is FOND of him. Of course, Westerners define that differently, so you probably don’t know what that means. Cyrus was a pagan king. You wouldn’t think that this passage was about a Gentile pagan: “Thus says the Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have held.” But why did God choose Cyrus? “For Jacob My servant’s sake, and Israel My elect, I have even called you by your name; I have named you, though you have not known Me.” (Isaiah 45.) God chose Cyrus for Israel’s sake. That automatically means that Cyrus did not have to be in any way perfect because he was a tool to build/uplift a nation/building. The project is the focus, not the tools used for it. When we’re “at ease in Zion,” our hearts harden against God and we’re too full of our opinions to perceive when He’s at work.

        Lastly, I don’t try to force my opinions on others; that’s what arguing is and it almost always signifies a lack of temperance (self-restraint) and love. And God isn’t concerned about the Freemasons and their plans because He can’t be destroyed nor can those who trust in Him. Everyone else should be concerned. God has no life to save (so He lets the wicked prevail); only people do. While we shake and shiver in fear because bad people want to do bad things to us (I hope COVID-19 begins the stirring of the churches), “He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall hold [those bad people] in derision. Then He shall speak to them in His wrath and distress them in His deep displeasure” (Psalm 2).

    • SARAH says:

      For some reason this only will let me reply to Pat, rather than to Snoopy. Yes, God used Cyrus to do his will. This does not mean he “liked” him. God does not “like” people – he loves all people but hates their sin. I have no idea where you get the feeling that God is fond of Trump.
      Judge by the outside? how else are we supposed to judge? How do you judge Killary and others if not by their actions? I am not saying God didn’t put him in place, but that also means that Obama was God’s choice, Bush was God’s choice, Stalin, Hitler, etc etc. And that may be the way it is. No one is saying that Trump must be removed. At least I don’t think they are.
      What I think Pat is saying and what I am wondering and have asked already, is what causes you to believe God approves of Trump, especially with his rather pro choice pro strip club pro pay-people-off character? What exactly is it that American Christians are so in love with Trump about?
      Pat, I really don’t think approving of Trump is the mark of the beast. He may well be related to the antichrist/NWO, like all leaders and most politicians. But when it comes to opinions about politics, God doesn’t say we must be a certain party to be saved!

  92. Snoopy It Is says:

    Thanks, Jenny. God gives wisdom to whoever wants it. You just have to ask and keep asking; if you do that, others might notice it before you do, but in time wisdom will begin to ‘alight’ on your head like drops of dew at night on mountain grass: quietly and inconspicuously. The catch about asking for wisdom in particular (and then understanding secondarily) is that you must want the wisdom for the right reason(s) and not for selfish purposes. As with Solomon, God knows what the right reasons are: “Give Your servant a discerning heart to govern Your people and to distinguish between right and wrong” (1Kings 3:9).

  93. SARAH says:

    Hi Pat, yes it is true that Trump has behaved terribly in the past what with his owning strip joints etc and not acting anything close to a Christian. Some Americans believe that he is helping the USA right now, but I cannot see how that is, except for possibly a few small groups who got their jobs back….but as anyone with a tin hat like me is aware, NO politician is going to help the US. Since I found out that Trump is actually basically a democrat and is buddies with Killary, well my conspiracy beliefs are just being strengthened. Every leader of the world who has any clout is going with the Bilderbergs/Illuminati/Freemasons. There is no good Christian leader. How could there be? A true Christian would not be elected because they would be honest and try to do what’s right and that would not be tolerated by most people, who are the children of satan. There are no perfect leaders, yet we must pray for them because God told us to. But to be fair, Pat, I think God is angry at a lot more than just Trump!

  94. SARAH says:

    It is really arrogant to say that other people have “no discernment”. We are all trying to do what we can, from where we are, with the very limited knowledge we have. I am personally not a Trump expert, I am not even in that country, but we can still have our own opinions and beliefs. This does not make a person “not a Christian”. As for the Jezebel spirit, most leaders have it because they are narcissist who manipulate their way to the top. They hurt people, some kill people, and they will answer to God.

    • Snoopy It Is says:

      Sarah, I was nearly done responding to you when I realized that I was addressing you the wrong way. I was trying to tell you about spiritual things but didn’t know why you weren’t understanding what seems so clear to me. I didn’t understand how you seemed to not see things that were right in front of you– sometimes literally in front of you such as when you said several times that I said certain people aren’t christians (you even put the words in quote as if I wrote them) when I never said it once. You seemed unable to see things plainly written in front of you– bad for Bible reading– not to speak of discern their meaning– very bad for Bible reading. Furthermore, you are also unable to discern people’s hearts or to discern your own heart. (And contrary to false teachings, the Bible says and shows that believers are to not only be able to discern their and others’ hearts but are to do so.) I won’t go through it all but I’ll edit what I already wrote below to fit.

      You do have a low opinion of men: “Men are bad (ie. liars, untrustworthy, etc); women are good (honest, trustworthy, etc.).” It’s ‘an ancient equation’. At the Fall, men received a ‘natural’ distrust for women and women received a ‘natural’ resentment (low opinion) of men. Your low opinion of men is right here in some of your comments; but I understand that without discernment, and living in a self-aggrandizing Western culture, you have no idea. As humans, we tend to believe the best about ourselves. In the West, where Humanism is the name of our god, it’s even worse. But if we were good people, why would we need Jesus? How can a human being be good? We are not good people and should have the same attitude Jesus had when the wealthy ruler– seeing Him as an ordinary human being– called Him “good”. Jesus responded, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God” (Mark 10:17-18). But when people call us [ie. view us, appraise us, or treat us as] good, we gladly receive it when we are anything but good.

      I perceive that you need the baptism of the Holy Spirit. (No PC culture here, believe me.) When a person ‘receives Jesus’, that is only the beginning; the very next step (which is supposed to be a ‘twin’ and not an option) God desires for them is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It gives a person a sense of purpose other than just getting to Heaven, gives power to live holy (and to AFFECT others for good, not just talk to them), gives discernment, and gives clear direction so you aren’t reliant on others for truth but receive it directly from the Holy Spirit into your spirit– an enhanced version of your ‘knower’ or human intuition but coming now from the Holy Spirit (1John 2:20, 21, 27).

      Not all christians have the Holy Spirit (this can be a complex issue but the Bible is right and we’re all wrong) as the Bible says and shows. Paul met believers in Ephesus who were saved and going to Heaven but who did not have the Holy Spirit. As an apostle– ie. those who are ‘sent’ first– Paul knew that every believer needs the ‘first things first’ and insisted that those believers be baptized which they then were. The change after the baptism was immediate as it always is when one ‘receives’ the Holy Spirit. (Acts 19:1-7.) In Ephesians 1, Paul talked about “a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God”. This comes AFTER the baptism of the Holy Spirit and cannot come without it. If you want a type of ‘open Heaven’ between you and God where the glass is now translucent and not opaque (‘seeing through a glass darkly’, but SEEING nevertheless)– where you know and understand and discern things without the confusion of different opinions, then ask God for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It’s entirely up to you, but if you do ask until you receive it, I can assure you that from that point on you will never be the same.

  95. SARAH says:

    Also Pat, i really think that more than 2/3 of Christian men watch porn…probably about 96% I’d guess…it’s sad…but I get what you are saying…God is not happy with us.

    • Sarah says:

      No I did not block anyone. I dont follow trump or anyone else!

      • SARAH says:

        It’s really hard to reply to people on this site. Pat, I am in a tiny town of about 3,000 with about 10,000 in the farms and Indiginous people reservations around. So far, we have no recorded outbreaks of Covid but other towns nearby do. It’s only a matter of time. Even people way up in the arctic have it! I am not sure if it’s God’s wrath or the Globalists or both.

  96. SARAH says:

    I don’t have a low opinion of men at all. I don’t like people continually arguing about politics. It’s a waste of time and energy. It has nothing to do with men or women.

  97. SARAH says:

    Thank you for your prayers! I will add you and your husband to my prayer list

  98. Jenny Foster says:

    Pat, You really are utterly obsessed and you sound quite unbalanced. How can you possibly purport to know that God hates Trump more than he hates whatever? Where in the Bible did you get that from? It is evident that at points during your rants, you are only talking about yourself. God hates pride, which you seem to have in abundance. God also hates bigots who behave in such a way as to put Christianity in a bad light and they will be called to account for it, and that fits you too.

    • Sarah says:

      To Jenny and Snoopy, I am curious why you are such supporters of Trump, it would be interesting to hear what it is you admire about him, please, seeing as most of the rest of the world doesn’t care for him

      • Jenny Foster says:

        Sarah, Did you not notice that Pat is accusing everyone of being a Trump supporter – even when they don’t live in the same country? It would be like someone who lives in the UK and hates Boris Johnson (and there are enough of those) ranting at someone who lives in the US accusing them of being a supporter of Boris Johnson – ridiculous. But then much of what Pat has said is ridiculous, and worse. Not the least, posting a link to “Bethel” which is the creation of some of the most false reprobate false teachers around today, like Bill Johnson, who are at the very centre of the massive spider’s web of corruption that has defiled Christian churches all over the world.

        To answer your question about Trump, I don’t believe I’ve ever heard a US president saying let’s pray about it, only Trump. He may be evil, but so are they all. No, I don’t support him, but I do what we were told to do in the Bible, which is pray for our leaders as they are there because God wants them there as part of his plan. That’s why Pat is so obviously in disobedience although she is far too proud to be able to see it. If Pat had properly read the Bible she would know that pride is an abomination to God and she would have hated what God hates, but she doesn’t, and that says it all.

        • Snoopy It Is says:

          Jenny Foster, your mention of Bill Johnson and Bethel brought me here. I’ll try to keep this somewhat on the topic of this blog post which is the Jezebel spirit.

          Yes, Bethel and Bill Johnson and all the charismatics who run with that circle are basically mad (insane) and preach another gospel that even non-christians recognize as not being the Gospel. A male Jezebel gave me Bill Johnson’s book ‘When Heaven Invades Earth’ to borrow eight years ago. I knew he was a Jezebel, so I immediately didn’t trust the book. It wasn’t beneficial to him, so how could it be beneficial to me? (He was under the tutelage of his female pastor who was a Jezebel and whose husband was an Ahab. When I visited, I saw that her church was so dominated by Jezebel that all the men and boys sat in the back and only females sat in the front. Only females did any kind of ministry– from pastor to worship to everything– and the only male on any ‘team’– the pastor’s husband– worked the sound booth in the very back of the church. The male Jezebel who gave me Johnson’s book was a very immature Jezebel and was ambitiously learning from his pastor to be more adept at Jezebel’s ‘witchcrafts’. His pastor knew to stay away from me and to keep me away as far from her flock (churchgoers) as possible; but he was too immature to know that.) As soon as I read the back of Johnson’s book, the Lord showed me that the entire premise of the book was false (and therefore the whole book was also false): Johnson begins on the back, “Anyone can walk in the miraculous– even you!” But 1Cor. 12:28-29 says that only some are called to walk in the miraculous and that “not all” are miracle-workers.

          When you’re too close to something, it’s difficult to see more than its surface. Western culture is very fertile soil for the growth of a remarkably high number of unflattering and unsavory things. Charismatic christianity simply borrows from Western culture. However, most of charismatic christianity is founded on satanic values. Real satanic values, not just ‘ba things’. Just like the U.S. was partially founded on christian principles, partially founded on man’s fallen nature, and partially founded on satanism, charismatic christianity was founded on those same three things. I don’t know if you’ve heard of satanic ritual abuse, but the short of the long is that it’s a way that the fallen angels have taught human beings to dominate the will of others outside their awareness. It gives satan indirectly the ability to steal free will. When you look at people and ‘movements’ like Bill Johnson, Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Todd White, Todd Bentley, Patricia King, hyper-charismatic churches, Mike Bickle and many 24/7 houses of prayer, Britney Spears, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, the LGBTQ movement, Disney and Nickelodeon child stars, many movie and music stars and models and porn stars, what you are seeing is the ‘handiwork of satan’– people that he controls through ‘controllers’ in order to through those people control the masses. The people who are being controlled are not aware of it. The more you get a grasp of that and what it means (and the Bible talks about it but, like most things, not on the surface), the easier it will be to understand what is going on, why some ministers and churches are so ‘out there’, and how satan has such a strong hold on people’s minds and emotions (far more than he would have had outside of the phenomenon of satanic ritual abuse), and why news reporters on the conservative and liberal sides are convinced of their opinions (many are ‘programmed’ and are only repeating what they have been told to; it happens on both sides as a model for the American masses to be LIKEWISE divided). Wherever God’s people lack vision as a body, satan is there. He is very often manifest in a place without vision ‘in the form of Jezebel’, a spirit that has the charismatic and prophetic movements and churches by the gonads.

          The following is a fairly long article, but if you have a heart that loves truth and are seeking it, it will probably be interesting to you. It was written by a survivor of satanic ritual abuse who didn’t recall what had been done to him until it began to surface later in life. (In satanic ritual abuse, they force people’s memories down so they can’t access them. It’s similar to the ‘alien phenomenon’ where people who’ve been abducted and victimized have their memories ‘erased’ (they aren’t really erased, just shoved way into the subconscious).) As it is right now, you can walk into any charismatic church in North America and throw a penny in any direction and you will hit several survivors of ritual abuse. Most of them will have no clue whatsoever. In fact, any day you go into a public place and see up to fifteen or more people– even just right outside your front door– you are probably looking at at least one survivor of satanic ritual abuse. They were purposely ‘created’ to INADVERTENTLY carry out satan’s purposes on earth, and through the years, the occultists working with satan have proliferated them all across the planet, especially in developed countries. Wherever the British go, satanic ritual abuse is sure to follow. Read this article and gain a little more perspective on ministers like Bill Johnson and on many of the pretty incredible things happening right now (and I can attest, as many can, that the article is factual):


        • Snoopy It Is says:

          Jenny Foster, the following is from the article that I linked in my previous comment:

          “This, then, was the structure the Lord uncovered. First was a surface presenter system, a ‘good me’ of personalities that worked, functioned, learned, married, divorced, and lived as a Christian; this was also ‘the me’ that committed to do the work of remembering. Next came the external dissociative shell; this was the residuum of all the violence and demonization that happened to the presenter to make the multiplicity more elaborate. This was the part that would wear a therapist out, appearing to make progress but leaving the generational core undetected and undisturbed. Deepest still was my ancestral, generational core, the historical continuation of a family and culture that had been living in Sodom and Gomorrah for generations completely oblivious but opposed to everything ‘the good (surface) me’ had known as good, true, and real.”


          Kim Campbell, the author, explains above how people like Bill Johnson and many more of them within christianity (the numbers or percentage would stagger anyone) as well as many outside of christianity are traumatized/forced to have ‘three faces’ or levels. The first face/level is the one the person is aware of and that other people see (this is one reason I’m insistent that christians never judge by outward appearances); it does all the work of daily living. The second level is where much of the abuse happens. And the third level is where all the occultism is hidden. Psychiatrists treat surface symptoms while psychologist try to go further; but neither party likes to acknowledge the supernatural or spirit realm, therefore many people flooding psych wards, mental institutions, homeless shelters, and therapy offices are demonized and have not a chance at recovery. The secular world prefers to seem smart than to be smart, therefore they throw around many diagnoses that do more to help satan and satanic activities remain in the dark than to actually help the sufferer; some of these ‘miss diagnoses’ that are really tied to spiritual bondage you’ve heard before (bondage doesn’t mean the person is never a willing participant): anti-social personality disorder (ASPD), narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), borderline personality disorder (BPD), bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia, histrionic personality disorder (HPD), psychopathy, sociopathy, gender dysphoria, homosexuality, chronic depression, anxiety disorders (social phobias, agoraphobia, etc.), and many more. Many times (not all the time), these ‘mental illnesses’ are a result of trauma which open doors wide for the demonic, and many times the people who have these diagnoses actually have DID (dissociative identity disorder) formerly known as MPD (multiple personality disorder). But luciferians oversee the mental health field and the DSM (make sense) and know that many of their own victims will show up there looking for help.

          Many Jezebels, narcissists, and anti-social (people-hating) and toxic people were ritually abused and don’t remember it (they naturally wouldn’t admit to ever having been victimized anyway). Their toxicity and inclination to destroy or pull down others is simply an adverse reaction to their abuse, an inner vow they took to be the abuser (‘the strong’) and therefore never be vulnerable to abuse again (‘the weak’). Most of them aren’t consciously aware of this. When people who are ritually abused and DID go for help, their different levels– primarily the second one– will wear out 99.999% of therapists, inadvertently doing that in order to protect the deepest level which is occultic to the core. You’ve met many people like this. A person with DID’s day might go like this: the first level wakes in the morning and goes to work, etc, then lies down to sleep. Once asleep (the conscious/first level slips into the subconscious), a personality from the second level will get out of bed, make a call to an occultist, get dressed, and drive out to what will start as a get-together with other occultists and ritual abuse victims/survivors and enjoy some socializing, food, sex (it’s similar to sleep-walking but unfortunately far more sophisticated). Then the mood will change, robes may be worn, and different furniture brought into the room (or they head out to a nearby wood) and then an alternate personality from the deepest level– the third level– comes out and participates in worshipping satan and performing sacrifices and killing and torturing people, etc. After that, the personality from the second level ‘comes back out’ to say bye to everyone, drive home, and get back in bed. In the morning, the first level (the everyday person) wakes up and gets ready for the day. (Might feel tired because he got four hours of sleep, not the might he thinks he got.) He doesn’t recall one single thing of the night before.

          This is what is happening to countless public figures– senators, presidents, celebrities for sure, and ministers– and makes it especially important to not judge people simply on the surface. I said before that I went to a church in New York in 2006 where seven satanist plants were then uncovered who’d been entrenched as christians for fifteen years. Evidence surfaced that they’d been abusing people in the church and those people didn’t recall at the time till I went there and God began to uncover it all. Their memories of abuse (both adults and children) inside the church, particularly in the basement where an old wooden podium was used as a makeshift altar, began to resurface. It caused enough alarm for the pastor’s wife (a Jezebel) to want me out of the church at once. She kept the satanists who were, in her opinion, good for business. So, if God takes a bad person and says, “I can use them for good,” maybe (just maybe) that bad person isn’t ‘all’ that they appear to be. We can judge (ie. have opinions), but we aren’t to pass sentences (that’s when you decide or judge with finality and basically ‘close the book’). Unfortunately, especially in the West, people are taught to judge with finality (sentence). Because of that, many people are distrusting of trustworthy people and trusting of untrustworthy people– entrusting their children (and loved ones and other things that are valuable to them) to pedophiles, satanists, and other kinds of predators because their judgments in favor of or against people and things aren’t tentative but final. That’s what this means (parentheses mine): “Judge (pass a sentence on) nothing before the time, until the Lord comes (until the Lord’s truth, not human opinions, is brought forth) who will both bring to light every hidden thing of darkness (He will reveal what people do behind ‘closed doors’) and will reveal the counsels of the hearts (He will reveal what people think, feel, and believe– and how they in fact ARE despite all outward posturing– behind the ‘closed doors of their hearts’)” (1Cor. 4:5). The more you know what is driving all this madness and all the incongruences and inconsistencies, especially within christian circles, the more you’ll understand things, and the more peace you’ll have as a result.

    • SARAH says:

      Exactly how is Pat a “bigot”? God may well hate (that is, be extremely angry at) Trump as it tells us in the Bible the sorts of things He hates. Trump is not exactly a saint, as you must be aware. He has said he was prochoice among other things – perhaps he has since changed his views, but it shows that he was at least quite immoral in the past at least. As for pride, I think everyone here is guilty of this. However to say Pat is more “unbalanced” than anyone else is not fair.

    • Jenny Foster says:

      Again you have proved that you don’t know what the Bible says. The Bible says that God hates, so then how can you say God doesn’t hate, as if you know better than the Bible? You have been told over and over by people that they don’t support Trump but you still insist that they do, as if you know better than they do. You’ve also been told that people do not even live in the United States, even though you foolishly persist in talking to them as if they do. Your demonic hatred of Trump has blinded you and there is no helping you. Perhaps you are subconsciously desperate to draw attention to yourself and can’t think of a more intelligent or helpful way to do it? You are demonstrating some of the traits of a narcissist, with your narcissistic monologues which are not grounded in fact, and certainly not grounded on what the Bible says.

  99. SARAH says:

    Snoopy, I find it odd that you presume to tell me what my opinion of men is. It is a fact that most men use porn, including Christian men. That doesn’t mean I have a low opinion of all men! Any more than you hate “all” women simply because Adam and Eve had issues. (Possibly other reasons but not just because of Adam and Eve. We can’t pin everything on them). Also the fact that you don’t believe all Christians have the Holy Spirit shows me you are some type of Pentecostal or other related type, which as far as I understand is not only unscriptural, but very influenced by demons, as per the creator of this very website (If it is who I believe it is, the person who helped me escape Tarot 5 years ago).

    Finally, the fact that you mentioned that God “reveals” things to you about Trump makes me a bit suspicious. If everyone is running around believing God “reveals” stuff about politics to them, this is just going to create another war. There is a reason the Bible says that Satan appears as an angel of light! I think God has more important things to reveal to us such as “stop sinning” or “prepare for My coming” rather than “vote for this dude”….You Americans just are obsessed with politics and mixing them with religion. I know that some Christian great missionaries taught about the “Second Blessing” but that does not mean that Christians completely lack the Holy Spirit unless they receive the Holy Spirit via laying on of hands etc. And for someone on this site, I find that odd…Pentecostal churches are very open to spirits of an unclean nature. We don’t just receive any and all “revelations” or we are asking for trouble!

    • Snoopy It Is says:

      Sarah, your emotions are like a forest fire; you have countless questions and are seeking, but you’re too at ease and comforted and are therefore keeping God at arm’s length. This will be my last response to you as I must steward my time well. I’ll answer only a few of your countless queries.

      The Bible shows different levels of spiritual maturity among God’s people: infancy, youth, and adulthood (in 1John 2, “babes, young men, and fathers”). As far as a ‘pilgrim’s progress’ towards Christ, you are spiritually in preschool, thrust in there but not having learned anything yet.
      I wasn’t presuming to tell you your opinions; I am 100% confident of your foundational negative attitudes about men the same way that anyone can look at a human being and say confidently about hidden aspects of them, “You have a brain, a central nervous system, and a respiratory system” and be right. You believe in ‘toxic masculinity’ but not ‘toxic femininity’, because you’re still primitive and, never having been sanctified, believe that “Men are bad (liars, untrustworthy, unfaithful, inconsiderate) but women are good (honest, trustworthy, loyal, compassionate).” Women don’t even like each other, and no less than 90% of female employees will say they prefer male bosses; but women are better than men? The day that God relinquishes His throne to satan is the day that women will be more morally upright, intelligent, compassionate, selfless, and virtuous than men.

      I love all women– but not in the way self-serving way most women want to be loved but more in the way that God intended from the start. (There are three levels: lover (ie. sex, flirting, zero respect from men: the flesh), friend (ie. less self, more respect: the soul), and sister (total sanctification intended from Eden: the spirit). But you must know, because “women are good”.) Why are you complaining about ‘perverted men’? If men viewed women as God wanted us to, you’d all feel neglected, lonely, and miserable. Men do not need women (if you want to know one unchanging fact about men, latch on to that one); women need men. You should thank your ‘lucky stars’ that men are ‘perverts’ because that’s basically the only reason men even notice women, and women wear skimpy and skin-tight clothing to attract men because their entire lives center around men and men don’t want much else but ‘that’ from them. FACT.

      The Bible says that obedience, not being a christian (or an Israelite in the past), is how a person obtains the Holy Spirit or any level of a relationship with God. There is one God with THREE Members. To have a relationship with EACH ONE, a person must walk in OBEDIENCE, not be a christian. Being christian does not save. In John 14, Jesus shows that obedience is how a person obtains a relationship with each Member of the Godhead:

      1.) Holy Spirit: “If you love Me, keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper that He may abide with you forever– the Spirit of truth.”

      2.) Jesus: “He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.”

      3.) The Father: “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.”

      The apostles also stated that God only gives the Holy Spirit to “those who obey Him” (Acts 5:32), not to every christian, because not every christian is obedient as we all know. Biblical Christianity isn’t a club to God (but cultural christianity is); you don’t get in and immediately get all the perks. Some things are free but just like in every relationship, you must RECIPROCATE with God if God will come near you. “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” Now, am I still Pentecostal? Or am I just obedient. Don’t bother responding to me; all email notifications with your or Pat’s names on them no longer make it to my inbox. I’ll be waiting for someone to say something healthy and edifying here. Pity that in and out of modern christianity, it’s those in error who do and talk more while those with healthy and edifying gifts to bring to the table mostly stay silent.

    • Sarah, You said “……you don’t believe all Christians have the Holy Spirit”. For the answer to this we are supposed to look at what The Bible says. The Bible does say that genuine Christians will be given the Holy Spirit, but it doesn’t say there will not be any other influences that they are listening to. The Bible says that many Christians are to whatever degree, false or misled Christians, and so to whatever degree they will not (only) be led by the Holy Spirit. Here’s what the Bible specifically says about the Holy Spirit.


      • SARAH says:

        Thank you, I will check it out. I thought your website was affiliated with Stephanie Spielman’s old website which was very similar. But if you are not in the US I guess this is a different but still very good website, thanks for all the great articles!

  100. SARAH says:

    Just a note to TRUTHINREALITY, I noticed you have The Other Side of Darkness listed under Christian Blog Sites, but as far as I know that is a false site by a witch/satanist.

    • Sarah, it would be interesting to know where you heard that, and what evidence was provided.

      • SARAH says:

        TRUTHINREALITY, I can’t reply directly to your comment but here it is anyway. This is not the exact article I had found but this one is similar and contains info about the You Tuber who makes those videos:


      • Reading the post, it doesn’t sound as if it is written in the right spirit. It could be someone who objects to her lack of perfection when he seems far from perfect himself – that is assuming it is a ‘he’ as some of his comments seem to be somewhat misogynistic – which is something sadly not unusual. There are men including those who claim to be Christian who do not like strong women. The writer has not presented any actual evidence and there is nothing about Beth that indicates she is a fake Christian, just an imperfect person as so many of us are.

        There are many including Christians who do neither understand nor approve of anyone who talks about SRA and some Christians and non-Christians try to ridicule or silence people who do. She has certainly spoken out boldly about it, so she would be open to criticism – whether warranted or not – on that basis alone. That may be why she shut down her comments on Youtube.

        Many Christians do celebrate Christmas, although some don’t. Whether someone celebrates it or not is surely not an indicator of whether they are saved or not, although the way they celebrate it may be. Even then, most people including Christians have done things they shouldn’t have done and then later changed their minds about it.

        Anyway, as she has closed down her blog site, the link has been removed.

        • Snoopy It Is says:

          Truth In Reality, I’ve found that one of the most foundational reasons that christians can even be in error– as we all can be– is because we’re all for the most part practicing a DIY religion. Biblical Christianity is partially DIY and mostly corporate. Modern christianity, especially in the West (I live in the West and have been to a few non-western nations, so I must share according to my experiences), is rooted in ‘doing it yourself’. People get ‘plugged in’ at church but do not ‘connect’. You plug a cord into an outlet; there might be many cords plugged into the same outlet, but at the end, they’re plugged into a thing but are not plugged in (‘connected’) to one another.

          In Acts 18:24-28, there was an apostle-in-the-making by the name of Apollos who was strong in the Word but had not had fellowship with believers who could ‘fill up where he was lacking’ (this is what believers are supposed to do for each other, because there is one body). A couple took Apollos under their wings and trained him so that he had more understanding and was more spiritually mature. From that point on, he made life ‘hell’ for the religious Jews, because he was now ‘built-up’ in Christ the way he was supposed to be. Whoever wrote that comment is a product of the West as we all are. We don’t believe in ‘fellowship’ here. We agree with the Bible, but we naturally don’t want to open ourselves, our homes, and our lives to others. Because this is the case, you’re going to find error everywhere.

          The 12 apostles, whom Jesus commanded several times to go the Gentiles, were subject to their Jewish mindset/upbringing which was that Jews only gather with Jews and not with Gentiles. Because of this, they prevented the Kingdom from reaching further out and going to the Gentiles until Peter’s visions to go to Cornelius ten years later. In 1Cor. 12, Paul said that believers are to be “members” of one body and of one another, and in Rom. 12:4-5 he said, “As we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.” Members of one another. This is not something that we practice in this age and certainly not in the West. When that is the case, errors and sins and attitude problems are a given.

          I didn’t detect any hostility in that person’s comment about satanic ritual abuse or really against Beth. What I did detect was that he is ‘alone’ in his religion and therefore cannot see very well. (He basically acknowledges this by admitting that he wanted to talk personally with Beth.) Beth is ‘alone’ too. I’ve watched some of her videos (not the one about christmas) and can tell by some of the things she says. It’s not uncommon for RA survivors to get involved in the New Age, LGBTQ, hyper-liberalism, and witchcraft; and it’s also not uncommon for them to have errant beliefs when their healing isn’t complete. Beliefs, attitudes, sins are ‘resolved’ within community, not alone.

          Unfortunately, unless the Lord makes an exception (which rarely ever happens), healing for RA survivors comes only within spiritual family and community (according to Ps. 68:6– “God sets the solitary in families; He brings out those who are bound into prosperity”); there are many churches today but very few communities (as Paul said, “You have ten thousand instructors (people who teach you) but not many fathers (people who support you)” –1Cor. 4:15); and the unity that comes only from Jesus Himself, not men’s goodwill attempts, is an absolute necessity for healing RA survivors (according to Psalm 133– “How good and how pleasant it is when brethren dwell (agree) together (agreeably) in unity (agreement)… For THERE (in that particular environment only), the Lord commanded the blessing (‘great Grace’ as in the early Church)”). Such circumstances allow the Lord to heal survivors, as He designed the human soul/psyche, because most survivors won’t and can’t let Jesus get close enough to heal them if they don’t feel safe/support and don’t have peace/freedom from fear (according to Psalm 23– “He makes me LIE DOWN (safety)… He leads me beside STILL waters (peace). [Then] He RESTORES my soul (healing)”). In an age and in a society where it’s everyone for himself and where ‘fellowship’ is usually online chatting or Sunday ‘service’, community and can’t happen (till dire circumstances force it) and so most people will go without healing (physical, emotional, mental, etc.), and there will be more negatives (error, sin, attitude problems) than positives “until the Lord comes” after His people open the door to His knocking and let Him in.

  101. Snoopy It Is says:

    I rarely watch videos about ‘conspiracy theories’– especially if they’re longer than five minutes– but a trusted friend sent me the following video this morning, so I watched it through. It’s a good 13-minute summary of all ‘current’ world events, and I really appreciate the way the video unapologetically shows the faces of some of the people it is talking about. “The good guys are winning.” For now.


    • Thank you, that is interesting. Although when they said it would turn out to be the greatest story ever told we had to disagree with them. Also thank you very much for your insightful observations, with which we agree.

      • Snoopy It Is says:

        You’re welcome.

        With the video, as with all things no matter where it comes from or who says or produces or gives it, we’re to “test all things” so that we can take the good and reject the bad. Q and many others think they can defeat the elite and the Illuminati agenda. They, most of who are not christians, don’t understand that the agenda is through men but is from angels who are far too mighty for even believers to defeat (they are Jesus’s territory alone; only He has authority over them). They don’t understand that even if it was possible for all the elite to be ‘taken out’, the same agenda would reestablish itself through the RA survivors left on earth and that even if all the RA survivors were also taken out and only people with no connections to these satanic families were left on earth, still the agenda would restart itself through them.

        The Illuminati agenda is simply the agreement that every human being’s fallen/carnal nature has with the fallen princes in the heavenly places. satan cannot work through humans except through our carnal nature just like God cannot work through humans except through our new nature. Unfortunately, everyone (including those who are being sanctified) has a carnal nature, but not everyone has a new nature, therefore, satan has far many more people to work through than God does. This is why the Bible tells believers to “put to death” their carnal nature which is the place in all people that– after agreeing with satan in the Garden– is in [secret] agreement with satan and has a secret alliance with him. Therefore, the less sanctified we are, the more prone to knowingly or unknowingly agree with and carry out satan’s desires.

        There’s no way to defeat the elite “until the Lord comes” since only He has the authority to pull down kings and princes, especially spiritual ones (Psalm 2). Most people aren’t interested in the things of God. They prefer to run and take up a political or social cause to feel like they’re ‘working’. They can talk politics and argue doctrines but cannot be agreeable with each other or be in spiritual unity, only indicating that their backs are turned on the Lord and they can talk about Him but want nothing to do with Him (lip service; their hearts are far from Him) As a result, they have little spiritual or practical understanding about the way ‘things’ work. But it’s good to finally see “the good guys are winning” for once. It really is a breath of fresh air.

  102. Snoopy It Is says:

    By the way, “until the Lord comes” can have several meanings two of which are a.) until Jesus returns to judge the whole world and b.) the lesser-understood ‘until Jesus manifests among His people and they become vessels for Him to carry out His will and Kingdom “on earth as it is in Heaven”‘. “The Lord comes” whenever people stop keeping Him at arm’s length and let Him take His place as LORD among them (not just Savior which keeps Him at arm’s length at very best). Church services and a little anointing (from the Holy Spirit, not Jesus) does not mean that Jesus is in the building or in that gathering or church. Having ‘church’ has nothing at all to do with Jesus being present as I hope Revelation 3:14-22 makes abundantly clear.

    The Holy Spirit being present in a christian gathering will not save christians; the Holy Spirit is not the One who saves; obedience to Jesus alone will save and is why Jesus said, “Why do you call Me Lord and do not do what I say” (Luke 6:46). The ‘works’ that many christians will do who will be rejected by Jesus will be works that the Holy Spirit empowered (prophecy, miracles, casitng out demons, etc.) otherwise, they couldn’t do them; those people will be rejected because they enjoyed God’s gifts (through the Holy Spirit) but rejected Jesus which we plainly see is possible in OT Israel when they came out of Egypt. Among christians, Jesus comes to be Lord and nothing less; the Holy Spirit does not come to be Lord, so when the Holy Spirit shows up with gifts and peaceful feelings, christians mistake it for God’s favor and are at ease and think they are saved while they are rejecting Jesus. Many of them will hear from Jesus (not the Holy Spirit), “I never knew you.”

    Now, since we prefer to talk about religion (doctrines and beliefs), social justice, and politics rather than to talk about the Lord Himself (for fear, like Israel at the mountain, that He will draw near and change our lives if we actually genuinely talk about and draw near to Him– Mal. 3:16-18), I thought I should share a video on politics– one that exposes a minor percentage of the many good things Trump has done (things that would disarm and confound most of his haters who don’t know the facts because Trump ‘talks a lot but says very little’). Trump doesn’t mention the good things he does, and the media doesn’t cover 99% of them. (Not mentioning the good you do– “When you give, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing”– is a normal function of ‘the gift of giver’ mentioned in Romans 12:6-8.)

    Trump is against illegal immigration and gangs like MS-13; the media crucifies him for it, but few people know his motives because of the media. Trump never defends himself by telling what his actual intentions are which is fascinating because it is almost 100% uncommon for a person who has good intentions to not defend themselves when falsely accused of having evil motives (but then Trump also can’t publicly tell everything). He doesn’t seem intelligent at times because of his personality, but he is very intelligent. He is the right man for the hour.

    The following 13-minute video, by an unbiased reporter, exonerates Trump a little from the many accusations floating around out there. The video by itself is enough to puzzle Trump-haters and make them wonder why the stories they hear about Trump are completely different (many former Democrats and liberals have switched sides after learning some facts about Trump). Fact is that many people are not accustomed to meeting anyone who is honest; when such a person shows up, we think they’re untrustworthy and liars like everyone else. We must always remember that God used Jehu– an outlier, a non-politician, and a rough-around-the-edges man like Trump– to utterly destroy Jezebel’s entire family and following which God wanted completely razed to the ground. This video shares some of the facts about the resistance marshaled against Trump and some facts about ‘the real Trump’:


  103. Snoopy It Is says:

    I came across a movie trailer an hour ago which I saw a few years ago. It’s based on actual accounts of satanic ritual abuse in a small town, but Hollywood did a brilliant job in the movie of telling everyone that satanic ritual abuse is real until the very end where the story changed and said ritual abuse is false (I won’t explain why it was brilliant; suffice to say it plays on people’s fears and then gives them permission to be in denial).

    I have a difficult time with christians who squabble about ‘ant-sized issues’ because there are ‘Goliath-sized issues’ out there which require a lot more attention. I visited a friend in Bellingham, WA in 2016 and while there learned that the entire town is owned by satanists. This isn’t uncommon. There are towns and small cities in the U.S. which are owned by satanists. Some small towns only allow satanists to be citizens. (‘The Oregon Trail’ that some of us read about in school– what really caused that community to move from the Eastcoast to the Westcoast? The history books won’t say this, but it was a community of occultists. The Eastcoast was populated by christians and catholics, and the occult community there decided they needed to find ‘a home of their own’ away from christians. They took off westward and settled in Oregon first. California and Washington, like Oregon, are satanic strongholds as well.)

    Visiting my friend in Bellingham, I found myself in a town where the christian ministers (and many of the christians) are mind-controlled by the satanists. The satanists demanded I leave the town or submit to their agenda in the christian churches there, or else they would abduct and kill me in a ritual by decapitation specifically. My friend started flipping out and had to go into a psych ward, but I chose to leave on my own time, because I know that if you submit to fear once, you’ll stay on a roll and will be running for the rest of your life (and will find yourself of little value to God’s Kingdom and agenda). God protected me from the Bellingham, WA satanists in 2016 as He had from the Rochester, NY satanists in 2006 (who tried to kill me by cardiac arrest– one of the occult’s favorites), and I left on my own time and in peace (and in one piece).

    The Bellingham, WA satanists (covens in Mt. Vernon up through Bellingham, WA and to Blain, WA on the Canadian border) control all the churches and ministries, some more than others. Light of the World Prayer Center along with its director, Jason Hubbard, and its leaders are some of their puppets whom I met, and the town overall is populated with amnesic satanic ritual abuse survivors or ‘slaves’ of the satanists. The following movie trailer (the whole movie is free on YouTube) is about a town riddled with multi-generational satanic ritual abuse. The detective who pursued the case was, in the end, abducted by the satanists and forced to become one of them on pain of death. He changed his story and said satanic ritual abuse isn’t real. (The movie shows that this happened but very subtly.)


    And the following video is worth a share and the entire series worth a watch. From the following video: “When the video of Hillary Clinton and her right hand, Huma Abedin, raping, torturing, mutilating, and killing a little girl comes out in the open, do not watch it. You will not sleep again.” These are the far greater issues on God’s heart and the underbelly of Europe especially all the British-influenced ‘colonies’ across the world– primarily the UK, the US, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. But still, “judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes”. As this is such a big deal all across America, it’s important to do your own research and find the truth out for yourself:


    • Oh my goodness, the one on the left at the front looks just like one could imagine a satanic high priestess would look like.

      • Snoopy It Is says:

        Which video are you talking about, and at what point in the video? Huma Abedin looks like a witch. Anyone with ASPD is a prime candidate for the occult. Unfortunately, the occult doesn’t sit around waiting only on ASPDs. Would be nice. There would far fewer satanists in the world.

      • Snoopy It Is says:

        Okay, I see: the one at front left.

        • A reverse image search relates this picture to “satanic ninth circle child sacrifice cult”.


        • Snoopy It Is says:

          I haven’t researched those families, so I don’t know who Charlene or the wife is. As for the Ninth Circle thing, all the royal families are multi-generational satanic families. Most of them are victims (ie. survivors of ritual abuse) themselves. They don’t get to choose whether or not to be satanists. They only get to choose whether or not to remain satanists, but since they were bred as satanists from toddlerhood, the chances of them leaving are slim IF they enjoy benefits (like the wealthy ones). The ones who suffer are more inclined to leave. It’s an incredibly ugly way to start life but true to the principle that upbringing plays a greater part in the average person’s life than anything else.

          “Train up a child in the way… and when he grows up, he will not depart from it” is true for good AND bad upbringing just like “Whoever welcomes a righteous man… will receive a righteous man’s reward” is also true if you welcome/receive an evil person (you’ll be negatively affected because you opened your heart or/and home to them). Whenever the Bible declares something on one hand, it’s also true on the other side (and vice versa), like having a right and left hand. They are all-encompassing principles. So, when a person is from a satanic family, the person will be an occultist knowingly or unknowingly. No one from an occult family is special enough to be ‘exempted’ from ritual abuse and control. Eg. the Biltmore House in Asheville, NC is owned by the Vanderbilts (one of the top 13 Illuminati families), so you don’t have to guess whether or not it’s run by occultists. IT IS. When simple things are kept simple, then all of life makes better sense.

          Here’s an article by Snopes (Snopes is a major protector of satanists and satanism) that talks about and lies about the Common Court which connected the European family in your picture above with satanic and vile practices and with the Ninth Circle satanic cult: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/hunting-license/

        • Snoopy It Is says:

          In spite of the fact that certain families are all under the indirect control of satan through the legal doorways of satanic ritual abuse (and mind control programming) and Trump may be one of these, evidence continually comes to light that God’s hand is on Trump. There are many different kinds of Grace (ie. a ‘measure’ or ‘dispensation’ of God’s favor), and one of many signs of God’s Grace on a person is if a.) the person has a strong sense of justice and also b.) the person’s presence or influence on his or her environment begins to ‘force’ hidden, dark, evil things to surface just as Jesus’s presence on earth forced demons to the unwillingly surface in people (“hidden things of darkness”) and also caused the religious leaders to unwillingly expose the wickedness hidden inside them (“reveal the counsels of the heart”). (1Cor. 4:5.) Trump’s presence in office is causing a ridiculously high amount of justice to unfold. When Trump calls Hillary and others “evil people,” he knows more than he can publicly state.

          This afternoon, a friend of mine in California emailed me. The following is the first paragraph:

          “There is a true story of 2,100 hundred children ages 3-17 in horrific horrible conditions and arrests made. Child Protection Services is Involved (very evil people) in CA and this is USA. Heard it was beyond evil and horrible. Continue to pray that the deep and dark and hidden secret things be revealed and God would continue to lift up their skirts– meaning ‘the satanist are winning’ especially if we don’t pray and you might wake up to communism and all your freedom’s taken away etc. Pray pray pray as if your life depends on it. I know people who have been working to get this exposed– all the child trafficking and child slavery, child prostitution– and are missing and/or dead and murdered. You can read about it in ‘Battle Hymn’ by John Scura/Dane Phillips. Better yet go interview and talk with them. And ‘The Planned Destruction of America’ by Dr. Wardner, also ‘Behold a Pale Horse’ by Milton William Cooper. They were murdered for telling and exposing evil, only a drop in the bucket, as so many others.”

          She is talking about the exploited and abused children who are allegedly being rescued by the military from underground areas around the U.S. (The rescues began a few years ago is smaller clusters by Navy SEALs.) I haven’t yet confirmed what is contained in the following 2-minute video which I got from another friend in Florida this afternoon as well:

  104. Yes, it is good to know that not everyone is pretending that this type of thing isn’t happening, or it isn’t important or relevant enough for them to do anything about it. For whatever reasons but usually directly or indirectly connected to selfish and uncaring attitudes.


    • Snoopy It Is says:

      Truth In Reality, the foremost reason why people– christians in particular– don’t want to acknowledge this realm of things is ‘unlove’ (ie. apathy and indifference) and ‘lovelessness’ (ie. a lack of love). 99% of christians will deny this and will justify and excuse themselves, but I was in a seminar in 2010 where God spoke to me, very briefly, on the subject of love, From then on, He has opened my eyes to the lack and loss of love among christians in particular, because God knows the world doesn’t have love; but He knows that christians have love and should not suppress it as they often do.

      1John 3 doesn’t spare any christian when defining what love and its counterpart — hate/murder– in fact is (it has nothing to do with emotions and feelings and smiles and goodwill). Verses 16-18 say, “This is how we know what love is: He (Jesus) laid down His life for us, and we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. If you see your brother (fellow believer) in need and close up your heart of compassion from him, how does the love of God dwell in you? My little children, let us not love in word and in tongue but in deed and in truth.” There, it says that when a christian sees a fellow christian, the love of God in him will be ignited or triggered but that the chirstian himself has to of his own free will suppress that love so that he doesn’t have to act on it. The KJV says in verse 17, “Whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him…” Bowels (inmost places, the spirit which is saved) of compassion. The Bible tells christians to lay down their lives for each other but not for non-christians. christians refuse to do this, because they suppress God’s love in them. They do this based on self-centeredness and a refusal (lack of desire) to ‘share’ their lives and time with others.

      In 2010, in that week-long seminar in Thomaston, Georgia by Henry Wright’s ‘Be In Health’ https://www.beinhealth.com

      I was enjoying all the truth and revelation that was being taught by the many ministers there… but I sensed that something was missing. (Everyone there sensed it. Our spirits are extremely intelligent and know many things we have no idea of.) God was nudging me, telling me to pay attention to what He wanted to tell me was missing. I ignored this for the first four days, trying to ‘have fun’ with everyone else. But on day four or five, I wouldn’t ignore the nudging anymore and said to God, “There’s a lot of truth, knowledge, understanding, wisdom here, and it’s like really good food for my spirit… But something is missing. What is it?” God speaks to those who are obedient and who want to do His will. When I asked Him that, He immediately answered with one word: “Love.” I immediately recognized it. The seminar was overflowing with good spiritual food– not milk or even bread but meat; it was like walking into an ancient cave filled with all kinds of jewels, gems, and precious metals, billions of dollars worth… but God’s Love was not there, not even one little drop.

      Only human love was in that seminar (not even the measure of phileo love not to speak of agape love). christians, especially in the West, are in total poverty when it comes to love. Here, when it concerns others outside of ourselves, we only understand ‘goodwill’ and ‘being nice’ but not love. Human love (nervous love) was present in abundance at that seminarq, but God’s Love was 100% nonexistent partially because Western culture rejects and is antithetical to God’s Love: Westerners are ashamed of God’s Love, especially if it was to flow through them to others, because love here is to flow from you (and others) to you alone. How ironic; God’s Love will do in one day what Western christians haven’t been able to accomplish in the last fifty years. The issue, when it comes to ritual abuse, is so common and widespread that even secular people have written articles and books about the lack of love among christians as regards survivors of ritual abuse.

      In one article, a secular couple writes, “We are writing as secular individuals, and are puzzled by the reluctance of the Christian fellowship to come to the aid of individuals alleging ritual abuse. Too often, we hear of cases where survivors feel abandoned and alienated from the clergy and the religious community. Instead of embracing survivors, supporting them emotionally and spiritually, and acting as their advocates, the Christian community and its leadership have often turned their backs on victims, even to the extent of supporting individuals alleged to be perpetrators of such abuse.” http://fromtheinsideout.tripod.com/articles/ra/when-good-people-do-nothing.htm

      In 2006 in New York, I saw the above with my own eyes. Let no one fool you and there’s no need to be ‘nice’ about it: the lack of love (as the Bible predicted) is the reason for all the neglect going on today where christians are concerned.

      • Totally agreed. Even among Christians, here is far too much superficiality and outward show, (self-) righteousness, pride, boasting, virtue signalling, love of the world and ‘society’, and accompanying judgmental and condemnatory attitudes, along with lack of Christian love, regard for one’s neighbour or fellow believer, etc.

        In fact, just as the Bible tells us was the situation with many religious people at the time of Jesus and so there will be in the last days, 2000 years later.

        This is why it’s so essential to look closely at what God is really saying to us through the Bible. It is central to understand that we are not saved by our own works, nor by our righteousness(es) (which are as filthy rags to God) but by the righteousness of God through His Son.

        • Snoopy It Is says:

          Superficiality is commonplace in modern christianity. There are only two ways to approach God or really anything: honestly or dishonestly. Israel intuitively knew thousands of years ago that if they approached God honestly (ie. at Mount Sinai), then they couldn’t live life on their own terms. They chose to “worship from afar”. Modern christians also intuitively know that to follow Jesus is to lay down self-will. satan appeals to satanists and potential satanists on the basis of their desires: fame, money, power. But satan appeals to christians on the basis of their ‘needs’: comfort and convenience.

          As for today’s ministers, yes, the ministers of Jesus’s time were a forecast for today’s ministers. But before either age of ministers, the ministers of the Old Testament had the same exact problems which would forecast around 90% of ministers from that time on (from after the Fall) till the end. In Jeremiah 6:13-14 and Jeremiah 8:10-11, God states that He will destroy Jerusalem and everyone in it (a symbol of the Church with its ministers and christians). In chapter 6, the message is more targeted at everyone (all christians) while chapter 8 looks more targeted at ministers in particular. In both chapters, God states why He will destroy/punish Jerusalem and gives the same almost word for word about the ministers in particular but about the christians in general:

          “From the least of them even to the greatest of them (christians), everyone is given to covetousness; and from the prophet to the priest (ministers), everyone deals falsely. They have healed the wound of My people slightly, saying, ‘Peace, peace!’ when there is no peace.”

          In the following verse, God says of such christians, “They shall fall among those who fall. At the time I punish them, they shall be cast down.” How sobering. christians who turn their backs on God will be counted with every other unbeliever, pagan, occultist, murderer, and child molester; they’ll all be put in the same box. And worse, the coming judgment will come unannounced; it will happen “at the time I punish them”. And no one knows “the time”. Our works apart from God are dead; they can’t possible save because they are “as filthy rags” to God. Only those who are walking in the Spirit are exempted from the “law” (ie. condemnation). Everyone else– non-christian and christian alike– is subject to condemnation. As Galatians 5:23 says, “Against such, there is no [condemnation].”

  105. Snoopy It Is says:

    It’s ironic that the existence of local, national, and international satanic cults and networks first became public knowledge in the 1980s when ritual abuse victims and survivors suddenly began remembering their abuses and poured into therapist offices all around the U.S.– that the case that popularized the phenomenon began ‘underground’ and is now beginning to surface publicly.

    Starting in 1983, over five hundred preschool-aged children, all together, with corroborating testimonies alleged that the Buckey family– who were upstanding christians publicly– had sexually abused and tortured them along with other adults while wearing satanist robes. The Buckeys looked like normal everyday people. The children alleged that they were abused by the Buckeys and other adults in tunnels beneath the preschool and in other locations where they traveled via those tunnels. In spite of a mountain of ‘evidence’, the case was dismissed due to mysterious deaths on the side of the prosecution, death threats to some on the side of the prosecution, vanished witnesses on the side of the prosecution, dishonest defense team witnesses, and heavy media and Hollywood cover-up. The court dismissed the case because the tunnels were never found. The tunnels were found afterwards, but the courts refused to re-try the case. http://www.religioustolerance.org/tunnels.htm

    I got some emails yesterday, and it looks like satanist-controlled underground tunnels where children in particular (but adults as well) are abused and tortured (and programmed) are starting to become great again. The following 20-minute video is a good watch:


    And the following 30-minute video is a good listen. The guest is a man who has insider connections and mentions one of several rescues– this one of over 35,000 child victims of satanists from just one underground location in the U.S. It never made the news:


  106. Snoopy It Is says:

    I recently realized that I shared the wrong link to the McMartin Preschool case regarding the tunnels under the preschool in which the kids were abused and through which the kids were taken to other locations to be abused. The link I shared is to one of many articles that deny the allegations against the McMartin family of abuse, sexual abuse, and ritual abuse. (Many genuine articles on the case have been pulled or suppressed on the web while most of the first you will find deny any evidence of abuse at McMartin and of networked satanic groups.)

    The McMartin case is an excellent example of the fact that when it comes to digging up ‘hidden things’, one often has to persevere in order to break past the first layers or facades in order to get to the truth. After several different excavations for the tunnels that the children had said were under the preschool ‘turned up’ no evidence of tunnels, the parents of the abused preschoolers persevered until the tunnels were found with ground-penetrating radar. (The parents trusted their intuition. three and four-year-olds don’t make up fantastic lies nor do they start showing sudden signs of trauma (eg. bleeding private areas, sexually acting out at home, suddenly having nightmares, etc.) right after they began attending McMartin Preschool.) When talking about satanism, tunnels aren’t going to be at basement-level.

    Ellen Lacter is a psychologist in San Diego, CA whom I’ve talked several times to in the past. She is connected to the San Diego Ritual Abuse Task Force and was a part of the safehouses for ritual abuse survivors in CA. Her site has trustworthy information about ritual abuse and McMartin. The first link on the following page will take you to a very short and factual article about McMartin and its tunnels: https://endritualabuse.org/ritual-abuse-evidence-with-information-on-the-mcmartin-case/

      • Snoopy It Is says:

        To be expected. Probably at least one of the McMartins-Buckeys never recalled partaking in any abuse because all of them would be amnesic ritual abuse survivors themselves from multi-generational satanist families. It makes determining and finding guilt difficult in ritual abuse. (Isaiah 59 distinguishes an innocent survivor’s guilt from the guilt that satan lays against them since though innocent they are indeed partakers of “iniquity” or ‘abominations’ which causes them to be ‘disconnected’ from God so He often ‘cannot’ answer their prayers or deliver them from satanic bondage and the occult (ie. those who weave “the spider’s web”). Kim Campbell wrote about survivors being “sequestered off” from God; this is done by getting them to covenant with satan through oaths (“your lips have muttered perversity”) and perform violent and satanic acts against others (like killing babies and drinking their blood).) In the complex world of satanic ritual abuse where the innocent are guilty and the guilty are innocent– where good is bad and bad is good, where up is down and everything is backwards and upside-down– God is the only one who has all the answers and is able and willing to uncover every last minute detail necessary to make all the right judgments on each situation.

        Of course, we are currently in a prehistoric era as concerns any of the above. We can hardly judge what our eyeballs can clearly see, so going beneath the surface (and then traveling several more layers under the surface) isn’t currently anything more than a concept. For now, we must work with what we have which is basically a lie detector machine and the genius of human beings who weren’t present at the scene of the alleged crimes. But that’s just not enough. I’m convinced that even without wisdom and revelation from God about ritual crimes and organized crimes against children, God still provided a way to make the right judgments even without all the evidence. He made the provisions that enable humanity to make scientific discoveries and find cures to illnesses and solutions to problems in the same vein– and to ‘succeed’ at all these things without God’s direct intervention so that solutions don’t have to wait for godly people since God is a God of solutions (no matter who they come from). This is the most recent I got about the kids being rescued from underground areas: https://twitter.com/cherall1/status/1245811459172511748?s=07

        • If it’s true about the children in tunnels in NY, and it seems that it is, that this has happened in NYC should not be surprising to those who are familiar with the extent of evil that’s been going on there for decades in the horrific way they treat animals at the NYCACC (Animal Care & Control) including heartlessly ‘euthanising’ – killing – all ages of cats and dogs, many kittens and puppies of all ages. Especially when with enough will to do it – which they don’t seem to have – they could easily have been rehomed. While all around them people are squandering money on incredibly expensive luxury things that they don’t really need.

          It does make perfect sense that this could happen and accords with what we believe about the Bushes, the Clintons and the Obamas, who must have known this was going on. Trump did say he wanted to clean up the White House, and that may well have been what he meant. That would also explain why so much hatred and derision has been directed at Trump – because they knew he wasn’t one of them.

          Their hatred for him has been so extreme, almost as if they couldn’t help themselves, to the point it became suspicious and obvious there is a deeper reason for it.


          • Snoopy It Is says:

            I saw your video with the ship ‘Comfort’ on YouTube. I don’t know about the Central Park story yet, but I do know for certain that there are thousands of children in ‘underground’ (hidden) locations around the U.S. alone (and many more across the world– literally underground and in the homes of wealthy people and child-smugglers, on private estates and islands, and in other discreet environments). Many of these areas are out in solitary areas (eg. deserts, forests, etc.) while many of them are hidden in plain sight within cities and towns. The signs and evidence are all around if people cared enough or/and were aware enough to notice them. Everyone is so private that it’s nearly impossible for people to sense when a neighbor or church member or grocery store clerk or nurse at the hospital has a ‘side job’ (and most of them don’t look or act any different from everyone else).

            Sometimes people will dream about these children but will rarely know what they are seeing and will often shrug it off as a bad or strange dream. Other times, the Holy Spirit will prod a person to look closer at someone or a family or a child who they see on a routine or rare basis. But life is crammed with worries and cares and self-centered thinking, and it’s hard to recognize captive children when we see them or the signs that there are children who are ‘underground’ in the areas in which we live. Elizabeth Smart was kidnapped in Utah, USA many years ago, and her kidnapper took her out in public several times (because her mind control was strong and because satanism is very ‘present’ in Utah). Twice in public, Smart she cried out for help, at least once to a police officer standing nearby. Her kidnapper was able to convince everyone, including the officer, that Smart was his daughter and that nothing was wrong– all this in spite of the fact that the news of Elizabeth Smart’s kidnapping and her pictures were everywhere in that area, and the girl who was with the man looked like Elizabeth Smart.

            As for euthanizing pets, you have self-absorbed people and you then also have ‘spiritual sustenance’ for the enemy. christians say, “God inhabits the praises of His people.” God inhabits or ‘visits’ people, places, and areas that are holy or that are ‘good’. satan and his angels do the same on the counter side of things. Wherever you find sin, misery, anger/rage, sadness, pain, shame, injustice, and all the ‘negatives’ (or as some people call them, ‘low frequencies’), demonic presence will attend that person or place or even that time in history. The greater amount of ‘negative frequency’, the greater the demonic presence will be. Mental institutions, homeless shelters, and jails have a high negative frequency and are therefore cherished ‘haunts’ for the demonic. Killing/murder creates a negative frequency (or ‘vibration’ as New Agers call it), a frequency that can be higher if there are other dynamics like injustice, suffering, or mockery (like the Romans did Jesus) at play. Same for all sins and wrongdoing, some more than others. satanists are able to employ the extreme evil of occultism and ritual torture and rape in order to form spirtual ‘domes’ (that look like football coliseums) over cities and areas in order to keep out God’s Kingdom. This means that answers to prayers are harder to receive, revival and personal visitations from God are ‘held up’ more often than they should be, and believers who strive to assemble and carry out God’s will often instead face strong opposition: the abominations of occultism done on earth are populating the atmosphere with deeper darkness than happens with everyday sin or criminality. This is why there’s a natural feeling of clarity and peace in some places that are far from civilization (eg. a mountain, a wood, a forest, camping, hiking, a getaway, etc.). Daniel 10 is a good lesson here.

            The Clintons, Bushes, Obamas, and many more (Joe Biden, Pelosi, Schiff, etc.) attacked Trump because ‘there was something right with him’, not because anything was wrong with him. People who choose a godless life automatically hate people who choose a godly life. There are degrees to this: a godly life doesn’t mean the person is godly; it means the person has morals and maybe integrity (eg. Cornelius the centurion before he was saved and Spirit-baptized). And a godless lifestyle can range from self-centered living to ritual abuse satanism. Pharaoh wanted Israel in bondage; Joseph’s brothers wanted him dead; Herod and the religious leaders wanted Jesus dead; Herodias wanted John the Baptist dead; Jezebel wanted Elijah dead; so on. You can’t help it, and the more rebellious your heart is against God, then the more you automatically dislike moral and godly people (because you don’t know it, but in your subconscious mind, they remind you of God who you primarily hate/avoid). Trump does want to ‘clean up Washington’. Thank God for ‘good’ people like him who actually stall and detain God’s wrath through their active (purposeful) or passive (just being present) intercession (standing in the gap).

  107. Snoopy It Is says:

    The following three videos are related to the famous satanic ritual abuse case that I followed from 2015 but that had begun to go public in Hampstead, London around 2012: Alisa and Gabriel, siblings, alleged that their dad and many other adults had perpetrated sexual abuse, torture, satanism, and mind control on them and on other kids from their elementary school.

    Alisa and Gabriel (nine and eight years old at the time) told their mom, Ella, and her boyfriend, Abe, that their biological dad– Ricky Dearman, a B-movie actor and aspiring Hollywood actor– along with his side of the family had been abusing them since they were toddlers. The disclosure came while the family was taking a vacation in Morocco. Abe had caught the kids sexually acting out with each other and family pets several times before and in Morocco demanded that they reveal why they were acting that way. There are hours of video and audio from the ‘interviews’. The kids always corroborated each other– whether together or separated– down to which teachers in their elementary school were involved (all the teachers) and which parents were involved.

    Alisa and Gabriel also named (by name) seventy-two adults around Hampstead and Highgate who were business owners, public officials, public servants, and trusted members of society who were members of the satanic cult(s) that abused them. The abuses occurred in many places such as restaurants (usually after hours), public swimming pools (after hours), people’s homes, and centered around Christchurch Primary School and five other elementary schools in the area. The siblings also gave specific details such as the similar tattoos– and sometimes birthmarks or scars or warts– that all the cult members had near their privates. (By the way, Hampstead, London has more millionaires within it than any other area in the entire United Kingdom, and Highgate is one of the most expensive suburbs in London. All across the world, satanic ritual abuse thrives most among the rich and wealthy– among the upper-class, the upper-middle class, and the middle class.)

    Not only were the allegations heavily suppressed but no investigation was done on the alleged abusers (only Dearman was questioned and nothing more) and the cover-up was massive enough that police officers were sent to arrest Ella for making the story public, the BBC News aided in the cover-up, and Judge Pauffley who presided over the case (which never made it to criminal court) threw out medical examinations (which showed proof of sexual abuse of both siblings) and redirected the accusations to state that the alleged perpetrators were innocent of child sexual abuse but that supporters of the siblings were guilty of desiring to hear lewd stories about children. This ‘upside-down’ phenomenon is normal and customary for satanists everywhere who directly or through their puppets aggressively accuse innocent people of the very things they’re guilty of: eg. Hillary Clinton, Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, and several others vs. Brett Kavanaugh, Trump, etc.

    The first video below may be hard to watch and is a short clip of a series of ‘interviews’ between Alisa & Gabriel and Ella & Abe (when the siblings say “plastic willies” they are talking about ‘dildos’); the second video is a clip of the BBC interview with Dearman or “papa” (he mistakenly implicates himself several times, drags his cult members under the bus with him so he doesn’t feel alone (only a narcissist would do that), and tries hard to shed tears); and the third video is several years after the British police coerced the siblings to retract all their allegations and gave custody of them to Dearman. Meanwhile, Ella was chased out of the UK and back to Russia, no one knows where Abe is, Belinda McKenzie & McKenzie Friends (primary advocates for the siblings) were discouraged and gave up, and Sabine McNeill (the strongest and most outspoken supporter of the siblings) was thrown in jail. Right now, this backward, completely upside-down, underground, illogical, evil counterculture seems to be coming more and more into the light.

    In the third video you can see Alisa and Gabriel with their dad Ricky Dearman at the very start of the video where he talks about their eBay business awards. The siblings don’t look well.




  108. Snoopy It Is says:

    I thought I should find the CBN video clip below. It’s a short interview with Nancy Dunn, a lady who grew up in ‘the average American satanist family’ (if you want to know what satanist families look like in the U.S., 99% of the time they look as normal and inconspicuous as everyone else).

    Dunn mentions “a wall or a ceiling” that separated her from God even after she became a believer. This is the same thing Kim Campbell writes about, saying that ritual abuse survivors are often led to Jesus by satanists only to have that connection “sequestered off”. It is one of the telltale signs of a ritual abuse survivor. If you have a friend or know someone who is a christian and seems sincere about having a relationship with God but seems to be unable to connect with God deeper than a surface connection, you are fairly likely to be talking to a ritual abuse survivor who can’t recall his or her abuse.

    In the OT, God gives very strict warnings about Israel’s involvement with anything connected to the occult. One of the main reasons why is because occultism creates “a wall or a ceiling”. It is “sin par excellence”; sin separates people from God, therefore, occultism creates an especially deep divide between a person and God. In Isaiah 59 are [hidden] facts about satanic ritual abuse in particular and occultism in general. (The Bible hides all kinds of wisdom about “everything we need for life and godliness”– everything that concerns humanity and existence– within its pages. Facts about ritual abuse– as well as God’s will for His people– can also be found in Psalm 23, Isaiah 49, Isaiah 58, Judges 5, 1Samuel 17, and all throughout the OT and NT.)

    First in Isaiah 59, Isaiah addresses the relationship between ritual abuse victims/survivors and God (vv. 1-3). Isaiah then talks about the occultists who perpetrate abuse on the victims (vv. 4-8). Isaiah next shares– from a ritual abuse survivor’s perspective– the experience of trying to ‘connect’ with God on deeper level (vv. 9-15a). Isaiah finally describes God’s feelings about the lack of help and support from His people for ritual abuse survivors and His plan to solve that longstanding issue (vv. 15b-20). In every ritual abuse survivor’s life, you will see the same principle (“The Lord’s hand is not shortened that it cannot save… But your iniquities have separated you from your God”) though it might be difficult to see this if the survivor is pentecostal or charismatic. Until enough deliverance is had, up to 99% of a survivor’s communion with ‘God’ can be with the occult spirits who make up “a wall or a ceiling” between the survivor and God.


    • Snoopy It Is says:

      An article or blog about ritual abuse would be good. I’ve seen the above video many years ago. Her name is Theresa. Her mom said, “Children don’t make up elaborate lies.” Everyone knows that is fact. Only psychopathic and sociopathic children can lie at early ages, but they still can’t craft complex or detailed lies. satanists depend heavily on the fact that they are human and look like the rest of us in order to get by. All the places you’d expect to be safe– churches, hospitals, etc– are filled with them.

      The themes of ritual abuse are always the same https://endritualabuse.org/kinds-of-torture-endured-in-ritual-abuse-and-trauma-based-mind-control/ and Theresa’s story– down to the wealthy home in the countryside and the drugged tramp/vagrant/homeless man– accords with the stories of thousands of survivors. In fact, postpartum depression is one of many ‘mental illnesses’ that is often connected to ritual abuse. A close and individualized look (ie. without bringing other people’s opinions into it) of postpartum depression can show that it is at least sometimes more than just some ‘disease’ as it’s called. Symptoms include “insomnia, loss of appetite, intense irritability, and difficulty bonding with the baby”. Interesting; all those are common among ritual abuse survivors. Is it possible that some of these women were forced to have babies when they were little, their babies were taken from them (killed, eaten, given away), and later in life after having a baby, their subconscious memories remain hidden as ‘pictures’ but surface as emotions? Happens all the time.

      The churches have the primary responsibility of addressing the satanism and ritual abuse issue. But the churches– a nation of cowards (delicate flowers, terrified of everything that is uncomfortable and inconvenient) and babies (self-absorbed)– won’t touch it with a 100-foot pole. So, God is using ‘good Samaritans’– people who are usually not christians (at least not ‘practicing’)– to bring the issue front and center. Moreover, God is and has been preparing believers who will meet the task head on (rather than screaming in terror about it) and face down the issue the same way that David faced down Goliath. It’s not glamorous; it just needs to be done. Many more ritual abuse victims/survivors will someday have the help and support they need.

      • The connection between women who have been abused and women who suffer postpartum depression could well be that the latter is said by some to bw a form of post-traumatic stress disorder.

        PTSD is something that women who have been abused would be likely to already be suffering from and giving birth would be a massive trigger that would greatly amplify their existing condition.

        PTSD has a large element of not experiencing the world as a safe place which could be horrifically triggered with childbirth, particularly if there were unresolved ‘family issues’.

  109. We know with certainty that the media is very corrupt and dishonest and so, whether good or bad, Trump told the truth when he said this.

    We wouldn’t have heard the Bushes, Obamas and Clintons say anything like this as we know they are themselves party to that corruption.

    Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 6 Apr 2020: “Thank you Gayle. I only wish the public could fully understand how corrupt & dishonest so much of our Lamestream Media is. My Press Conferences are vital. They are reaching millions of people that are not being told the truth and haven’t been for years (Witch-Hunts, Fake News)!”

    • Snoopy It Is says:

      Truth in Reality, who said you were scared of witches?

      Yes, the media is corrupt as is much of the U.S. Central Park in New York was built many years ago over a large plot of land that belonged to ‘second-rate citizens’ who were disliked by the wealthy people who lived in Lower Manhattan, New York. The wealthy people then castigated the people living in the area and started a smear campaign against them so that the rest of the New York city residents would approve a law to kick those ‘second-class citizens’ off their land in order to build Central Park. And that’s exactly what happened. A country established on corruption (not on Christ as so many say) will always be corrupt unless a total land reformation happens someday (the magnitude of 2Chron. 7:14).

      The news media outlets have been proven to be corrupt for many years. The CIA has admitted it. Thank God for Trump. The rats and creatures of darkness are enraged by the light he is shining on them. It’s good to see good things happening and good to see evil people confessing through their rage and disapproval– though very much unwittingly– that Trump is in fact ‘good’.

      • Snoopy It Is says:

        “Afraid of Jezebels and witches”? Who said that?

        • Snoopy It Is says:

          Continuing from my last comment…

          Especially if you live in the extremely permissive and domesticated West, it’s hard to receive or digest the thought of spiritual warfare, judgment, severity, and punishment. In the West, being ‘nice’ is the highest good, so Westerners have a very hard time with actual spiritual warfare. Westerners are okay with praying and declaring and worshiping and prophesying when it comes to spiritual warfare; but we don’t know how to hate evil. We only know to love good.

          Psalm 45 contains prophecies about Jesus. Verse 7 says to Jesus, “You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore God, Your God, has anointed You with the oil of gladness more than Your companions.” God favored Jesus more than everyone and though Jesus was “a Man of sorrow and acquainted with grief,” God gave Jesus greater joy than everyone else. Why? Because Jesus was perfectly balanced in God’s foundational character: 1.) He loved what was good, and 2.) He hated what was evil. We Western christians are scared to ‘hate’, and we (mostly others) pay for it every day.

          In my last comment, I wrote, “Jezebels have an unspoken agreement and kinship with occultists.” It’s a VERY special bond and kinship, and it’s secret. In the Rochester, NY church, there was a day when revival slowly began to break out in the church sanctuary. The main Jezebel, the pastor’s wife, watched the satanists as they squirmed with great discomfort in their seats; being kin in spirit with them, she sensed their distress. She also was distressed and upset at God’s presence. She sweetly interrupted her husband’s preaching; as soon as he responded to her, the Holy Spirit left the sanctuary, and the Jezebel smiled sweetly and apologetically at the satanists (this is a true story). Another day after a service where God began to set people free of demonic bondage, the Jezebel met with the satanists and reported back to the people later that week that they can no longer ‘get free’ since the noise they made upset the satanists (she didn’t call them that). Furthermore, after God delivered a survivor of satanic ritual abuse– a child of one satanist couple– the Jezebel convened with the satanists and they put me out the church.

          Here lie the empty streets of a site once overflowing with believers from all over the world who chatted and communed together: http://www.johnthebaptisttv.com/

          It’s Andrew Strom’s site. He left the hyper-spiritual church movements and has written several books eg. https://www.amazon.com/WHY-LEFT-PROPHETIC-MOVEMENT-New-ebook/dp/B00896TUEO/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=andrew+strom&qid=1586323780&sr=8-2

          and https://www.amazon.com/TRUE-FALSE-REVIVAL-Insiders-Warning/dp/0979907314/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=andrew+strom&qid=1586323936&sr=8-5

          I found his site in 2011 when it was alive with believers from all over the world. There was a Jezebel there who was ‘okay’ for many months (because Jezebels ‘transform’ to fit different situations). When a rebellious minister argued with Strom, this woman was suddenly all over Strom like white on rice. Like all Jezebels who feel they have little to nothing to lose, her attacks were unrelenting, vicious, and BLOODTHIRSTY (without merit, reason, logic, pity) and left everyone confused, perplexed, and bewildered.

          Jezebels hate with a vicious, unforgiving, burning, black hatred which usually causes ‘flight or freeze’ in people. Jezebels are anti-social (ie. they sincerely hate human beings) and ‘love to hate’ and, if caught off-guard themselves (or if you were one of their eunuchs), would be heard bragging about how they have hurt or killed and do love to hurt and kill people (human beings). Their hatred for people is from their own inner store of hatred; when it comes out, it stuns normal people and they blame the object of their hatred, but their hatred has nothing to do with the people they hate. It has everything to do with them. Andrew Strom was caught off-guard by Jezebel’s sudden onslaught. After the Jezebel attacked Strom, he without warning closed down the forum section of his site within 12 hours – the entire forum. Genuine believers, some of whose comments can be seen on the homepage posts, were suddenly isolated from a platform they used to interact. It was unbelievable. The ‘forum’ tab was removed from the tab section on the left on Strom’s homepage. The last post on the homepage was in Septemeber 2015. Those who don’t learn to hate evil so they can judge it as it should be judged will probably become subject to its judgment later on. This, right now, applies to the Jezebel spirit and the VILE people who willingly traffic in it. God calls believers to a lifestyle of perfect balance, not picking what is familiar or ‘safe’ but being whole: a believer is called to both love what is good and hate what is evil.

          “Lord, who may abide in Your tabernacle? Who may dwell in Your holy hill? He… in whose eyes a vile person is despised, BUT he honors those who fear the Lord.” (Psalm 15.) Amen.

          • What you have said is very true. People will often say God doesn’t hate anyone or anything even though the Bible makes it crystal clear that He does. Demands that we have to be what is thought to be ‘nice’ (whether it is or not) and if you are not you are being hateful or ‘a hater’ (whether true or not) is a form of control mechanism that is so unhealthy.

            I’d just like to repeat here what has already been said in the posts above about Jezebel – the spirit of witchcraft / control – works through men as much – or perhaps even more – than women.

            The Jezebel spirit functions just as proficiently through men as through women and this is reflected in scripture which tells us that Jezebel had 850 male followers who did her bidding. It is Jezebel – spirits of witchcraft, and religious spirits, false prophecy and false doctrine – behind the idolatry of false doctrine and cults. Just like the Bible story which tells us that Jezebel had 850 men, eunuchs who who “ate at her table” meaning that they were fed by her spiritually with the food of the devil, representing false doctrine, not the food of the true word of God. “Now therefore send, and gather to me all Israel unto mount Carmel, and the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves four hundred, [men] which eat at Jezebel’s table.” (1 Kings 18:19)”

          • Snoopy It Is says:

            Truth in Realit, you said, “Jezebel – the spirit of witchcraft / control – works through men as much – or perhaps even more – than women… The Jezebel spirit functions just as proficiently through men as through women and this is reflected in scripture which tells us that Jezebel had 850 male followers who did her bidding.”

            That’s patently false. In college, my Oral Communications professor stated that you can sympathize with anyone but can only empathize with someone whose experience you’ve shared. Job 12:11 says that the ear is able to discern truth and error in words, and I gently showed her that one can empathize with those with whom he/she shares zero experience. (Humans and animals empathize with each other.) Unlike the average prideful ‘expert’, the professor changed her opinion in front of the whole classroom after hearing my explanation, an explanation I didn’t have before that time but which came to me when my spirit (or ‘ears’) INTUITED that what the professor had just said (about sympathy vs. empathy) was 100% false.

            In this and the following comment, I’d like to begin addressing the fallacious teaching that males and females are equally ‘proficient’ and ‘open’ to Jezebel. That’s error of the first magnitude and is like saying that little girls and boys equally have a desire to marry and have children later in life. Little boys may have that desire, but not nearly on the level that little girls do. Firstly, the Bible focuses on males whether referencing positives or negatives: the BIble listing more male than female witches does not therefore mean there were more male witches. For the most part, only males were allowed in authority positions and usually only their exploits were recorded (read Judges 4 which gives some insight into this fact about recording men’s exploits, good and bad); THAT is why there is more mention of male witches in the Bible. Our societies automatically hand out harsher sentences to males than females for similar offenses. It’s natural to ‘pardon’ the ‘weaker vessel’. God is raising up true judges who judge people and things as He does, not as people do.

            Jesus talks about “wolves in sheep’s clothing”. Solomon talks about “the little foxes”. Wolves look more hostile and can be compared to males; foxes are small and cute and can be compared to females. Cute though they are, foxes can be destructive just like wolves: “Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that destroy the vines, for our vines have tender grapes” (Songs 2:15). Human goodness wants us to only persecute the big bad wolves but to leave the cute little foxes alone. That era is coming to an end because little foxes and wolves are both predators and should both be treated as such.

            When Ananias and Sapphira made the mistake of sinning while God’s was actually present, they both died for it. Almost every culture outside of Kingdom culture would have reprimanded Ananias and been merciful to Sapphira. God metes out mercy and justice based on facts, not feelings. The name ‘Sapphira’ possibly means ‘beautiful, precious’. It’s from the Hebrew word ‘sapir’ which means ‘gem, jewel’. No mistake that God, who struck down the couple, did not spare the woman for being beautiful and ‘the weaker vessel’ the way human beings do.

            The Bible does not say Jezebel’s prophets were all males. Instead, history strongly suggests that the prophets/priests of Asherah (who is the female counterpart of Baal) were females, ‘temple prostitutes’. Read closely: in 1Kings 18, Elijah summoned Baal’s 450 prophets and Asherah’s 400 prophets to Carmel… but when everyone showed up, Elijah only addressed Baal’s 450 prophets. If I was to hazard a guess– based on my experiences with Jezebels and how they think– I’d say that Jezebel didn’t let the prophets of Asherah go to Carmel (they are not mentioned there; only the 450 prophets of Baal are accounted for) because 1.) knowing Elijah, Jezebel sensed God would judge her prophets, 2.) a Jezebel hates all people but would sacrifice males for females (males only serve as ‘legitimate authorities’), and 3.) she must rebel against authority in some way and resist Elijah’s order that ALL the 850 prophets assemble on Carmel.

            In Hosea 4, God accuses Israel of harlotry and seems to be speaking particularly of Asherah worship and Asherah poles. (Asherah also has other names in the Bible such as ‘Lady of the Groves’ and ‘Queen of Heaven’ (ie. Jezebel).) Making many references to wooded and treed areas (ie. groves), God tells Israel, “Your daughters commit harlotry, and your brides commit adultery… I will not punish your daughters when they commit harlotry, nor your brides when they commit adultery; for the men themselves go apart with harlots and offer sacrifices with a ritual harlot.” Ritual harlot; priestess; prophetess. In the way that only God is 100% fair and impartial, He says that the females and males– married or not– are all guilty of [Asherah ‘sex worship’] and so He won’t judge any of them since He’d have to judge ALL of them. If it was left to us, we’d stone the males and save the females; but thankfully, that’s not God’s way.

          • Snoopy It Is says:

            I came across Andrew Strom’s new website called Revival School (‘new’ as in it came to life after a Jezebel shut down his original JBTV (www.johnthebaptisttv.com)). I haven’t followed Strom since 2015 so wasn’t aware of the posts from 2016 on. The following post came right after Trump’s 2016 election and has 186 replies, most of them from people who were once regular contributors on Strom’s former site and forum: http://www.revivalschool.com/what-to-think-of-trump/#comments

          • Snoopy It Is says:

            Praying Medic (@prayingmedic on Twitter) is an old acquaintance whose motives I trust. He gives an excellent rundown of the manipulated events surrounding Trump’s presidency on his recent QAnon posts: https://twitter.com/prayingmedic

            Also, good comments at the beginning of Trump’s presidency many of which have turned out to be true: http://www.revivalschool.com/what-to-think-of-trump/#comments

            I missed Andrew Strom’s 2016 post, but it’s nice to read through the comments, 99% written by unselfish believers who are unbiased. The comments prove that God gives each person a measure of revelation so that all members, being one Body, need one another.

      • Snoopy It Is says:

        I tried to post this three times and each one seems to have vanished into cyberspace so I’m trying as a reply. If the first one shows up, feel free to delete all the extras:

        I’ve been trying to find a news channel to watch, but they’re all paraphrasing each other with the same embarrassing agenda and forcing the invincible killer of all men, coronavirus, down everyone’s throats. Foreign news outlets like Al-Jazeera and RT are more trustworthy, but the internet is actually the most trustworthy news source at this point (if you find the good ones). Who would have thought. This is one good site, with a YT channel, for videos that have more facts than the news: https://edgeofwonder.tv/.

        It’s becoming more and more apparent that the people who will be saved will not be swimming downstream with all the other fishes but will be found ‘on the outskirts’ of what has become and is being pushed as good, acceptable, and perfect. What an irony, because Romans 12:1-2 tells christians not to THINK like the world (that’s the meaning of the word used: “conformed”) but to rather be transformed by allowing, or working with God, to change the way they think. Only this kind of change in mindset, mentality, and worldview allows a christian to be able to [quickly, easily, effortlessly] discern what God’s “good and acceptable and perfect will” is. This ‘change of mind’ will make all the difference in a world and society full of brainwashing and subtle but successful mind control programming and will lead christians ‘away from the lights and glory’ of the world to where Jesus is always really found– despised and rejected by the world, outside of the city (ie. the center of “the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life”), beyond the outskirts of all the noise and nuisance.

        This denying all and following Jesus thing is becoming realer and realer. Hebrews 13:11-14, in alluding to the sacrifices under the old covenant, where a genuine follower of Jesus will find him/herself before it’s all said and done (parentheses mine):

        “The bodies of those animals (under the old covenant), whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin, are burned outside the camp (away from everyone else). Therefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people (clearly distinguish His people from everyone else) with His own blood, suffered outside the gate. Therefore let us go forth to Him, outside the camp, bearing His reproach (the rejection of the world). For here (on earth) we have no continuing city, but we seek the (eternal) one to come.”

        From this point of view, Jezebels are always easy to detect in christian circles: they keep things as vain and superficial as possible, seek and love to defile and poison and discourage others from following God or doing what is good or right (Revelation 2:20), lead conversations and people’s attention as far away from God as possible any chance they get, pridefully seek people’s admiration and can’t live without it, are often consumed with shame and self-hatred and cannot handle the rejection of others, and– no matter how spiritual they may seem or how much they preach, pray, or prophesy– are always in perfect step with all the value systems of the world. They won’t leave ‘the party’ of fleshly living for the backside of the desert to find a holy God. As it becomes plainer and plainer that every aspect of the world system is opposed to God’s Kingdom (Romans 12:2), genuine seekers of God will abandon the world system to seek God’s Kingdom (Hebrews 13:13-14), Jezebels will continue to gun their rockets at full throttle for the Lake of Fire, and the distinction between genuine followers of Christ and those who give lip service but whose hearts are far from God will become starker and starker.

        It looks like moving away from mainstream media to internet outlets where the news isn’t nearly as controlled is a part of ‘leaving the city’ and ‘going outside the camp’. There are so many ‘conspiracy theories’ out there on the internet, but there are more lies on the mainstream media. The media misrepresents stories to the public and lies so blatantly and so often that most people can’t fashion that it’s even a possibility that they’re being lied to. Eg. Trump very recently showed video clips where he was trying to stop the coronavirus from reaching America and then taking many other steps to protect Americans– steps like calling for each state to open their mask storage (but the mask storage in each state was ‘surprisingly’ empty). Mainstream news reported none of Trump’s attempts to prevent and curtail coronavirus. They only reported the times that Trump ‘downplayed’ the pandemic (when he was just was saying there was no need to panic) and made him look like he didn’t care about the American people. I’ll keep in the loop with a little mainstream news but can’t respect or give my time to adults who cry like babies because they don’t like the president and who can’t even push an agenda without lying with every single word (raise both hands Obama and Hillary). What a SHAME.

        There is a YT documentary I just started watching a few minutes ago called Out of Shadows which people are saying is a really good watch. A few minutes in, it’s worth a look for people who have a little over an hour of free time:

        • “Out of Shadows” is an excellent documentary, thank you very much for posting that. With “tell-a-vision” and “program” there it was staring us in the face that we are being manipulated in a way that most people are blind to. As in “They Live” which is one of the most prophetic films ever.

          Thank you also for the excellent scripture. It’s always great to see something new from the Bible one hadn’t really noticed before.

          Mainstream Christianity has been cleverly perverted to the point that it breeds self-righteousness and good works for salvation, etc., which we know God hates. What you have said about ‘niceness’ is absolutely correct and an intrinsic part of it.

          “For from the least of them even unto the greatest of them every one is given to covetousness; and from the prophet even unto the priest every one dealeth falsely. They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace. Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at the time that I visit them they shall be cast down, saith the LORD.” (Jeremiah 6:13-15)

          • Snoopy It Is says:

            Focusing on Jeremiah 6:13-15, it’s repeated almost rote in Jer. 8:10-12. It’s one of the first things I recognize on entering any christian church or environment: “You have healed the wound of My people slightly, saying, ‘Peace, peace’ when there is no peace.”

            In Jer. 8, Jeremiah moves on to bemoan the lack of God’s presence among His people and basically repeats the same theme that the lack of healing (ie. healing, spiritual growth/maturity, faithfulness to God, etc.) is evidence that things are not well as everyone pretended things were. “Is the Lord not in Zion? Is her King not in her? … The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved… Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no recovery for the health of the daughter of My people” (vv. 19-22).

            Matthew 9:36 says that when Jesus saw the crowds, “He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered like sheep having no shepherd.” Interesting. The crowds weren’t only poor people. It was full of people from all different walks of life: the rich and poor, probably some Gentiles among the Jews, men and women, adults and children, the happy and the sad, the weak and the strong, the broken and the untouched. But when Jesus looked at them, He saw them how all human beings indeed are: “harassed and helpless like sheep are when they have no shepherd” (my paraphrase).

            Sheep without shepherds are doing nothing but waiting to be picked off by predators. Jesus knows that when human beings– no matter what their condition, abilities, talents, status, or class– don’t have Him as their shepherd, they’re in the same predicament. Logic would then tell us that if all human beings are in God’s eyes “weary and scattered like sheep having no shepherd”, then He must feel even more compassion towards the weak and vulnerable among them. With so many broken people in churches, especially ritual abuse walking wounded, churches still focus more on seeming successful than on addressing what God wants to address.

            I think it’s safe to say that 99.7% of all Westernized churches (in America and elsewhere) are summarized here (parentheses mine): “They have healed the wound of My people slightly (they have overlooked the needs of the people), saying, ‘Peace, peace (everything is fine, we have success at what we do)’ when there is no peace (there is no success at all).” Meanwhile, one doesn’t have to be an expert to be able to detect RA survivors (very hurt people) in christian environments; one just needs to have love– the love that comes from God, not the human love which makes us pat ourselves on the back for being ‘good people’. You can’t truly love or care for a person if you don’t know the actual person.

            People who have struggled or been hurt often have the best voices, touching music, good lyrics, great songs (Vineyard Music, Hillsong Music, Bethel Music); and survivors (males and females) often love God deeply but can’t ‘connect’ with Him on an intimate level. It helps to look at the male and female worship teams and contemporary music singers (eg. Katy Perry, an amnesic survivor, sang christian music before secular music). But christians who see no reward in walking with God (“love THE LORD your God [with your everything]”) and don’t love God’s people in particular (“a new command I give you, that you love ONE ANOTHER as I have loved you”)– the two greatest commands, the third command being to “love YOUR NEIGHBOR as yourself”– will never figure it out:



  110. Snoopy It Is says:

    Truth in Reality, this is following the previous comment in response to where you said, “Jezebel – the spirit of witchcraft / control – works through men as much – or perhaps even more – than women… The Jezebel spirit functions just as proficiently through men as through women and this is reflected in scripture which tells us that Jezebel had 850 male followers who did her bidding.”

    The Jezebel spirit is far more prevalent than most would like to think. It is a spirit that rebels against God-ordained authority, particularly authority in males, and therefore finds a home in people who have an attitude that rebel against the same. After the Fall, part of the curse that came because of Eve was that females would no longer be content to ‘just be’ (which is when they’re most attractive) but would desire and insist on influencing men to be what females want men to be: a little weak right now; totally confident a little later; strong for a few minutes; passive for a few hours. Whatever a woman ‘needed’ a man to be in the moment, she would want all men (particularly those nearest her) to yield to that. This is for all women, not some Jezebels.

    Lucifer tried to usurp the Order (God) above him. He then taught humans to do the same: males would strive to be gods; women would strive to selfishly control and influence men; and children wanted to become adults faster. God said to Eve, “Your desire shall be for (toward) your husband, and he will rule over you” (Gen. 3:16) and said to Cain, “Sin lies at the door, and its desire is for (toward) you, but you should rule over it.” The Hebrew word for “desire” is the same in both verses and has to do with CONTROL: “Your desire shall be TO CONTROL your husband” and “[Sin’s] desire is TO CONTROL you”. Just as surely as sin wants to be the final (and only) word in a human’s life, the effect of the Fall makes all females want to be the final (and only) word in the lives of males, especially males close to them. Most people aren’t aware of this, but it is fact. It’s everywhere, in every nook and cranny. It’s not flattering, but it’s the Bible’s testimony.

    I noticed that modern ‘anti-feminist’ women are unaware that they would be ‘one of those feminists’ if a few things were different in their own lives (eg. if they weren’t pretty/getting attention from men; if they’d been sexually abused by a man and it ruined their lives; if they didn’t have enough security in life; etc.). We naturally like to think we’re better than we really are. Only sanctification can make us ‘better. There was a time in college when I’d chide my little sister for spending so much time in online chatrooms. I 100% believed that ‘something was wrong with her’ and I wasn’t like her. About two months later, I found myself in online chatrooms, hooked worse than my sister. I even broke into a computer lab on campus one evening and chatted online till morning. I was an addict. All-night chatting affected my classes. I learned my lesson (Jesus’s story of the publican and sinner): when we think we are good or better or ‘not as bad as’ someone else, we are ALWAYS at least ‘as bad as’ that person and often worse.

    In my teens, girls said I was the most eligible bachelor and were surprised that I wasn’t already married (true story). My girlfriend a few years after told me that girls didn’t approach me because they were intimidated as I came across as wealthy and INDEPENDENT. In college, some girls acted like I wanted to steal their men. The Jezebel in the Rochester, NY church would react the same when I talked to her pastor husband. They knew that I and their men weren’t gay; they simply sensed I was immune to their COUNTERFEIT FEMININITY (received at the Fall) and that my ‘immunity’ would rub off on and cause their men to no longer be ‘weak to females’: “Do not let your adornment (good looks) be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel— rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God” (1Peter 3:3-4). The same ‘spirit’ (attitude) that presented in a mature Jezebel in her 60s presented in teen female friends and ‘innocent’ college girls.

    I learned in dating that if a woman wants me to change my values because she’s ‘weak’ and ‘has needs’, then we really have nothing in common (unequal yoke). The Bible only mentions Jezebel twice; both times, it’s a female. There’s a reason. The second mention was by Jesus Himself who said plainly, “You permit that woman, Jezebel.” He came to Thyatira with fiery eyes (discernment and judgment) and bronze feet (warfare and judgment) because Jezebel ruled there and is a malignant, rancourous, aggressive spirit that can only be rooted out through [spiritual] violence (Jonas Clark wrires an excellent book on it and its ‘hostile companions’:

    Jezebel Seducing Goddess of War by Jonas Clark

    Jesus didn’t speak to Jezebel; He spoke to the male leaders who winked on Jezebel as a ‘weaker vessel’: “You allow that woman, Jezebel.” That’s not nice, is it.

    Until we start calling things as they are, God’s Kingdom will continue to be stunted. Look at the churches around you; I have seen God make inroads into several churches and christian gatherings only to be driven out. He isn’t the One who doesn’t want to show up; He’s always right at the door when two or more christians get together. It is and always will be our own wrong mindsets, sins, rejection of Him, and lack of understanding that prevent Him. We aren’t waiting on God; He’s waiting for us (Jeremiah 6:16). The Jezebel-led Rochester, NY church was praying for revival but didn’t want to get rid of the satanists (the FIRST of several steps God would give before revival), therefore, there would be no revival. We can’t keep neglecting “the little foxes” (bad things we ‘should’ overlook) because they look harmless, because they “destroy the vine” when left alone and make God’s Vineyard (Church) sterile. So, if the Jezebel spirit is blaring its horns through a man and is hiding in a woman, we must discern, expose, and weed it out in both of them. Human beings are born in sin; I’m not going to ‘wink on’ sin because it’s in a cute little baby or overlook evil because it’s in a cute little lovebird.

  111. Snoopy It Is says:

    “How good and how pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity” (Psalm 133). Reading the comments on Andrew Strom’s 2016 Trump post, I desperately miss online ‘fellowship’ with like-minded brethren– all the sensibility and logic, honesty and self-control, genuine goodwill and selfless opinions, open hearts and agreeableness. Reading through the comments about Trump’s day-old presidency, I paused on the following one by Steve Cooper, a fellow American (lest my words against the bone-dry dead christians who populate the landscape of America seem to come from bitterness and a wrong spirit) in whose words one can sense the self-possession (temperance) that is present in most of the commenters on Strom’s site:

    “Trump was elected as President. The job has a job description: support and defend the Constitution. He is NOT the King, nor is he the National Pastor or – God forbid! – a substitute messiah.

    “Most American Christians are not Christians in the Biblical sense. They are church-goers, or people who ‘believe’ the Bible in an abstract or academic sense, but whose true loyalties lie elsewhere. Maybe 2% of Americans are disciples of Christ; most of the rest are savorless salt.

    “Trump is not called to change that. He is, at best, a tourniquet to stop the hemorrhaging and maybe level the playing field a little bit. Those who have wielded political power in the recent past have labored to force cultural change with power. Maybe Trump can stop, or at least slow, that sort of abuse.

    “The liberals, sodomites, blacks and other groups have their own cultures and they close ranks when their shared objectives are challenged. Christians do not have a distinctive culture in this country. We don’t have community, we don’t love each other or trust each other …. truth be told: we hardly even know each other. We get together in our ‘Christian’ community centers (which is what most American churches are) every week for entertainment and an ‘uplifting message.’ Then we go out into the world and become indistinguishable from it. Trump can’t change that, nor is he expected to. The best he can do is get the government off our backs and out of our pockets. With a little more freedom and a little more money, Christians can properly be expected to grow up in all things in Christ.

    “In America, they probably won’t. Instead, they will buy larger screen TV sets for their ‘sanctuaries’ and go out for dinner more often.

    “Trump may be a judgment against the American church, though it’s certainly too soon to tell. Perhaps he will just give us more rope so we can hang ourselves.

    “I think God has been gracious. Most Americans have no idea of how profoundly evil Hillary and her ilk are. We should respond to God’s grace by turning off our TV sets and turning our hearts toward God, and then living obedient lives in these final moments of history before Jesus returns. But that is probably asking too much of most Americans. I can only hope I’m wrong, and that we will realized how good God has been to us. Because truth be told, had Hillary been elected, even she would have been better than we deserve.”


  112. Agreed the Clintons are profoundly evil, as are the Bushes and Obamas. It is amazing that more people can’t see it, even people who can see other things quite clearly.

    • Snoopy It Is says:

      Of course. It’s not necessarily easy to have a forum anyway. There’s the aspect of monitoring it which definitely can take a lot of time from your day. Strom had one or two administrators to help manage his forum. It’s easy for things to get out of hand when you have a forum too. I think one of the reasons Strom closed the forum was because it was easier for him to just shut it down than to maintain it; in that Western way, he was running it by himself– the single pastor pattern rather than the biblical ‘plurality of elders’ model. It already wasn’t easy to maintain it through one or more administrators. Add to that Strom’s own life with his wife, several kids, and ministry. Anything ‘extra’ would be cause for overwhelm.

      On Strom’s forum, the enemy moved in when the opportunity presented itself, first using one person who didn’t like to submit to anyone who was in a position of authority over him and then handing the baton to a Jezebel who would strike the final blow. If believers were more cohesive and were more accustomed to working together rather than separately, that would have made all the difference on that forum. The time, space, and things we tend to guard for ourselves and our private lives are recognized in the spirit realm, instead, as a lack of unity (cohesion), and satan always exploits and will always exploit a lack of unity just as satan’s servants do (eg. the so-called coronavirus pandemic).

      If not for our Western individualism, there would have been enough cohesion (a plurality of leaders with mutual submission to each other) on Strom’s forum. Strom would’ve then removed the troublemakers, the Jezebel in particular. A unity of administrators would have ‘smelled out’ any troublemakers before any contentiousness even surfaced (or/and would submit to and test any word from someone else on the forum who warned about a specific person, because there were many prophetic people on the forum). With cohesion (spiritual unity), the forum would have still been up to this day, Strom always ready and willing to judge the troublemakers, because the enemy finds and uses wolves in sheep’s clothing to exploit every hole and weakness among God’s people.

      The Corinthian Church was told to put out a member for a while according to God’s will so he could learn his lesson but to receive him back into fellowship immediately after he learned his lesson so that he wouldn’t be isolated apart from God’s will which is where satan trafficks. (The isolation was God’s will only for a period of time. After that time period, the isolation became satan’s will, not God’s.) Paul told the Corinthians regarding this issue, “[Let us all receive him back, being in UNITY with God’s will and with each other] in order that satan should not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.” (2Cor. 2:1-11.) Strom’s once-thriving forum– shut down because satan exploited ‘our’ ignorance and outwitted (triumphed over) ‘us’. Lesson learned. I wouldn’t be hasty to start a forum if I were you, unles you and a TEAM of administrators and moderators (not just one or two) have settled among yourselves and the Lord that you will you will let only God’s wisdom be your guide in overseeing it.

    • You talk as if you know Hillary Clinton well. Have you ever met her? Or spoken to her personally? Clearly, you haven’t even read the Pizzagate emails then or you would not be defending her.

  113. goose says:

    RE: Trump & Hillary

    It is all controlled, all of it!

    “If voting made a difference, it would be illegal.”

    People huddle around black mirrors (TV, computer, phone, tablet) with flicking images. They base most of what they know apart from work/school on such media. For a very small amount of time they present people to choose from to vote for. Anyone not on the chosen list to debate or participate in the event as a potential runner is removed, sometimes even arrested. DEM/REP is the same coin, just two sides.

    Why isn’t Hillary in jail? Didn’t Trump say something about jail and her while she was right there during the debates? No, once elected, he said something about her being a good person, not wanting to send her to jail, or whatever else the orange man said.

    You have more choices in the meat show on parade that is Miss America an like pageants.

    It’s all a show, a great big joke. Once elected, popular media goes on the attack and the dog and pony show comedians on TV mock for comedy. It’s just a big magic show and most people are BLIND. B.L.I.N.D.

    • Snoopy It Is says:

      Yes, it is all controlled. Trump used to hang with the Clintons and had Henry Kissinger as a handler (basically), so nothing good can come out of that. However.

      There are different dynamics to the issue. God told lucifer in the Garden that his killing Jesus would be his own demise. Many years later, lucifer, who is no slouch in the wisdom department, went and killed Jesus. How could a brilliant angel who was said to be “full of wisdom” have made such a mistake? God’s wisdom is greater. He has a way of making things plain and hidden like no one else can (satan does mimic this but for evil):

      “We speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory, 8 which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory” (1Cor. 2).

      That’s how God talks; He says one thing and means a thousand different things. The vessel whom the Pharaoh took in to raise would turn out to turn on him and liberate his slaves: Moses. God does what He pleases. Right now, there are at least four different things that demand and call for America’s fall: God, satan, spiritual laws (judgment meted out on wickedness, called ‘karma’ by most), and history. There are times in the Bible where it shows that God and satan are ‘on the same page’ as far as judgment (never mercy). 1Kings 22 is the prime example. satan is always eager to steal, kill, and destroy.

      Sometimes, God requires destruction, judgment, or even testing and will often use satan to do it who is so willing that God can summon him at any time and he’ll always agree if it has to do with torment, harm, and destruction: “The Lord said to Satan, ‘Have you considered My servant Job'” (Job 1:8) and “Simon, Simon, satan has asked for you that he may [test/destroy you]” (Luke 22:31). America is an ocean liner at sea, made of nothing but popsicle sticks underneath its beautiful paint, driven by a ‘storm’ and headed at breakneck speed for a cliff face. There is no turning back or reversing the course. No matter who is president– even if the enemy wasn’t controlling it and it wasn’t all contrived drama– America as a ship must go down. I believe that in the Heavenly Courtroom when both good and evil angels congregate with God as Judge, they all have agreed that this must be (refer to Micaiah’s vision in 1Kings 22. Like the Titanic, God will save some out of America, but the ship (nation) itself must sink. It would be good to hear what you have to share about the course of what’s going on now. I think I and others would benefit.

    • Pat Johnston says:

      Pizzagate was proven fake news a long time ago. You want me to be convinced, you post a factual site and I’ll look at it. Right now, my focus is on stopping a real criminal and his under reaction to the pandemic. Maybe it’s time to get in the present and quit letting boogie people’s fake news of the past keep you up and fretting at night. That is exactly how Trump and the Devil roll. They give you fake fears, so you don’t see how they are manipulating and failing you. How are you so wise to know that it is true? You don’t know who Hillary is, anymore than I do. I rely on the professional free press. You seem to rely on whatever, conspiracy, bizarro fake news outlet, you read.

      • If ever there was evidence that Satan is god of this world as the Bible says (2 Cor 4:4), it is in Pizzagate. What happened subsequently with all the fake news that Pizzagate is fake news is also evidence that the media – particularly in the form of evidence on the internet – cannot be trusted in any way, shape or form. We are not so astounded by the massive extent of the fake news that Pizzagate is fake news (check it out on Google) as we would have been if we had not seen a similar situation where it seemed the whole internet was full of fake news articles, which flew in the face of the facts, not once but twice before.

        Most people would believe the huge number of articles – in this case claiming that Pizzagate is fake news – as if they represented the weight of evidence, which they absolutely do not. They simply represent the large number of professional writers who will write whatever they are paid to write, and the massive number of fake sites for them to use – which look perfectly genuine – and they don’t care whether it is true or false. This is a modern version of the situation which God referred to in Jeremiah 6:13 “For from the least of them to the greatest, all are greedy for gain. From prophet to priest, all practise deceit”.

        So do we believe what we are told to believe, or what seems to be right to us, or do we believe what God said? That is the crux of so many issues, we choose either to believe what God has told us through the Bible or to believe something else.

        There can be no doubt that the Podesta brothers (John Podesta was Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager) are paedophiles. There can be no doubt that emails written by Hillary and a number of people to Hillary contained code words which without a shadow of doubt related to paedophilia. There also can also be no doubt that the “Comet Ping Pong” pizzeria was a centre for paedophilia. The weight of evidence is overwhelming and includes the shocking art involving paedophilia and cannibalism which should not even be legal. Yet the restaurant is still open and they say, doing well.

        Those who blew the whistle, Julian Assange (Wikileaks) and Alex Jones were ‘dealt with’, as we know. Although they could have easily ended up on the ‘Clinton Body Count’ that would have been a bit too blatant and would very likely have drawn too much attention to the Clinton Body Count itself which is something they probably correctly felt was not worth the risk and also unnecessary as they had other means…

        For more details and an excellent explanation, please see the following link and in particular, a clear explanation about the code words and also the restaurant that is still open for business and doing fine, thank you: “30 ‘Things You Need to Know’ About James Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong”.

        Pizzagate is Anything but Fake News

        Many people have been waiting for the ‘pandemic’ which would enable the NWO to bring about their one-world government with a heavily vaccinated reduced population and cashless society, etc. in preparation for the antichrist. It’s very convenient that this ‘pandemic’ – caused by a virus which according to its genetic make-up is said by prominent academics to be man-made (probably from the high-grade bioweapons laboratory in Wuhan) – for the most part kills people who are sick and elderly.

        Some were surprised that this ‘pandemic’ came quite so soon, so suddenly out of the blue. Some have suggested that there is a reason for that, as the Satanists have been made to feel feeling uncomfortable of late with so much information leaking out about them, in particular via the internet and Youtube etc., it has been hard work keeping a lid on it. Clearly they have been running scared as too many people knowing too much about them and their operations. To the point that they felt compelled to take the requisite action that would focus people’s attention on something else people would see as far more important. To that end, there weren’t many options open to them and as David Icke has said, a pandemic ticks so many of their boxes.

    • Snoopy It Is says:

      In your other comment, which doesn’t have a reply option, you wrote:

      “What happened subsequently with all the fake news that Pizzagate is fake news is also evidence that the media – particularly in the form of evidence on the internet – cannot be trusted in any way, shape or form.”

      Very true, along with everything else you said in that post. In John 3, Jesus said that people who do evil are afraid to come into the light for fear of exposure. It’s a very hard life to live to be hiding in the shadows all the time, even when you’re out in the sunshine.

  114. Snoopy It Is says:

    Okay, I’ve posted the following video twice both last week and a minute ago, and it seems to vanish in cyberspace. Truth in Reality, did you find the following video on this page anywhere?

    Anyway, again, it’s 58 minutes and is the most sobering video I’ve seen about everything that is currently happening (COVID-19, human hybridization, AI, MK Ultra, etc.).


  115. Snoopy It Is says:

    Someone I trust emailed me this video. I haven’t seen it yet (it’s 55 minutes), but I’m posting it here so I don’t later forget:


  116. Rena says:

    In the prayer, you should use loose not bind. Bind is attaching something to you. Loose is releasing it.

    • Snoopy It Is says:

      The terms ‘bind’ and ‘loose’ can mean different things in the spirit realm (where it really counts) in different instances. Today, ‘bind’ can actually mean ‘loose’ for a situation; then tomorrow, for the exact same situation, ‘bind’ means the opposite thing as it did the day before.

      When a deliverance minister, ministering to ‘common demonization’, tells demons to leave a person and to go to ‘the pit’, the demons might do just that. However, if the same minister is ministering to a person who went through satanic ritual abuse, then telling the demons in that person to leave them and to go to ‘the pit’ might have a totally different effect.

      A woman once ministered to an occult victim and tried this. The demons ‘left’ but were later found deeper inside the occult victim. Through the teaching and revelation of the Holy Spirit, she and the occult victim both learned that occultists who victimize innocent people through satanic ritual abuse always do all they can to preempt their victim’s deliverance through lots of trickery, booby traps, deception, and complexity within their victim’s bondage structure. Eg. Through what is called *’magic surgery’* create a ‘pit’ inside the person’s *inner spirit world* (everyone has an inner spirit world in which spiritual structures can then be created; your spirit world is part of where you go when you sleep and dream). This is so if a minister was to ‘cast out’ demons and command them to go to ‘the pit’, the demons might indeed leave the place they occupied in the person only to go deeper into the person’s spirit world to ‘the pit’ that was made there for them. They can remain in the person this way, often undetected.

      Because spiritual warfare is not as simple as it often is made to be (nor as complicated as it’s sometimes made to be), there really is no ‘one size fits all’ approach. ‘Binding’ and ‘loosing’ don’t always mean the same things; the spirit realms (and spiritual warfare) are vast. Therefore, as the Bible states from the beginning, it is always best– when approaching anything that deals with spiritual warfare– to let the HOLY SPIRIT lead. We only know what we’ve been told is true and what we believe to be true. Those two sources aren’t near reliable enough. But the Holy Spirit knows everything.

      Magic Surgery; The Inner World

      • Thank you very much for your comment and particularly for the link which we will include in an article about SRA for publication sometime in the near future, probably in 2023.

        • Snoopy It Is says:

          Is the article to be published on this site? If so, that would be good.

        • Snoopy It Is says:

          Okay. Well regarding the article, it’s a case of ‘chew the meat and spit out the bones’. You take all good no matter where it comes from and reject all evil no matter where it comes from. The article was written by Patricia Baird Clark. Svali probably never met Patricia and says on her site that Patricia is godly or something like that. That is anything but the truth.

          Patricia Baird Clark is the wife of the pastor of the church I attended in 2006 in Rochester, NY– the church where the pastor’s wife resisted the Holy Spirit, protected the satanists, and turned her back on the survivors of satanic ritual abuse. She’s the one who had me put out of the church for uncovering the satanists (because it wasn’t ‘good for business’). Never let what a person knows, writes, says, or even does [in your presence] be your own personal judgment of the person. Here’s a brief rundown of my experience with Patricia Baird Clark and Frank Stoner Clark (the pastor and her husband) in their church in 2006 and a little explanation of how ‘such a thing’ is even possible.

          As you know, I’ve mentioned several times on this site how I went to a church in Rochester, NY in 2006 where God uncovered seven satanists, but I never said what church it was or who the main players were. This is probably a good time. I heard about Patricia in 2005 and ordered her first book about RA/ritual abuse (the article titled ‘Magic Surgery and the Formation of the Inner World’ is taken from that book). Patricia had her site up at that time, but there were no pictures of videos of her, Stoner, or anyone else at that time. The Holy Spirit confirmed to my spirit that everything in her first book was true and fact. But the Holy Spirit, who shows no partiality, also alerted me of a negative or ungodly or evil undertow in her book which crept just beneath the surface of all the splendid truths recorded on the pages. The alert came when I realized that Patricia chose to use feminine personal pronouns (she, her, hers) rather than either the normal masculine pronouns or both pronouns. As she said in chapter 9 as well, she believed that females were ritually abused more than males. Whether or not this is true wasn’t the issue; it was her tone– her spirit (attitude) when she wrote that.

          I began corresponding with Patricia starting in late 2005. Then in early summer of 2006, I received two visions of Patricia. The first vision was about God the Father’s will for Patricia first, and then Stoner as well: in it, Patricia and Stoner rowing a tiny waterlogged rowboat on a rushing river. Everything around them was dead or dying (dead trees, no flowers of colors, and no greenery on the riverbanks, etc.). Patricia sat in front of Stoner in the rowboat (always bad news) and determined the course of the boat. When she saw a waterfall 50 yards ahead, she began to turn the boat around in a panic. Then God showed me the other side of the waterfall: His hand waited to catch the rowboat going (in faith) over the edge and to set it on the still waters on that side. And everywhere were angels, greenery, living trees, fruits, flowers, colors, and PEACE. Seveal hours after the vision, I heard a sermon about Noah’s Ark. Then God told me that Patricia’s ministry was a rowboat powered by man but that He wanted to give her a ministry like Noah’s ark, much larger, capable of saving far more souls, and powered by God.

          The second vision was about Jesus’s will for Patricia: He wanted her to be one of His ‘favored daughters’ who would court the favor of others. In the vision, I saw her in a robe of many colors, dancing before Jesus with joy. Then the Lord led me to Psalm 45: “The royal daughter is all glorious within the palace; her clothing is woven with gold. She shall be brought to the King in robes of many colors; the virgins, her companions who follow her, shall be brought to You. With gladness and rejoicing they shall be brought; they shall enter the King’s palace.” Jesus meant to favor Patricia and make her ‘one of His favorites’; but Patricia turned away to seek the favor of man instead. In her book, Patricia says that there came a time long ago when she cried out to God to give her a ministry that glorified Him, not an average ministry like most. God had given her this desire and answered it by sending RA survivors literally to her door.

          Patricia began well, but there was iniquity in her heart that she had never dealt with– the same iniquity that is usually overlooked by people who want ‘a ministry’: she wanted her own ministry (because her husband had his as a pastor). All ministry belongs to God. When we go chasing ministry positions, there is usually iniquity in our hearts meaning our motives are impure. Even while crying out for what God put in her heart, Patricia wanted the prestige and recognition that can come with being in a leadership position where people see you as an ‘expert’. That’s why Jeremiah 17 says, “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand (apprehend and fully understand) it?” God then answers, “I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.” God knows why people do what they do and why they want to do what they do. He allows anyone into ministry who wants to be there, but those who “cherish (hold on to) iniquity in [their] heart” (Psalm 66:18) will hear from Him in that Day, “I never knew you.” As time passed, Patricia’s iniquity surfaced (as it always will), and she went from simply helping survivors to only using them to build her own fame and name. All her books and articles are written from her learning from survivors. A few months after I was put out of her church, she wrote an article about satanists infiltrating churches. She wrote it as if it was her own wisdom, but she learned it after I had been there. By the time I went to her church in 2006, she’d been in her fallen state for quite some time. She was now aiding and abetting and protecting satanists, the very opposite of what she and those who minister to RA survivors are called to do.

          Here is Patricia’s site: https://www.hispresenceonline.org/. Eat the meat and spit out the bones. Jesus said that ministers are known by their fruits, not by their successes, failures, or public personas. Svali apparently doesn’t know much about Patricia, but anyone who visits her church and chooses discernment over “Let’s all just get along” will see it clearly. The vision God showed me about Patricia leading the church rather than Stoner, the pastor, was exactly right. Before I went to the church, Patricia said how much her church desired revival; but when God comes near, everyone is exposed. When I went there, Patricia saw the winds of revival begin to blow and, just like in the first vision, she changed her mind and turned the church and her ministry (the rowboat) away from God. And what I sensed in my spirit about her perfectly-written book along with the vision where she sat in front of her husband (the Jezebel spirit in operation, exposed in the book by Patricia’s belief that “men are bad and women are good”– shown in her seemingly harmless need to paint survivors in the feminine pronouns only) was right. When I received the visions, I saw both Patricia’s and Stoner’s faces though I had not at that time met them; when I met them, they were the same people in the vision. It proves, again, that people don’t know more than what is surface and that God knows everything and that we all should “judge nothing before the time, UNTIL the Lord comes” and imparts the facts or the full story.

          • Snoopy It Is says:

            I feel it’s necessary again to say that there are many truths (many, many) on Patricia’s site and that whatever truth a person finds there they should hold on to. (I especially like the revelation that the demonized Gadarene who was under the control of Legion in the Bible was in fact a survivor of satanic ritual abuse.) Everyone, however, is different. I can be open to any ministry until/unless I find that they are not practicing what they preach, they are rejecting God (even while ‘ministering for Him’), or they are wolves in sheep’s clothing. I myself (not everyone) can no longer continue receiving anything from that ministry, even if what they teach is true, because my conscience won’t allow me (this is why God wants to show us the good and the bad in any situation– so we can be led by the Holy Spirit and not by our preferences or ignorance). My spirit is fed not by ‘truths’ but by Truth. People who speak truths and don’t live it don’t have the Truth. Ie. they aren’t ‘in Christ’ and are not saved at all. This passage is especially fitting in these last days:

            “Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us.

            “But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things. I have not written to you because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and that no lie is of the truth.

            “Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

            “Therefore let that abide in you which you heard from the beginning. If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, you also will abide in the Son and in the Father. And this is the promise that He has promised us— eternal life.

            “These things I have written to you concerning those who try to deceive you. But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.” (1John 2:18-27.)

        • Snoopy It Is says:

          It’s going be very interesting as we move towards the election. lucifer is brilliant, which works for him, but is subject to the iniquity in him, which always works against him. The urgency behind the globalists is making it more apparent to more and more people that something isn’t right. The following petition already has four times more than it needed. We have a lot of time between now and November 3, 2020, so we can expect anything but a smooth presidential race and an undisturbed America.


        • Valley Ant says:

          Hi. Long time. Have you made that other site or page for discussions of satanic ritual abuse?

  117. Snoopy It Is says:

    12-minute video on some of the ‘inhuman humans’ in our leadership, Joe Biden and his ‘love’ for children and Hillary Clinton (and her aide and right hand woman) and their all-consuming ‘hate’ for humanity featuring.


  118. Snoopy It Is says:

    I was going to share the following page/video– Brian Rose’s interview of Dr. Rashid Buttar– hours ago but never got around to it because I’m still watching the video myself. In the video, Dr. Buttar– who has been censored on YouTube for speaking up– continues to share what he has learned about COVID-19, Dr. Fauci’s illegal and criminal actions, and other related topics. Buttar is very believable, so I pray he can stay alive. So far, the interview is definitely interesting.


  119. Snoopy It Is says:

    The following ‘Plandemic Documentary’ was recently pulled from YouTube for “violating community guidelines”. BitChute reposted the video on its site.

    The Plandemic Documentary – The Hidden Truth Behind Covid-19

  120. Snoopy It Is says:

    I hope this video blesses someone.

  121. Gem says:

    God bless you he will come when you least expect!

    • Valley Ant says:

      Was that to me?

      I just saw this comment. I hadn’t checked my emails for one account since January 2021, so I’ve been catching up since yesterday and saw this email. Not sure if your comment was for me or someone else.

Comments are welcome....